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Those who like their peace and quiet may be interested to learn that there can be too much quiet. Case in point is the anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories. Absorbing 99.99% of all sound, the chamber (built with double walls of insulated steel and foot-thick concrete, and lined with 3.3-foot-thick fiberglass acoustic wedges) is so quiet that it has earned the Guinness World Record distinction as the quietest place on earth. The only trouble is that no one has managed to stay inside the chamber for more than 45 minutes. It seems that ears adapt to total quiet by becoming ultrasensitive to sounds that the body makes. These sounds are too disquieting to listen to for long. The anechoic chamber described above is so quiet that a person with an artificial heart valve can hear it open and close. Our goal is to provide you with everything you need to know to make the right decisions for your hearing health. Dont put off the enjoyment of the sounds in your life any longercome in and let us help you get back to the world of hearing. To schedule a hearing exam, please call Accura Audiology at 716-633-0721. We are located at 6645 Main St., Suite B in Williamsville where Better Hearing is Better Living.

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