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After Decades in Institutions, a Bumpy Journey to a New Life I think that people with mental or physical impairments will

never fit in because they will always stand out. What I mean by that is they could have a normal life and friends but everyone will treat them differently. Either people will treat them more nicely than they would have or if you're a bad person think that they are weird and stay away from them. Another reason is because say they have a physical disability and are in a wheelchair someone may judge them because of that. Even by how they look sometimes for example if they were scarred or burnt. Some people are so shallow because they will judge people based on what they look like. They sometimes will even ignore them until they find out that they are impaired and will have to be nice to them. That will ruin the scarred persons self esteem by feeling that people are only nice to them because they are different. By: J.B.

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