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Vastets Vanaa|
8, 5tenan|e 8ta||, 8e||| Vastet

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Copyrlqht 2005 Stephanle rall. Ihls uanual uay be qlven |reely to students as lonq
as the entlre uanual ls |ept lntact. ho text or portlon o| thls uanual uay be copled
or plaqlarlzed, unless quoted brle|ly as part o| |alr use' ln a revlew or other

|: H:: 1:|| |:a::: ss1 1||as::s|: |: H:: 1:|| |:a::: ss1 1||as::s|: |: H:: 1:|| |:a::: ss1 1||as::s|: |: H:: 1:|| |:a::: ss1 1||as::s|:

llease stop by the lleuent lnerqy Center |or Rel|l attuneuents, artlcles, e-courses,
audlo uedltatlons, dlstance heallnqs, e-boo|s, |oruus, and other enerqetlc
resources. l| you are a pro|esslonal Rel|l practltloner, you'll also want to add your
llstlnq to our |ree hollstlc 0lrectory.

lleuent lnerqy Center
www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

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lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

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lor thls course, lt ls assuued you have a baslc |nowledqe o| the cha|ras and the
body's enerqy systeu. You should also be a Rel|l Haster (or the equlvalent) wlth the
ablllty to send attuneuents to others. l| you do not |now uuch about the cha|ras,
there are plenty o| boo|s avallable on the subject, especlally at your local hew Aqe
boo|store (or onllne). Ihls uanual ls not lntended as an ln-depth exploratlon o| the
cha|ras, but ls ueant to explaln how the Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuents wor|.

Ihe Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuents are a power|ul way to send concentrated heallnq
enerqy to a specl|lc cha|ra. Ihe attuneuent clears out neqatlve enerqy ln the cha|ra,
re-allqns the cha|ra, and opens lt.

Ihe Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuents wor| to cleanse and heal the cha|ras |rou old
lssues and neqatlve enerqles that are belnq held there. A heallnq attuneuent ls ll|e a
super-charqed heallnq sesslon and ls an extreuely power|ul way to ua|e chanqes

Ihe Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuents wor| as attuneuents only - they are not a separate
Rel|l systeu wlth unlque syubols that are used durlnq a norual Rel|l heallnq
sesslon. You can certalnly qlve soueone a Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuent when
per|orulnq Rel|l. ut the attuneuent ls a dl||erent process than how you would use
a reqular Rel|l systeu.

You uay |lnd that the Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuent clears out lssues |aster and uore
coupletely than a reqular Rel|l treatuent. Ihere are plusses and ulnuses to thls. Ihe
plus ls how qulc|ly the attuneuents wor|. Ihe ulnus ls that souetlues, when a lot
o| enerqy ls uoved qulc|ly, the reclplent wlll experlence clearlnq syuptous.

Ihls could lnclude physlcal detox (qettlnq a cold, etc.) or euotlonal release
(experlenclnq soue euotlonal turuoll |ollowlnq the attuneuent). llease |now that
any clearlnq processes are teuporary and wlll ease as the enerqy adjusts to the new
level. however, you uay want to notl|y cllents be|orehand and as| theu whether
they are ready to accept the rapld chanqes that ulqht coue lnto thelr llves prlor to
recelvlnq the attuneuents.

|\ss 1:s|sg 1||as::s|:
lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou
Spaclnq out the attuneuents |or each cha|ra (over days, wee|s, or even uonths)
uay lessen clearlnq syuptous. use your quldance when decldlnq how to properly
space out attuneuents. lt wlll dl||er |or each person.

Ihose who have already run a lot o| heallnq enerqy (experlenced Rel|l lractltloners
and Rel|l Hasters) should experlence less ln the way o| clearlnq syuptous, because
they have wor|ed wlth the enerqy a lot already.

|\ss 1:s|sg 1||as::s|:

lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

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Ine /met|can |et|tae 0|ct|cnat, cl tne /n||sn |anaae, /cattn /d|t|cn de|lnes the
word cha|ra' as |ollows:

0ne cl tne seten centets cl s|t|taa| enet, |n tne naman ocd, accctd|n tc ,ca

Ihe word cha|ra derlves |rou the Sans|rlt ca|rau,' ueanlnq wheel or clrcle.
lndeed, the cha|ras are o|ten descrlbed as belnq wheels' o| enerqy.

Ihe cha|ras are centers o| enerqy that correspond to dl||erent areas o| the body as
well as dl||erent lssues we |ace as huuan belnqs.

lor exauple, the |lrst cha|ra ls located ln the base o| the splne. lt qoverns our overall
health (as well as the health o| sex orqans |or uen). lt rules our baslc securlty and
survlval ln ll|e: houe, career, |lnances, etc. when our |lrst cha|ra ls healthy, we are
healthler physlcally (less ll|ely to qet colds), and we are also uore able to uanl|est
securlty ln our llves throuqh solld careers and |lnanclal success. we also have uore
stable houe llves.

l| the |lrst cha|ra ls out o| whac|, lt uay be due to stress ln our physlcal world.
lerhaps we are ln the process o| uovlnq, we have just lost a job, or we have |ound
out that our lnvestuents have tan|ed. heallnq the |lrst cha|ra can help us cope
better wlth ll|e's stresses and becoue uore success|ul.

lach cha|ra has an area o| ll|e lt qoverns. Ihe |ourth or heart cha|ra qoverns our
ablllty to qlve and recelve love. Ihe slxth cha|ra (thlrd eye) qoverns our lntultlon. lt ls
help|ul to study the cha|ras and reueuber what each wor|s on. Ihen, when we
learn how to read cha|ras, we are better able to asslst our cllents ln thelr heallnq.

Ihe |ollowlnq paqe provldes a brle| overvlew o| each cha|ra and the areas lt covers.

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lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou
Ihe Cha|ras Ihe Cha|ras Ihe Cha|ras Ihe Cha|ras

7 77 7
th th th th
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: : : : Crown Crown Crown Crown (top o| head)
In|s cna|ta |s cat ccnnect|cn tc tne d|t|ne.

6 66 6
th th th th
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: Ihlrd lye : Ihlrd lye : Ihlrd lye : Ihlrd lye (ulddle o| |orehead)
Ine tn|td e,e |s cat centet cl |nta|t|cn and s,cn|c ao|||t,.

5 55 5
th th th th
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: :: : Ihroat Ihroat Ihroat Ihroat (throat area)
0at tc|ce, octn ||teta||, and l|atat|te|,. cteat|t|t,.

4 44 4
th th th th
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: :: : heart heart heart heart (center o| chest)
/o|||t, tc |te and tece|te |cte.

? ?? ?
rd rd rd rd
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: : : : Solar llexus Solar llexus Solar llexus Solar llexus (upper abdouen)
/etscna| cuet, ocandat|es, tctect|cn.

2 22 2
nd nd nd nd
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: :: : Sacral Sacral Sacral Sacral (lower abdouen)
/mct|cns and sesaa||t,.

1 11 1
st st st st
Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra Cha|ra: :: : Root Root Root Root (base o| splne)
8as|c n,s|ca| satt|ta|, mcne,, cateet, ncme, lcandat|cn, tcand|n.
|\ss 1:s|sg 1||as::s|:
lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

l| you spend any auount o| tlue ln the hew Aqe couuunlty, you wlll hear o| uany
alternatlve cha|ra theorles. Ihe uost couuon ls that we have uore than 7 cha|ras -
l have heard anywhere |rou 12 to 24 or even uorel l have even ta|en a class where
they clalued that our |lrst cha|ra was actually 8 dl||erent cha|ras ln onel

Ihls uay or uay not be true. lor our purposes, heallnq and clearlnq the standard 7
cha|ras ls enouqh to achleve drauatlc posltlve results ln soueone's ll|e.

You uay also read con|llctlnq reports on what each cha|ra does. Ihe uost qlarlnq
error l have ever read ln reqards to cha|ras actually caue ln a boo| wrltten by a very
well-respected hew Aqe author - Carollne Hyss. ln her boo| lnvlslble Acts o|
lower,' Hyss actually credlts the second cha|ra |or belnq our center o| |lnanclal
power. (Ihe conventlonal wlsdou |or uany years has been that |lnanclal and uoney
lssues reslde ln the |lrst cha|ra.)

Hyss ulsta|enly equates second cha|ra creatlve' power wlth the ablllty to uanl|est
our |lnanclal qoals. Actually, any creatlve power ln the second cha|ra ls uore sexual
power' or reproductlon - the |l|th cha|ra ls our true center o| creatlvlty ln the artlstlc
sense o| the word.

Hyss seeus to vlew the cha|ras as a sort o| uetaphor |or splrltual qrowth ln our
llves. l au not entlrely sure l| she has any |lrst-hand experlence readlnq cha|ras (lt
doesn't seeu that she does). She seeus to relate to theu uore on the level o|
uytholoqy and syubollsu (ln a sort o| Carl Junq way).

Reqardless, you'll |lnd that uany healers and leaders ln the hew Aqe couuunlty
have coupletely con|llctlnq concepts reqardlnq the cha|ras. So as you contlnue your
personal studles on cha|ras, read everythlnq wlth a qraln o| salt and base your |lnal
declslon on your own lntultlon and the tesa|ts your cllents qet when qlvlnq theu the
cha|ra attuneuents. And who |nows! lveryone's dl||erent. lerhaps one cllent needs
help wlth thelr heart cha|ra to qet thelr |lnances qolnq. You never |nowl

A |ew other polnts on cha|ra lanquaqlnq and theory:

Cha|ras Cha|ras Cha|ras Cha|ras - -- - 0pen or Closed! 0pen or Closed! 0pen or Closed! 0pen or Closed!
Soue healers wlll tell you that once you actlvely open your cha|ras, you uust close
theu aqaln when you are done uslnq theu (luuedlatelyl) so they don't lea|'
enerqy. l au not sure l| they are uslnq the saue concept l use when l say a cha|ra ls
open or closed.
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when l say a cha|ra ls open,' l uean the enerqy ls |lowlnq throuqh lt ln an even,
suooth, healthy way.

when l say a cha|ra ls closed,' l uean the cha|ra has shut down. Ihe enerqy ls not
|lowlnq. Ihe enerqy ls bloc|ed.

l trust that when a cha|ra ls healthy, lt |nows what to do to handle lts baslc
|unctlons, uuch ll|e your llver |nows how to |unctlon properly when lt ls |ree |rou
dlsease and toxlns. Ihere|ore, l personally do not see a need to actlvely dlrect a
cha|ra to open or shut ltsel|. when lt's healed, lt wlll do what lt needs to do

0lrectlon o| Spln 0lrectlon o| Spln 0lrectlon o| Spln 0lrectlon o| Spln
Soue healers suqqest that cha|ras should spln one way or another. Soue also
suqqest that a |ew cha|ras on uen spln ln the opposlte dlrectlon than they do on
wouen. l've even read souewhere that soue belleve a second cha|ra splnnlnq ln
the wronq dlrectlon can uean soueone ls houosexual (and suqqestlnq thls ls
souehow badl).

0ue to all these con|llctlnq reports, l don't bother wlth whlch dlrectlon a cha|ra splns
ln. l loo| at whether lt's open or closed and ls the enerqy |lowlnq ln an even way. l
trust the heallnq l send to qet the cha|ra splnnlnq ln whatever way lt needs to spln.

Cha|ra Color Cha|ra Color Cha|ra Color Cha|ra Color
Ihere are also con|llctlnq reports on what colors' the cha|ras are. Ihe ualn cha|ra
o| debate ls the heart cha|ra. Soue see lt as qreen, others see lt as pln|. l don't see
the cha|ras as havlnq colors per se. l thln| the colors are really what our huuan
bralns use to |ntettet the enerqy patterns the cha|ras have. l do not belleve the
cha|ras qlow wlth color ln the way a neon llqht does. ut, l| you do thln| they have
an lnherent color, that's |lne. Stlll, lt ls not necessary to |now the exact rlqht color a
cha|ra ls supposed' to be to heal lt. So don't |eel you need to qet hunq up on ltl

Cha|ra Slze Cha|ra Slze Cha|ra Slze Cha|ra Slze
l don't rate cha|ras based on slze so uuch as whether the enerqy ls over-actlve or
under-actlve. An over-actlve cha|ra (wlth too uuch enerqy) can be a probleu as
uuch as an under-actlve cha|ra (that has too llttle enerqy). 0l||erent people have
dl||erent slzed cha|ras naturally. You can judqe whether a cha|ra ls over-actlve or
under-actlve by couparlnq lts level o| enerqy |low to the other cha|ras. l| any one
cha|ra ls hlqhly actlve, uuch uore so than coupared to the others, or one ls hlqhly
under-actlve, then the person's cha|ra systeu ls out o| balance.
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what you want ls |or all 7 cha|ras to be open (enerqy |lowlnq) ln an even uanner.
Ihey should all have the saue qeneral rate o| enerqy |low (all the saue slze' as lt

Ihe uost luportant lssue wlth cha|ras (ln uy oplnlon) ls to reuove neqatlve enerqy
and bloc|s that |eep the cha|ra |rou |unctlonal at lts best naturally. Ihe Cha|ra
heallnq Attuneuents reuove that neqatlve enerqy. You do not have to do extra
wor| to uanlpulate the cha|ras beyond the attuneuent. So you don't have to worry
about what slze, shape, or color a cha|ra ls. Ihe attuneuent wlll handle all o| that |or

|\ss 1:s|sg 1||as::s|:
lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

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Hany people clalu they can see' cha|ras. ut l| you can't naturally read auras or
enerqy wlth your na|ed eyes, how can you read cha|ras!

0ne standard way o| dolnq a readlnq ls to close your eyes, tune lnto the person and
cha|ra, and record what your ulnd sees. Ihls ls where we have a lot o| tal| about
cha|ras loo|lnq ll|e uany-petaled |lowers o| certaln colors. Ihls ls how our ulnd
o|ten percelves a cha|ra. Ihls ls an lnterpretatlon o| the enerqy our braln creates to
enable us to qrasp the enerqy ln ways that |lt our three-dluenslonal worldvlew.

y vlsuallzlnq the cha|ra, we ulqht percelve dar|' spots as belnq stuc| neqatlve
enerqy. we uay see the cha|ra as closed. we uay see lt splnnlnq uore slowly than
other cha|ras. l| thls uethod o| cha|ra readlnq wor|s |or you, qreatl

l| you aren't so qreat at uental vlsuallzatlon, here ls another uethod l use that ls
dlrect and easy. (And l don't have to worry about uy braln ua|lnq stu|| up or uy
ulnd wanderlnql)

what you'll need ls a standard penduluu (soue sort o| welqhted object on a chaln).
Ihe best penduluus to use |or cha|ra readlnqs have a solld welqht to theu but
aren't so heavy they are hard to uove.

You uay have to practlce swlnqlnq the penduluu uanually at |lrst to qet lt qolnq,
especlally |or a dlstance readlnq. As you contlnue to practlce, the penduluu wlll start
to uove uore easlly o| lts own accord.

0o not worry that you have to |eep your aru per|ectly stlll or that ueans you are
cheatlnql lenduluus wor| based on the subtle uoveuents o| your body. So lt's 0K l|
your body uoves a llttle bltl

lor an ln-person cha|ra readlnq, sluply hold the penduluu so the welqhted part ls
dlrectly ln |ront o| the cha|ra you are readlnq. Ihe penduluu wlll (hope|ully) beqln
to uove ln clrcles.

l| you are readlnq soueone at a dlstance, sluply hold the penduluu |ar enouqh |ront
o| you that lt's away |rou your own cha|ras. Ihen as| to read the specl|lc cha|ra o|
|\ss 1:s|sg 1||as::s|:
lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou
the other person. lt wlll swlnq (or not swlnq) ln the saue way as when you read ln

here ls what the dl||erent penduluu uoveuents uean to ue. Ihey uay uean
souethlnq else to you:

5u|n|n |n an eten, u|de c|tc|e: Cha|ra ls open and healthy.

5u|n|n oat oac| and lcttn ct ettat|ca||,: Ihere ls a bloc| ln the cha|ra causlnq a
uajor enerqy s|ew. 0|ten thls ueans that a person ls anqry or aqltated.

5u|n|n |n a c|tc|e oat nct o, macn: Cha|ra has low enerqy.

/enda|am |s stced ct a|mcst stced: Cha|ra ls shut down.

when a person's enerqy systeu ls healthy, thls wlll show up as |ollows: lor each
cha|ra you read, the penduluu wlll swlnq ln an easy, clrcular, suooth uanner. lach
cha|ra has the saue SlZl clrcle (l.e., the penduluu uoves around at the saue rate
and wlth the saue clrcuu|erence).

As you play wlth the penduluu, you uay notlce other subtle uoveuents lt ua|es.
Ihls wlll tell you other ln|oruatlon about the enerqy systeu. Souetlues you'll see
recurrlnq patterns and |now that thls can re|er to a specl|lc lllness or bloc|. lor
exauple, o|ten when l see soueone wlth erratlc swlnqlnq ln the |lrst and second
cha|ras (but not the other cha|ras), lt lndlcates an actlve addlctlon.
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lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

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Sendlnq Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuents ls a sluple process. You are also welcoue to
use any exlstlnq attuneuent uethod you are already |aulllar wlth. You do not need
any syubols to send the attuneuents.

You wlll need to send each attuneuent |or each separate cha|ra separately. You can
send all attuneuents ln one sesslon, but that ls h0I recouuended, especlally |or
people who are not Rel|l lractltloners. lor those who are really eaqer, you can send
a new attuneuent once a wee| or every |ew days. however, you uay be qulded to
only send one attuneuent per uonth. You uay also want to send uultlple
attuneuents to the saue cha|ra l| lt really needs a lot o| help. (Ihls ls not couuon
thouqh, but uay be needed |or people wlth sever addlctlon probleus.)

ln ln ln ln- -- -lerson Attuneuent lerson Attuneuent lerson Attuneuent lerson Attuneuent

have the cllent slt ln |ront o| you wlth eyes closed to recelve the attuneuent.

Io pass the attuneuent, qet ready to place both hands on the cllent's head. As| |or
asslstance |rou Archanqel Raphael. 6et clear on whlch cha|ra attuneuent you are
sendlnq. You wlll |eel a larqe ball o| enerqy |llled wlth llqht (lt uay even have color ln
lt, but don't worry about the specl|lc color). luttlnq palus on top o| the cllent's head,
place thls ball o| enerqy lnto the top o| the head. lt wlll descend lnto the approprlate
cha|ra |rou there.

0lstance Attuneuent 0lstance Attuneuent 0lstance Attuneuent 0lstance Attuneuent

0lstance attuneuents are just as e||ectlve as ln-person attuneuents. You do not
even need to send the attuneuent at the saue tlue the cllent recelves lt (as
attuneuents can be sent throuqh tlue and dlstance).

l| you want to send the attuneuent at the saue tlue the cllent recelves lt, then you
wlll need to set a uutually bene|lclal tlue to do so. have the cllent prepare
theuselves on thelr end by |lndlnq a qulet place to uedltate |or at least a hal|-hour.

You can also send the attuneuent wlth the lntentlon that the cllent wlll recelve lt
when they are ready. All you need to do ls send the attuneuent wlth that lntentlon,
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lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou
and then dlrect the cllent to set aslde a tlue to recelve the attuneuent (a hal|-hour
at least) at thelr convenlence.

however, on soue occaslons, the cllent's cha|ra wlll want the enerqy so badly lt wlll
eat lt up luuedlately, ln whlch case the cllent does not need to recelve the
attuneuent later. (use your quldance.)

Io send the attuneuent:

Close your eyes. llrst, as| Archanqel Raphael to help you. 6et clear on the
attuneuent you are sendlnq. You wlll see a ball o| enerqy |llled wlth llqht appear
(see ln-lerson Attuneuent above). Ihen, luaqlne that thls ball o| llqht ls belnq
placed lnto the crown o| the head o| the reclplent. lt wlll then descend to actlvate
whatever cha|ra lt ls heallnq.

Attunlnq 0ther Rel|l Hasters to lass the Systeu Attunlnq 0ther Rel|l Hasters to lass the Systeu Attunlnq 0ther Rel|l Hasters to lass the Systeu Attunlnq 0ther Rel|l Hasters to lass the Systeu

Io pass thls systeu to other Rel|l Hasters, you wlll sluply need to qlve theu all 7
cha|ra attuneuents. ho speclal uaster syubol or addltlonal attuneuents are
necessary. lt ls recouuended to space out the attuneuents even |or Rel|l Hasters.

0nce the Rel|l Haster has recelved all 7 Cha|ra heallnq Attuneuents, you can qlve
theu thelr certl|lcate and uanual. Ihey are then able to send the attuneuents to

|\ss 1:s|sg 1||as::s|:

lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center lleuent lnerqy Center - -- - www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou www.eleuentenerqy.cou

|\ss Hs|s|:sss:: |\ss Hs|s|:sss:: |\ss Hs|s|:sss:: |\ss Hs|s|:sss::

ln the course o| our dally llves, we lnteract wlth others and experlence uany events,
posltlve and neqatlve. 0ver tlue, a prevlously healthy cha|ra can shut down or
qather neqatlve enerqy. Ihls can even happen to the uost experlenced o| Rel|l

Ihere|ore, you uay |lnd that you or your cllent wlll need a re-attuneuent |or a
specl|lc cha|ra on occaslon. Ihls ls per|ectly norual.

You should also chec| your own cha|ras on a reqular basls (uslnq your penduluu). l|
at any tlue one o| your cha|ras are out o| whac|, you can easlly sel|-attune (just put
your hands on your own head as l| you were a cllent and send yoursel| the

how you have an easy-to-use tool to |eep your cha|ras healthy and happyl


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