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time machine

alone in the room that is more spacious than usual its over, guess its over the story created by the two of us was also in vain I can believe it could be crumble so easily One mistake, got a one regret Nobody is perfect Even if I try say and hear it The pain wont heal no matter what Right now, if I could ride a time machine And go meet you I wouldnt wish for anything else Before the memories become distant and fleeting I need a time machine Time slows to a crawl when Im by myself The punishment for my mistake is severe The last words that you left behind Even now, I cant stop re-playing the refrain My heart still hurts Just one mistake, just one regrets Even now I still love you selfishly If Im able to meet you passing through time and space Even if its heading to the same conclusion, Im sure

There wont be any regrets remaining Yeah before the memories of us are forgotten Gimme a time machine

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