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Questions To Ask Twins Charlotte and Victoria Bond 16 years old

They started college this year they are both studying Betec sport and Health and Social. They both want to be nurses. They have 1 real sister who is 20 and they live with and 1 real brother 19 who lives with their dad. Dad and mum split up 8 years ago. They only see their Dad about once a week now. They have 2 step brothers and 1 step sister who are older. Dont get on with the step children. Dont really get on with Brother. They get on with their sister but they bicker. They get on with each other really well they have a love hate relationship. 1. How identical are you? They have the same personality Charlotte has a rounder face and has a freckle on her nose Victoria has a longer face Their partings are on different sides Mum can tell them apart but Dad cant 2. Whos the older twin? Charlotte is older by 8 mins 3. What was life like growing up? 4. Were you dressed the same? They were dressed the same but in different colours when they were younger. They have the same outfits now but they wear them on different days 5. Were you encouraged to be individual or treated as one? Treated as one 6. Did you have the same friends at school? Were you in the same classes? Same group of friends and they have always been in the same classes. Teachers couldnt tell them apart in the beginning and so they wore cardigans with a C and a V on them but as they got older it was easier for teachers to tell them apart. 7. Were you ever bullied for being twins? No 8. Have you had relationships? They both recently had boyfriends at the same time until Charlottes BF cheated on her she was with him for 6 months and Victoria has been with her BF for 2 years he is also a twin. Their boyfriends used to get on really well. In year 7/8 they both dated another set of twins. They dont have the same type.

9. Does or has your bond ever ruined relationships? No not really we are just very protective of each other 10. Is there ever any jealousy? Charlotte used to be jealous of Victorias best friend and Victoria was jealous Charlottes best friend but they arent friends with those girls anymore they have the same best friend. 11. Do you play on being twins for attention? No 12. Have you ever switched places? Played tricks on people? Victoria pretended her name was Charlotte when she got in trouble and so one day Charlotte had to go to a detention which was actually meant for Victoria. 13. Do you ever spend time apart? Not really 14. Are you more confident together than you are on your own? More confident and comfortable when they are together and their for more chatty 15. Are you competitive? They both competed in World Championship sailing in the same year but they were on different teams Victoria was with a disabled boy, Charlotte was with their brother. They have been sailing since they were 10 their dad got them into it he has always sailed. Their brother also competes. They have been to Wales, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, South Africa and Australia. Trips would take 2 weeks each. School would let them have time off as they are a sports school and so would let students have time off for sport events 16. Do you ever argue? Sometimes like any siblings do 17. Is it frustrating being a twin? Yes, sharing things, Sharing a room, they have to half any money they get, parents. They get the same presents but they want the same things 18. Do you speak in unison? Do you have twin intuition? Can you tell what the other one is thinking? Say things at the same time quite often and finish each others sentences which is annoying. 19. If one of you is in pain can the other feel it? Charlotte cut her toe badly and Victoria felt something was wrong before she even knew what had happened. If one is crying the other feels upset and becomes very protective. 20. Can you imagine not being a twin? People always ask us this but we dont know life not being a twin.

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