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Myth busters Lab Report KCP Grade 7

Question Is oobleck a solid or a liquid? Introduction When enough pressure is applied, the oobleck acts like a solid. When little or no pressure is applied, it acts like a liquid. A liquid is not easily compressible and assumes the shape of the container which it occupies. A solid has a definite shape and does not diffuse measurably. Hypothesis If the oobleck acts more like a liquid then oobleck is a liquid because the oobleck would have more properties of a liquid than those of a solid. Variables Independent variable: The run test and the drip test. Dependent variable: The behaviour of the oobleck (if the oobleck acts like a solid or a liquid) Controlled variable: The ingredients in the oobleck and the tester. Materials 1 plastic bin or dishpan 1 clear disposable 8 ounce cup OR 1 clear disposable cup marked at 1 cup 1 box of cornstarch 1 spoon water

Procedure Part 1 1. An 8 oz. cup was filled with cornstarch. The full cup was put in the plastic bin. this was done twice. 2. An 8 oz. cup was filled with water. Then poured into the plastic bin.

Part 2 Punch test 1. The tester punches the oobleck quickly, then again but slowly. 2. The results were recorded in a data table. Drip test 1. Some oobleck was put on a table(not inside a container). 2. The oobleck was observed to .


The results were recorded.

Punch Test Results Tester #1 #1 Speed of Punch Fast Slow Reaction of Oobleck Acts like a solid Acts like a liquid

This experiment was very interesting. I did this test to find out if it was a liquid or a solid. As you can see from the results above, the oobleck reacts differently depending on the speed of the punch. Drip Test Results The objective of this test is the same objective of the previous test(the punch test). In this test the oobleck acted like a liquid and actually dripped off the table.

Conclusion The myth busters experiment went very well. The experiment had some up's and down's but the down's were overcame and the experiment was completed. The punch test was very successful because even though there wasn't a right way or a wrong way to do it, the oobleck had to be the right consistency. The hypothesis was if the oobleck acts more like a liquid then oobleck is a liquid because the oobleck would have more properties of a liquid than those of a solid. Oobleck is neither a solid nor a liquid; oobleck is a non Newtonian fluid.

Evaluation The experiment wasn't perfect at all . Some things that could have been done better were: Being organized -I could've scheduled what days I was doing everything. Being prepared -I could've brought the oobleck to school everyday. Usage of time -I could've not wasted time talking about the experiment but more time doing the experiment


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