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Mythbusters Lab Report

Jowan James Grade 7 Question: DOES TOAST ALWAYS LAND BUTTERED-SIDE DOWN? Introduction: The purpose of my experiment is to see if toast always fall buttered side down. It is most likely to fall on the side with butter on because the heavier side will fall to first. Hypothesis:I think that the toast will fall butter side down because the heavier side will fall first. Variables: Materials: Butter Bread Toaster spreader Procedure: 1. put a tablespoon of butter on the bread. 2. Drop the bread from 4 feet repeat 10 times and see what sied it is on each time. 3. record the data in your data table. 4. On a new piece of bread draw a 1 on one side draw a 2 on the other. 5. drop the bread 10 times and record your data.
ith text | Fixed position

The graph shows what side the bread lands on. Conclusion: It landed on the buttered side because the buttered side is heavier. The heavier side will most likely fall to the ground as shown in the graph. Without butter it is a 50 50 chance which side it will fall on as shown in the graph. Evaluation: I would of used tost in sed of normal bread because I think it would've worked better. I think I would've done it from a hier up.

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