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September 2012 WOD 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/17 9/18 9/19

9 9/20 9/21 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/28 stanch (stanch) v. to stop the flow of liquid, esp. blood The nurse put pressure on Canises wound, and that stanched the flow of blood. staunch (stonch) adj. firm or steadfast in principle; loyalty The Pittsburgh Steelers have staunch fans who are behind them win or lose! critique (kruh TEEK) n. critical review of book, story, movie, play, etc. Mrs. Edwards expected her students to critique the story they had just read. augment (awg MENT) v. to make or become greater Henrys part-time job did little to augment his familys income. genteel (jen TEEL) adj. belonging or suited to polite society; well-bred or refined; polite Princess Kate appears to be a genteel lady with fine manners in society. raucous (RAW kus) adj. loud, excited, and not controlled; rowdy and wild Teresas wild and raucous sixteenth birthday caused her to lose her driving privileges! trauma (TRAW muh) n. severe physical or emotional shock; a terrible wound or experience Many U.S. soldiers fighting in Vietnam suffered great trauma during the war. yen (yen) n. a strong longing or desire Robert had a yen for Papa Johns pizza supreme; he called in his order and waited for delivery. jeopardize (JEP ur dize) v. to put at risk, to imperil, or to cause a hazard Not keeping good grades and a clean record may jeopardize your wrestling scholarship. symmetry (SIM ih tree) n. beauty based on excellence of proportion The symmetry of a rose is so perfect and simple; however, man cannot duplicate it. relevant (REL uh vunt) adj. having some sensible connection with something; applicable The clues in the murder were deemed relevant and were admitted into court proceedings. prattle (PRAT l) v. to babble; to talk without making much sense The three-year-old prattled for hours although no one understood what she was saying. homeopathy (hoh-mee-op-uh-thee) n. a system of natural healing Herbs can be used as a method of homeopathy for healing; its known as alternative medicine. brash (brash) adj. hasty and reckless; unthinking; impetuous The brash driver endangered many as he ran the stop sign. delete (duh LEET) v. to wipe out; omit; destroy The editor deleted the second paragraph in the article because it was not pertinent to the story. wanton (WAHN tun) adj. uncalled for; malicious; unjustified; unprovoked Terrorists commit wanton destructive acts upon innocent people. ornery (ORE nuh ree) adj. stubborn; ugly and unpleasant due to temper or hard-headedness The hillbillies were ornery when revenue agents searched for illegal moonshine. nefarious (ne FARE ee uss) adj. extremely wicked, villainous, evil The nefarious stranger stalked the student with evil on his mind, but Mr. Giles caught the villain. tumult (TYOO mult) n. violent uprising; noise and excitement; uproar The loud tumult was caused by the students demanding more pepperoni rolls.

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