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Mise-en-scene Mise-en-scene comes from the French term of creating a reality of a film very well.

It translates to what is placed in the frame. Everything that we see on screen has been deliberately put there to make the meaning - the furniture we see in a room or the costume that a character is wearing, or something more subtle such as the make-up that an actor wears. Things included in Mise-en-scene: Settings and props Costume, hair and make-up Facial expression and body language Lighting and colour Position of characters and objects within a frame Settings This is where the action of the film is taking place. They can help us understand when and where the film is set. Seeing the same character in different settings can also change our understanding of both the plot and also the character. Setting can also suggest the genre, or type, of film - romance, comedy, thriller etc. Props Props can be can be used to convey a general sense of the period that the film was set in. for example the props can highlight what decade the filming is in. Costume, hair and makeup can be key ingredients in signalling to the audience what time period the film is set in, the status of the characters, as well as other character information. Make-up can be used in different ways to create meaning. It may be used to make the characters look natural under the studio lighting. Or it may be used as part of the iconography of the genre. Facial expression and body language is based on the relationship between the actor and the director. The director decides what type of emotion they wish the actor to portray and asks the actor to walk or behave in a particular way. Lighting and Colour - Lighting can also be used to draw our attention to a particular characters actions, a significant object, or a particular part of a location or frame. Colours can be used to signify certain feelings or emotions. Positions of characters and objects within a frame help us understand when something significant is happening.

Mise-en-Scene Hotel Babylon: Immigration Raid Receptionist is dressed in white connotates her being like an angel. She warns the immigrants to hide so that they dont get caught, she saves them. As she is in white it also suggests she is innocent, she has some paper work in her hand which also suggests the cluelessness of when the police are walking through the door

Time: 0.14

The policemen walk through the door and they are in suits, this suggests that they are important people they display high authority. They seem to have very plane facial expressions they have no emotion. Time: 0.16 As soon as they reach the receptionist desk she acts all innocent and greets them as if they were a guest staying at the hotel. She acts all innocent but she knows exactly who they are and what theyre doing at the hotel. As soon as she realises that he is from immigration she uses a warn one of her employees. Jackie is wearing a red shirt which highlights her as being a loving and caring person towards the immigrants as she is protecting them so they dont get caught.

code to

Time: 0.37

Time: 0.54 The bars represents that the immigrants are trapped and they have no way out.

Time: 1.09

Time: 1.13

As I mentioned earlier Jackie is in a red shirt which connotates that she is a loving and caring person but also the fact that they have Jackies shirt on show in this scene connotates danger. Also the lighting is dark which also highlights the something bad is going to happen.

In this scene you can see that the carpet, hoover, wallpaper and Abraham are red. This highlights the danger that is about to happen.

Time: 1.38 In this scene, the woman is diabetic and she has collapsed onto the floor. One of the immigrants gets jam and rubs the jam on the inside of her gums. By him knowing what he is doing highlights that he must have been a doctor before. Time: 2.21 Again in this scene you can see the wallpaper and him in red which signifies the danger he is now in because he has been caught where he will now be sent back to his country. Time: 2.39 The receptionist tells Jackie to take the immigrants out of the lobby as she is trying to keep a good image for the hotel. This highlights that she isnt really all innocent and caring for the immigrants as all she cares about is the hotel and making sure the guests are treated nicely Time: 3.47

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