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Where Im From

Im from the bonjour and au revoir, And Thanksgiving Turkey. Im from the glistening sea I see everyday, And the fresh green palm trees. Im from Harry Potter and Hunger Games, From blaring music in my ears. Im from the crackle and sizzle of morning fried eggs, On A lovely Sunday morning. Im from perfecting the round house kick And crack as a board explodes in hundreds of splinters. Im from times tables and oil pastels, From hominids and F.O.F.F. Im from looking over other heads, To high over other buildings when on the Eiffel Tower. Im from Ritas Water Ice, On a boiling hot day. Im from the loss of my dog Who pounced on his toys when he played. Im from playing with all my friends at school, To exploring our vast neighborhood. Im from the exhilarating feeling and rush of wind As I leave the springboard. Im from the shock of cold as I

Jump in to the northern sea. Im from diving with immense, amazing and lush Reefs with my sea friends. All of those memories from happiness to despair Courageous and frightened. They are all stored in an old creaky chest full of branches, leaves, and life.

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