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Island of the Blue Dolphins

I have been on the island of the blue dolphins for a long time now. I am very bored I only have Rontu to keep me company. I went down to the beach, it was the same as normally. I felt a bit sleepy, I was tired and Rontu was running on the beach. He was funny when he did that. I looked at the two canoes on the beach then a thought to myself that I could make a small sail boat out of the two canoes. I went up to the village to get some cloth for the sails and there was a lot of it in the village. When I got the cloth for the sails it was heavy to carry it down to the beach but I did it in the end. When I got to the beach I went to cut down the only tree on the island so I could make the two canoes into a boat. I cut the tree down with a cutting thing that I made and I took it back to the beach. Back at the beach I got to work building my sail boat. I put the two canoes together with wooden planks across them to hold them together. I put the top of the cloth onto a big wooden stick and I did the same with the bottom of the cloth. My boat was ready. I called Rontu saying come on we are going sailing to get to the other island and he came. Then I put the boat into the water, then I put Rontu in it, then I jumped in the boat and sailed out of the bay. When we got out the bay the sea was choppy and there were big waves. I was struggling to sail the boat because it was windy and I was getting wet from the waves. Then the water seed to be going out to sea then I saw tsunami it crashed on top of me. I was pulled under deeper and deeper then it went blank.

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