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Monkey Zombies!!! Mom, theyre alive!!! There alive!!! By: F.A.

Its the rise of the walking dead monkeys! . You dont believe me? Read on... Guess what, we were wrong. Yes, us humans...were wrong. I know it may be hard to believe or, maybe not, but we were. You wanna know why? Well, have you ever heard someone, anyone say, Zombies dont exist! or There is no such thing as the walking dead!! . Well guess what... Ha ha, ha, ha, ha!!! They were wrong. A population of Langur Monkeys, which were once thought to be extinct, dead forever, gone for good, and left the station... Are alive, well, and are swinging from tree to shining tree, on the Indonesian island of Borneo. Therefore, they are technically walking dead monkeys, or zombie monkeys, according to Christine DellAmore, author of the article Extinct Monkeys, published . So as I will continue to say this over and over again, until proven wrong, zombie monkeys, do exist! Humans have already made too many mistakes and one of them is the cutting down the monkeys environment. Although in a few more years they may end up literally being dead. In the aforementioned article they talk about the fact that people thought that the Langur monkeys had gone extinct. Until they found several of them on the Indonesian island of Borneo, in the Wehea forest. The langur monkey are cute thirteen pound monkeys, with white side burns, white bristly beards, and long tails (too me their sideburns make them look wise). They were thought to be extinct because in the 1990s their population shortened greatly because of hunting, deforestation, and human-caused fires. Afterwards the surveys of the area showed no evidence of there being any left. Now in the present day, scientist found two healthy populations in the Wehea forest.

The Langur monkeys habitat, the Wehea forest in Borneo, is being surrounded and is in danger of being destroyed by logging that is demanded, its granted by the requirement of authority. Their home is surrounded on just about every side by these logging sites. The local government and indigenous group are temporarily protecting the Langur monkeys. The Langur monkeys may end up as actually being extinct, if they arent protected officially, soon. Borneo is an extraordinary place, although it also has one of the highest amounts of deforestation in the world. These monkeys are very rare animals that we may end up losing forever because of the mistakes of us humans. We waste and use too much then we need to and creatures that did not make these mistakes end up suffering for our mistakes. We need to learn from the bad things we as humans have done and use the knowledge we have to improve the situations were in and find solutions to fix the problems, that we have created.

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