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The truce Sean Northage

Ice and snow crunch under foot as they run past branches and leaves a blur of motion a hearts pounding breath fogging, They know they are closing in on their pray it weaves left and right as the pack close in. To the right is a newer sound a crunch of a boot the wisp of an arrow removed from a quiver the pack freeze their pray escapes. Run run I smell a human near we must get out of here. No we are alpha we will not be scared off by interlopers on our land we have been here for longer than they have. A whisper later and a wolf falls an arrow in its side a fatal wound death comes quick and sharp the remaining pack run into the night leaving their fallen comrade to whatever the humans have in mind. Back at the wolves den the alpha calls the council to order to discuss the hunting partys actions You were sent to get food yet here you stand empty and a pack member down. What do you have to say for yourself? Sire we encountered humans in the chase, we were powerless before we knew what was happening Fortis had parted this life. Thats a lie came a shout from the pack sat behind the head of the hunt leader. The head hunter turned to the crowd and snarled a warning to the objector. Bite your tongue shade before I remove it. The anger in the hunt leaders eyes was stifling but shade didnt back down. The hunt in that area has become so perilous for many a day and night the humans are closer and better prepared than last winter and Fortis has been slow for some time now, we have questioned the discion to have him in the hunting party for a long time now but you ignored us all even Fortis had said he was slowing down. Is this true hawker have you been ignoring the wishes of your party? Sire they are young and foolish they dont understand the honor of being hunters for the pack Hawker you seem to have forgotten that shade and the other younglings are the future of this pack without them we will be no more. what you need to do is allow the pack to enter the human territories and take back what is ours take back the forest the younglings arent the future while the humans have the forest have you forgotten

the power and control of the forest that your father had it is you that seem to have forgotten what the pack mean. Bowing his head and closing his eyes in contemplation the king inhaled deeply then looked directly at hawker with a fire burning in his eyes a fire of pure anger You dare to stand before this council of true alphas and accuse me of neglecting the pack I am the pack leader by blood and you are only a lowly hunter you may be called alpha but you will never be king My father may have past but our goal is the same we need to either coexist or find a balance. So his death for nothing. Fortiss passing is a blow to the pack but challenging the humans would be akin to death I will not put the pack in jeopardy in that way is that clear Hawker as for the future of the pack the council will discuss this matter deeper. I understand sire. Then this council will finish there and we shall reconvene when the sun rises. However before we finish shade I wish to speak to you alone. An audible sigh of shock and fear rose from the crowd as the filtered out into the midnight cold. Shade you must learn to hold your tongue you are young and ambitious but you are not an alpha and hawker was right it is an honor to be on the hunting party but it is one that can easily be removed, The humans and wolves can and will find a balance so do not fret.

As the sun rose through the trees the council reconvened and it was agreed that a scout would go out and see what the humans were up to. Shadow you must report back before sundown as to the extent of the danger we face from the humans is that understood. Yes my lord I understand. As she ran through the forest shadow felt free almost gliding on an invisible cushion of air the felt immortal as if she was the wind itself. Reaching a clearing shadow froze as in front of her lay a human male who smelled of blood and fear. The human looked at her and his eyes said I dont want it to end like this Unsure what to do shadow turned and ran back to report to the king of her findings Sire sire there is a human in the forest he is deathly wounded and may not live long. Where is this human Shadow I must go to him?

Sire there may be more it may be a trap a member of the council said No moonlight that is not there style humans arent that wise this may be our chance to find the balance we require. Very well sire but I must beg of you to take someone with you Very well moonlight I shall take shade with me it will be a fine opportunity to demonstrate what I was saying to him. The wolf king and shade ran through the forest as fast as their paws would carry them hoping to get to the human before the cold hand of death did. Shade I want you to stay in the tree cover and just observe how I handle this. Very well my lord.

Sniffing the air and tasting the coppery tang of blood the wolf kind stepped into the light and approached the wounded human. Speaking to the human through its mind a skill long forgotten by the human and its shock showed on its palling face. I see you understand me. Ye-e-e-ess. Replied the human with a mixture of fear and cold Good I can help you return to your den on the condition that we can find a balance where we can both exist in this forest without anymore death and sadness. Do you agree? I-I-I-I agree we can find a balance. you may hunt freely in the forest as can we but if you use animals for their skin then the meat must be left for us in the pack but the moment your kin attack us our truce will be void and our hunting pack will be unleashed. Very well we will have a truce. Whispered the human Shade I require your assistance we must get this human to where his pack can find him or he will perish. With all their strength shade and the wolf kind dragged the human to the edge of their camp and stayed watching in the shadows until a pack member came and got him. From that day on the pack and the humans lived together in harmony when humans had their food and fur and the wolves thrived eventually Hawker grew too old for the hunt and that mantle was past to Shade who had a greater understanding and respect for what it meant not only to be wolf but to be part of the pack.

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