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emokrasi rezaletinin insanlar her zaman tedirgin eden pisliklerinden en kt olan Grev belas! be kiinin grev yapmas koca bir lkeyi huzur-

suz yapar. leri durdurur, byk ktleleri artr, hkmetleri hkmedemez hale getirir. bu ne aklszlktr! Ve grev yalnz sivil halk iindir. asla askerlik ile-


rinde grev yoktur. Neden askerlikte grev yoktur? nk askerlik kimsenin keyfini tanmaz! sivil hkmetler ders alsnlar!


Vol. 10, Issue 3: 20th of January 2012

...1.Sden devam

yununa destek ve zikirleriyle, gazilerimizi canl ve yreklerini lahi ak ile muzaffer klmlardr. Tcnin yanl icraatlar yznden, kapatlan
...contd fom p.1

yzlerce dergh ve tekkeler artk lahi ak gnllere nakedecek kiilerden mahrum edilmilerdir. Dergh ve tekkelerin yaknda tekrar almas midiyle. dreds of tekkes and dergahs - the TR has deprived itself of people who can imprint Divine love on their souls. We hope that dergahs & tekkes will be reopened soon.

and through zhikr kept our warrors souls and hearts with Divine love, victorious. as a result of the TRs wrongful actions - the shutting down of hun-

he outrage of democracy is that it disturbs the people all the time with its dirtiness. The worst of all are strikes, the evil of strikes. for 5 people to go on strike a whole, enor-

mous country is made uneasy. It stops all work. It confuses the people and the government becomes unable to govern. What stupidity! strikes are only for civilians. In the military

On Stike!

there are no strikes. Why are there no strikes in the military? because the military does not recognize peoples whims. let civil government take a lesson.

ukardaki resim belki ok kimsenin grmedii bir fotoraftr. Tc birinci cumhurreisinin bir emirle kapatt mevlevi derghlarndaki dervilerin anakkale zaferine nasl yardm ettiklerini ve gnll olarak harbe itirak ettiklerini bu resim gstermektedir. bize yetien haberlerde yalnz anakkale harplerine gnll olarak yukardaki resimdeki gibi katlan binlerce mevlevi ve sair tarikat dervileri Osmanl orduyu hma
devam 4.S...

lahi Ak le

WRITTEN by maWlaNa shEIkh NazIm al-haqqaNI IN lEfkE, cypRus
for The Daily broadcast

With Divine Love

here are perhaps many people who have not seen a picture like the one above. It shows how the mevlevi dervishes, whose dergahs were closed on the order of the first president of the TR, helped in the victory of Gallipoli and willingly joined the war. according to the news reaching us, only in the Gallipoli war did thousands of mevlevis, and dervishes from all other tariqats, like in the photo above, voluntarily join to support the Ottoman army
contd on p.4...

ingeneler Saltanat
iin, yzlerce milletvekilleri karp meclis kurar ve her yeni gn vatanda nasl soyacaklarna dair kanun karrlar ve milleti rahatsz ve tedirgin ederler! Topuna lnet olsun! 21.yzyl Demokrasi yznden ifls etmi, rezil olmutur. bir devletin ifls veya iflsa yuvarlanmas, o devlet ve milleti iin bir eref deildir. 21.yzyln insanna soruyoruz: hi imdiye kadar bir millet ifls rezaletine urammdr? Ve yine soruyoruz ki aristokratik bir devlet imdiye kadar kat para bastrp veya ifls etmimidir? asla! yleyse, Demokrasinin rezaletini, insanlar niin tayorlar?! cevap istiyoruz! Genler bu suali sorup hem bunun aklanmas ve hem de ne fayda getirdiini bilmek istiyorlar. buyurun!

EmOkRas Dnyay rezil etmitir! Demokrasinin manas: ingeneler saltanat demektir. ingeneler bir mahalleyi soyup, alsalar, ertesi gn yine ingenedirler! btn Dnyay ingeneler talan etseler, yine tabiatlar deimez, ne de kendileri... te bunun gibi Demokratikler de yledir, ne gzleri doyar, ne de karnlar. Ve boyuna kanun karmak

aman ahir zaman hangi devirde yaadn bilmeyen insanlara ok yazkdr. nk onlar maynl sahada- serbest dolamak alkanl ile- istedikleri gibi gezmek isteyen gafillerdir. Ve ou, mayn patlamasyla berhava olup paralar bile bulunmaz olur veya baz azalar organlar- zarar grp ya kr ya topal olup, sakat kalrlar. te 21. yzyln hakiki yz. hibir kimsede bu

21. yzyln hakiki ehresini o ehrenin perdesini kaldrp da gstermiyor. nk 21. yzyln eytan ve tabiilerinin cebabirenin- zalim Diktatrlerin btn dnyada fink attklar ve kan iici vampirlerden daha beter kiilerin saltanat srdkleri yzyldr. Topuna lanet olsun! te tarif ettiimiz kimselerin iledikleri eri zulmler: -te suriye

Ahir Zaman

-te msr -te libya -te yemen -te Tunus -te Trk -te ran -te somali -te filistin -te in -te vahet sahnelerinde grnen eytan suretli vahet ve zulm timsalleri lah kahrnla ey Rabbimiz bunlar kahreyle! yeter artk eytann Dnya saltanat!

The Sultanate of Gypsies

dreds of mps and every day they produce a law whose only object is to rob the citizens. They trouble and disturb the people. curse them all. Thanks to democracy the 21st century is bankrupt and disgraced. There is no honor for a state or its people to declare bankruptcy or to be careening towards bankruptcy. We ask the people of the 21st century, has any nation before this gone bankrupt? and we also ask, has any aristocratic state until now printed paper money or declared bankruptcy? Never. If this is so, then why do people insist on bearing the disgrace of democracy? We want an answer. young people are asking this question and want an explanation and also they want to know what benefit it brought? you are invited to produce an answer.

emocracy has Disgraced The World. The meaning of democracy is, the sultanate of Gypsies. The gypsies raid and steal everything in a place yet they always stay the same. If gypsies robbed the whole world still neither their nature nor their character would change. Democrats are the same; neither their eyes nor their stomachs can be satisfied. They call an assembly and collect hun-

his time is the End of Time. The people who do not know in what time they are living are to be pitied. There are mine fields everywhere. The people are used to wander about as they like. They are heedless. When the mine explodes most of them will be scattered in the air and their pieces never found. at the very least they will be damaged, blind or lame, and end up being handicapped. here is the appearance of

the 21rst century but nobody ever removes the veil to show its real face. because in the 21srt century shaytan and his followers, the unjust dictators, are gadding about freely over the surface of the earth, this century is overwhelmed by the sultanate of people who are worse than blood sucking vampires. may they all be damned. here are some of the ones who have just been described and the horrific injustices they have committed.

End of Time.

here is syria. here is libya. here is yemen. here is Tunisia. here are the Turks. here is Iran. here is somalia. here is palestine. here is china. and here are the devilish icons of injustice and brutality appearing in scenes of brutality. O my lord, with your mighty crushing power (qahhar), crush them. We have had enough of this devils sultanate on earth.

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