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Xanadu What we think we know is truly programmed into us by others When we are young those around us are pretty

much who we become Programmed early on with family friends sisters and brothers Those we look up to for guidance as the how, what n why and then some When children are abandoned from Mother or Father it hurts them emotionally I separated and divorced from my sons Mother n I wasn't always there I know I had no experience being from a broken family so I poured out love irrevocably Anything I create I am responsible for along with the Mother it is we from the get go

Being responsible no excuses own up to all that we do build confidence in me n you There is a time and a place for everything that time is now and the place is Earth We are all responsible as individuals I can't stand when I hear there is nothing I can do Being lazy is a custom we all have known at some point in life the reward is girth That is not just physically I mean mentally that voice inside saying I just can't do it Let me tell you something about me the only example I can truthfully tell to you My Mother always told me I was better than my grades I gave up and I just quit I got my GED while in jail, hurt my back in 2005, entered college in 2007 scared too The reason I went back to school was I looked up to my doctor who made a specific point Not whining just be truthful I blew out one disc in 2000 then 2 in 2007 analysis from Doc He very simply said "did you ever consider using your head not your back" case in point Mother said "I would surprise myself if I applied myself" Mom was right; I was in shock Back in the 70s I was a hippy being stoned, sex n rock concerts were my priorities then As we get older and wiser owning both accomplishments and mistakes both me n you Growing old is mandatory growing up is optional making females ladies n males men Minding my own business without gossip and drama that is my idea for living in Xanadu 2012 I.M. Nobody

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