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Written by Daniel Herman

3499 Bunker Ave 555-555-5555

Pitch black is all we see. We hear A woman screaming. Tearfully pleading for her life. Frantically trying to catch her breath. WOMAN (O.S.) Please, Im defenseless (A beat) No one will ever know. You have to believe me. I have a husband! You know who he is! Please just talk to hi.. A loud gunshot rings out. The title credits begin. FADE IN: The sun has just barely began to rise. Police surround a closed off section of the dark woods. Reporters try to make their way through, but to no avail. We pan in to see what the police are surveying. The woman we heard screaming, dead. Badly beaten and a single bullet to the head. A school bell ring is heard INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM. - LATER We see a class room filled with children around the age of seven. They sit still, quietly waiting for their teacher. No one comes in. One child in particular named RUTH looks outside the window to see a police car drive up to the front of the school. The principle of the school a man roughly in his 40s dressed in a suit and tie walks out to greet the officers. The officers speak inaudibly to the principal only briefly. The principal buries his hands in his face and lets the officers inside. TEACHER (O.S.) What is going on here? Where is your teacher? A female teacher is now standing in the doorway. STUDENT We dont know. We thought she was running late. TEACHER Ill be back in a moment children. Let me see if I can find her. The teacher leaves. Ruth looks outside to see another police car show up.

2. One officer exits the car and walks into the school. The teacher returns to the classroom. Its clear she has been crying but trying to compose herself. TEACHER (CONTD) Children, Im going to be teaching you today with my class. So why dont you pick up your things and well go? Ruth, along with her class pick up their belongings and follow the teacher. INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Ruth turns to see an officer speaking to another teacher who is pale as a ghost. Ruth as well as other children grow more concerned. She looks into a classroom as she walks down the hallway and sees her brother JACK ,a few years older than she sharing a similar look. We hear feedback noises from a radio INT. SMALL OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The radio rests on a desk. The volume is low. A man hard at work, writing furiously. The childrens father GEORGE. Hes in his early 30s dressed in a button down shirt and tie. ANCHORMAN (O.S.) We have some late breaking news here into the station. Early this morning, police happened onto a.... A knock at the door. George turns off the radio. Come in. GEORGE

In walk Frank Barns, Georges co-worker. Roughly in his late 30s and dressed very similar to George. FRANK Hey George, got a minute? GEORGE Have a seat Frank.

3. FRANK No thanks, I gotta get back to work. Just a heads up, Earls here emptying his desk. Its probably best to stay away from him. GEORGE Thanks for the heads up. Frank closes the door. George turns his chair around towards the window. We see a man loading a box into his car, he turns and sees George. He stares up for good few seconds before getting into his beat up car and driving off. George turns around and switches the radio on. We cut to a radio on the floor of a different place INT. SUBURBAN HOME - LATER THAT EVENING The radio rests next to the children we saw earlier, Ruth and Jack as they play a game of Sorry.

ACTOR #1 So Tonto, Do you have anything to say before I..... A gunshot is heard ACTOR #1 (CONTD) Oh that fool ranger wouldnt DARE come into here! ANNOUNCER The lone ranger darts past the villainous henchman. Trough the door he runs! ACTOR #1 Dont just stand there you fools. After him. Ill stay back with toto over here ANNOUNCER The henchmen make quick haste towards the Loan Ranger! The show continues to play as the children see steam begin to rise from the kitchen. A smile lights up their face. A recognizable scent fills the air.

4. INT. SUBURBAN HOME KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS ALICE, their mother is in the kitchen busily preparing dinner. Her dress and hairstyle almost emulate Clara Bow to perfection. She is in her early 30s and visibly exhausted from preparing dinner. She begins taking out plates and silverware and sets them around the kitchen table. She goes to take out a fourth plate but reluctantly changes her mind. She carefully serves each plate a piece of food with vegetables. She hurries into the living room INT. SUBURBAN HOME LIVING ROOM- CONTINUOUS ALICE Ruth, Jack, dinners ready! Go get washed up. JACK Cant we have ten more minutes? ALICE Ten more minutes? Do you have any idea what time it is? Its ten to eight! And besides, an hour ago you two sounded so hungry you could have eaten the food raw. RUTH We want to wait for dad! ALICE Honey, weve talked about this, you know how late your father works. Heaven knows what time hell get home tonight. Now if you two dont eat now, then itll it just be straight off to bed with both of you. Now please go get washed up. The children reluctantly get up and begin to walk towards the kitchen. Jack shuts off the radio. Alice begins to clean up the board game left on the floor when she turns and notices a record resting next to the table stand. She smiles and picks it up, keeping the title away from the camera. ALICE (CONTD) Did I ever tell you your father was late to our own wedding? The children turn around. Alice takes the record out of its sleeve and places it on top of the record player.

5. She gently places the needle down and flips the switch. Whispering by Paul Whiteman begins to play. ALICE (CONTD) It got so late, We almost had to have Grandpa Max fill in. The children walk back to Alice, laughing. ALICE (CONTD) We had our first dance together as a married couple to this song. It felt like we were on the top of the world and no matter what happened, nothing could change it. RUTH I didnt know you and dad danced! ALICE We had moves that could have made Fred Astaire quiver! She takes Jack by the hand and shows him how to dance. She shows Ruth a similar dance as the music begins to pick up. The children are now in hysterics laughing. The song ends and all three drop to the floor. The family hears the front door close. The children immediately jump up and run towards the door. Their father GEORGE walks into the same age as his wife. Hes work suit with a hat and coat. at him. He walks towards Alice at the arms. the living room. Hes roughly wearing a typical every day The children immediately leap with both kids still attached

GEORGE Okay, okay! Hold on a moment. Sorry Im late dear. The children let go of his arms. He and Alice kiss. George takes off his hat and coat. JACK Its okay dad! Mom told us you were so late once you almost missed your wedding! Alice quickly silences Jack GEORGE Oh she did? Turning my own children against me again I see?

6. Alice laughs. GEORGE (CONTD) Alright, what smells so good right now? RUTH Mom just finished cooking dinner! GEORGE She did? Well why are we wasting time here? Giddyap! George bends down to the childrens level. They jump back onto his arms laughing hysterically. INT. SUBURBAN HOME KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS George drops the kids down onto their chairs. George sits down in his chair and notices his missing plate GEORGE Werent expecting a rare guest like me tonight I see? RUTH She wanted us to eat without you but we insisted on waiting! GEORGE Thats strike number two honey. Alice smiles. She brings him a plate and sits down at the table JACK Can I say grace mom? ALICE Sure, go ahead sweetie. JACK **For food in a world where many walk in hunger. For friends in a world where many walk alone. For faith in a world where many walk in fear. We give you thanks, O Lord. Amen.**

7. GEORGE I would also like to say a short prayer for the friends and family we know and love affected by the economic crisis we face ourselves in. RUTH And to ask grandpa to look over them George looks at the children with pride in his eyes. GEORGE Yes, and for grandpa too. Amen. The family begins to eat their dinner. GEORGE (CONTD) So how was everyones day? RUTH Teacher didnt show up for class today GEORGE What do you mean she didnt show up? RUTH Well after the bell rang, we waited and waited. Finally the teacher down the hall Mrs. Gresham found us and taught us with her class. We saw the police there too! GEORGE The police!? JACK Mom says the police have been looking for her all day. GEORGE (softly) Alice, isnt she the one who married... Alice quickly silences George Yes it is. ALICE

8. GEORGE Well, lets hope shes alright. JACK After school, mom let me go over to Scotts house down the street. GEORGE Oh thats nice JACK Since his father lost his job he wont be able to afford to live here anymore. The sentence in particular strikes a nerve with George. GEORGE Oh....Im sorry to hear that RUTH How was your day daddy? GEORGE Thanks for asking sweetie. Just another busy boring day at the office. JACK Scotts dad said you got him fired GEORGE Dont you believe a word of what his dad says! JACK Yes sir. But why would his dad say that? GEORGE You know how hard times are now son. Me and Scotts father worked in the same office writing for the paper for years. Our boss could only afford to keep one of us. My column was just a little more popular than his. The nerve of him trying to brain wash my own god damn son. Alice quickly interrupts George

9. ALICE This is a perfect example of why we have you two count your blessings each night. Luckily for you, your father still has his job, but who knows what will happen next? RUTH But what happens if he loses his job? Teacher told us... GEORGE Ruth we have no way of knowing what happens but all I can promise you is this. No matter what happens, no matter where we go, no matter how we get there, we will always have the most important necessity. Each other. Dont ever let any friend or teacher tell you differently. Do you understand? Yes sir. Yes sir. RUTH JACK

GEORGE Good. Now, you two go get washed up for bed. Me and your mother will be in to say good night soon. The children get up and leave the kitchen. Ruth walks back in and hugs George and Alice before leaving again. Alice begins to clean up the table. ALICE Well look at you Mr. Father of the year! How long have you been rehearsing that speech? GEORGE Far longer than you can ever imagine. They both laugh. Silence quickly falls over the two. ALICE George, I hate to bring this up, but you know how I feel about when you lose you temper in front of the children.

10. GEORGE Lose my temper? How can you possibly blame me for losing my temper Alice? You heard all the lies Earl tried to spread to our son! If anything, Im not angry enough! ALICE But that doesnt mean in the few short hours you see them every day you have to try to make our son as upset as you are. GEORGE I guess you have a point. Ill have a talk with him. ALICE Thats all I ever wanted. Mom! RUTH (O.S.)

ALICE Ill go take care of it. Alice hurries out of the kitchen. George follows after her. He walks upstairs into Jacks room. INT. JACKS BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER George enters the room. GEORGE Got a minute son? Sure dad! JACK

George sits down on the bed GEORGE I want you to promise me to forget all of the things I said earlier about Scotts father. JACK What do you mean forget it?

11. GEORGE I cant begin to imagine how it must feel to be in his shoes right now. Nor do I ever want to. People say stupid things in the heat of the moment. We just have to forgive and forget. You understand what I mean? Yes sir. JACK

GEORGE Atta boy. Good night son. Night dad. JACK

George leaves the room. He heads downstairs where Alice is sitting on the living room couch listening to the radio and folding clothing. INT. LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS ALICE I finally put Ruth to bed. How did everything go upstairs with Jack? GEORGE (sarcastic) Everything went fine. No need to worry when you have Mr. Father of the year over here. ALICE Har har very funny mister. GEORGE What do you mean very funny? ALICE Youre trying to mock me but it wont work this time! GEORGE It wont? I guess Ill just have to try harder then Alice smiles. A show on the radio begins. The Intro music starts to play

12. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) The Craft Music Hall starring Bing Crosby! Tonights special guests include Ethel Merman and Ruth Etting! Now heres your host, Bing! Bing Crosby begins to sing ALICE Oh I just love this show honey! GEORGE How can I ever forget? They kiss ALICE I cant even imagine what I would do if I ever met him or Ethel Merman in real life. I would kill just be her for a day. GEORGE I know what Id do if you were Ethel Merman. ALICE Hey! Watch it buster GEORGE Watch what? ALICE Watch your mouth or youll be sleeping on the floor tonight.

The song All Of Me by Ruth Etting begins to play. George smiles. He jumps off the couch and takes Alice to the center of the room. They dance to the music. A distraught look suddenly appears on Alices face. She stops dancing and turns off the radio. GEORGE I thought you wanted to listen to that. ALICE I need to talk to you about Ruths teacher GEORGE Why? Have the police said anything?

13. ALICE Sweetie, I didnt tell the children because I didnt want to frighten them but the police found her body near Springfield pond this morning. GEORGE What!? What do you mean they found her body? ALICE I found out after I walked the children to school. It may have been a retaliation for her husbands work. GEORGE You should have told me. ALICE I didnt even know what to tell the children! They already saw the policemen talking to other teachers at school so I couldnt just pretend nothing was wrong. I panicked. GEORGE Its better if she hears it from you and I instead of from her principal. ALICE I know. Ill have to tell she and Jack tomorrow when they wake up. Alright. GEORGE

ALICE I think we should head up to bed now. Alice raises from the couch but George gently pulls her back down onto his lap. GEORGE Please stay with me Alice. George turns on the radio George.... ALICE



She and George gaze at the fire-pit as the music plays. ANNOUNCER You may remember our next guest from her big hit in.... A loud knock is heard at the door. George quickly jumps out of his chair. GEORGE Who on earth could be here at this hour?

George opens the door but sees no one. He notices a small envelope resting under the doormat. George looks around before he picks up the letter and closes the door. ALICE Who was it dear? GEORGE I havent the slightest clue, it just seems to be a letter. ALICE Well, are you going to open it? George goes into the kitchen and returns with a letter opener. He cuts the letter open. GEORGE You dont know who this is, but believe me I know you. I also know you are in danger. Georges tone becomes serious as the color from his face begins to fade. Alice raises from her seat. ALICE Danger? What do you mean danger!? GEORGE They know where you live they know where you work, they know where you pray, they know where your children learn, where you eat, where you sleep and will not stop. (MORE)

15. GEORGE (CONT'D) Please believe me when I say this but leave now, for they are coming. ALICE George, who sent this!? GEORGE It isnt marked. Alice sits down onto the couch in panic GEORGE (CONTD) Ill phone the police. Dont worry everythings alright. George hurries towards the kitchen as a mysterious car pulls up in front of the house. Alice hears the breaks of the car and turns around. Bullets begin ripping through the windows like paper. Pictures are destroyed, Furniture is torn up as Alice quickly dives on the floor. At the top of her lungs Alice begins to scream GEORGE! ALICE

From her point of view George is no where to be seen. Bullets continue to rip through the house at a seemingly never-ending rate. Pictures and decorations continue to shatter by the second. We see George huddled near the couch, unable to see Alice but hears her screams for help ALICE! GEORGE

The gunmen seize fire. There is a long period of silence before The car speeds off leaving a cloud of smoke behind. Alice quickly runs to George. George catches her in his arms as their knees both buckle. Alice begins to sob hysterically in Georges arms as they lay on the ground. Frantic screams break out from upstairs. Alice and George run up the stairs as fast as they possibly can. They burst into the childrens rooms. George finds Ruth underneath her bed in tears. Alice runs into Jacks room where he is doing the same. They both grab the children, attempting to console them.

16. INT. NEWSPAPER OFFICE BUILDING - DAY We see the staff at the newspaper building hard at work. Secretarys are answering phones, people are hard at work writing. We see a radio on a desk ANCHORMAN The police still have nothing to go on after the brutal murder of teacher Dorothy Gallo late last week. The police are currently working the possibility of it being a retaliation for her husband, famed gangster Arthur Gallos possible crimes. No suspects have been named so far. In other news, Its been over a week now since local newspaper columnist George Stallers family home was shot up by unknown assailants. Police still have no clues other than a mysterious letter that was received only moments before the shooting. Thankfully no one in the home was seriously injured. The police are asking anybody with inf... George walks into the office, in a more troubled demeanor than we saw before. The secretary quickly turns off the radio. SECRETARY #1 Welcome back Mr. Staller GEORGE Thank you Janice. George walks through the office as more people stop to welcome him back. He arrives in his office and sits down. He takes out his briefcase and begins to start his day. A knock at his door. Before George is able to respond, his boss Roy enters his office. ROY Well will you look at this. Mr. George Staller finally comes back to work! GEORGE Well it feels good to be back sir. Thank you again for letting me take the time to focus on my family.

17. ROY Well Im sure it cant be easy on them. How are the little ones holding up? GEORGE Well Its been tough of course. The first few nights especially. But besides being a little shaken up. I think theyll be alright ROY And Alice? How is she? GEORGE Shes probably taking it the hardest out of all of us. She didnt even want me coming here today. But I think us staying with Phil Davis and his family has really put her at ease a little bit. ROY Phil Davis? As In Lieutenant Phil Davis? GEORGE Oh yes, me and him go way back to our youth. He came over the minute he found out what happened. And Between his kids and our kids it feels like some sort of party to them. ROY Oh well at least theyre keeping their spirits high GEORGE Thats all that really matters to me right now ROY Youre a good man George. Dont let any stupid letter or anything else tell you otherwise. This is just a bump in the road. GEORGE Thank you sir. I really appreciate that.

18. ROY Ill let you get back to work. Dont hesitate to ask if you need anything. GEORGE I will sir.

Roy leaves the office. George takes out a fresh piece of paper and writes. CUT TO: GEORGES OFFICE - EVENING George hasnt seemed to move an inch since his boss left. He is clearly exhausted and stressed based on his body language. Hes one of the only people now left in his office. A coworker knocks on his door and enters. FRANK Jesus Georgy, are you still here? GEORGE Heh, yeah Frank, Im still here. FRANK You know, youre the only guy I know that could be hard at work after going through something like what you wen..... George looks up and gives him a glare FRANK (CONTD) George, you know I didnt mean it that way. Listen, why dont you go home to your wife and kids already? Hell, Ill even clean up for you. GEORGE Alright. Thanks Frank. I owe you one. FRANK Dont think anything of it. Now get out of here Im sure Alice is worried sick. George puts on his hat and coat

19. GEORGE Im sure she is. See ya tomorrow. EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - MOMENTS LATER George takes out his pocket watch and begins to run towards the bus stop. I/E. DAVIS FAMILY HOME - LATER No lights are on. Its clear everyone in the home is asleep. George enters the house. He kisses Alice on her head and walks upstairs into the childrens bedroom. George begins to tear up as he watches his children sleep. He walks back downstairs. ALICE (Softly) George? Is that you? GEORGE Hi sweetheart. ALICE Do you have any idea what time it is? What kept you? GEORGE I had to finish some business at the office. Im sorry. ALICE Honey, you dont need to be there right now. Where you need to be is here with your children. They need you more than any of us. Do you know how much Ruth cries at night without you? You seemed more concerned to getting back to work more than anything! GEORGE You dont think Im concerned? Our house looks like it was put through a god damn cheese grater Alice! Do you know how many sleepless nights I have had all week? Thinking about what could happen if I couldnt ever protect you three? Do you know why im working so hard right now? Im working to help fix the house! (MORE)

20. GEORGE (CONT'D) So I think I may deserve just a little bit of gratitude! ALICE (distraught) Oh George Alice walks into the kitchen crying. George, visibly flustered storms out of the house and onto the porch. He sits and thinks. Phil Davis comes outside soon after PHIL Everything alright Georgy? GEORGE Oh... Yeah everythings fine. Im sorry if we scared you or Nancy. PHIL Nancys still asleep dont worry about her. Listen, why dont you tell me everything over a round of booze at the Red Oyster GEORGE Do you know what time it is? PHIL Of course I do. Come on lets go before the wives find out were gone. George looks into the living room through the window and sees Alice fast asleep again. GEORGE You know what? Lets go. PHIL Theres the old George! INT. RED OYSTER - LATER George and Phil arrive at the Red Oyster, an old jazz club filled with people drowning their sorrows over loss jobs and families. a band is performing various songs on stage. They enter the club and sit down at the bar. BARTENDER Whatll it be Phil?

21. PHIL Just a round of anything you got on tap. BARTENDER Comin right up lieutenant. GEORGE Damn Phil, they just about worship you here. PHIL Just one of the perks of my job. So is everything alright between you an Alice? GEORGE Oh you know, typical things. Worried im not spending enough time with the family mostly, I kind of went off on her a bit more than I should have I suppose. PHIL Nobodys perfect George, sometimes you gotta yell to get your point across. Look at me and the Mrs. I cant tell you how often we yell. We turned out just fine. Maybe. GEORGE

The bartender brings over two mugs. PHIL So what else is bothering you? GEORGE Besides the fact we still havent caught the guys yet? Sorry i didnt mean to sound sarcastic. Its just eating at me day by day. The image of my children hiding for their lives under their beds, the image of Alice on the floor. Im going crazy Phil. George starts to tear up PHIL George, I promise you, well find them. (MORE)

22. PHIL (CONT'D) Listen, why dont you take the day off tomorrow? Youve been back to work one day and youre already a mess. GEORGE No, I cant Phil, I got to get... PHIL George, youre not going. I cant let you go in your frame of mind right now. Thats final. GEORGE Alright Phil, I will take it easy George take another slug of his beer. Suddenly a crash is heard. George and Phil quickly turn around to see Earl. The father of Jacks friend and Georges former co-worker. He is clearly drunk and has been for a good few hours. His clothes are dirty and torn. EARL I knew that was you! Ol Georgy boy! GEORGE Listen here Earl. I have nothing to say to you right now. I have more things to worry about than a drunken buffoon. EARL A drunken buff... Buffoon? Is that any way to talk to the guy who got you where you a... Are? GEORGE What the hell is the supposed to mean? Phil stands up to intervene GEORGE (CONTD) No Phil let him talk. EARL Who was the one that actually got you into the busin.. Business? And what do I get in return? Everything taken from me no thanks to you! You took my life, you took my home, you took my job. (MORE)

23. EARL (CONT'D) In some ways I was actually happy to see someone destroy your precious home. George suddenly throws a punch and knocks Earl clean on his back. The entire bar is now silent, staring at the confrontation. GEORGE Get the hell out of here and get back to your god damn kid! PHIL What is everyone looking at? Get back to whatever the hell you were doing! Now! George walks away from Earl. Earl begins to stir. He finally manages to get back onto his feet and take out a switchblade out of his pocket. As he turns around, he is immediately met with a left hook to the face from a mysterious stranger that knocks him out cold. PHIL (CONTD) Jesus George are you alright? GEORGE Yeah, Im fine. Sir.... Thank You so much. How can I repay you? MYSTERIOUS STRANGER (Cold) Dont worry about it. GEORGE Well at least tell me your name. The mysterious stranger remains quiet. GEORGE (CONTD) Well heres a token of my appreciation. He hands him two dollars and leaves with Phil. INT. PHILS CAR. - MOMENTS LATER George and Phil are in the car on their way back home. PHIL Jesus George, I never thought youd have it in you to go out and hit someone like that!

24. George is quiet. Almost ashamed of himself. GEORGE I just want to get some rest and forget everything. INT. DAVIS FAMILY HOME - LATER George and Phil arrive home. Phil goes upstairs. George goes straight to the couch where Alice is sleeping and hugs her. INT .NEWSPAPER COMPANY-GEORGES OFFICE - THE NEXT DAY A secretary knocks on Georges door with a cup of coffee. After hearing no response. SECRETARY #1 Mr. Staller? Could I interest you in a cup of... She drops the cup which shatters on the ground. A look of horror appears on her face as she begins to scream at the top of her lungs. We finally see what she saw. Georges co worker Frank shot dead in Georges chair. INT. DAVIS FAMILY HOME - LATER George is awoken by Alice who is almost in tears. GEORGE Alice? Whats wrong? ALICE Your your boss just called. GEORGE Everything alright? ALICE Honey, Frank Barns was killed inside your office last night. George turns pale as a ghost GEORGE What? Thats impossible.... I Just saw him last night. He Offered to clean up for me.

25. ALICE Phil is waiting at the station with some officers. They just want to ask you a few questions. GEORGE Ok.... Ill go right now. George kisses Alice and leaves. INT. WESTFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT - LATER George walks through the doors and up to the front desk GEORGE Hi, Im George Staller. Lieutenant Davis asked me to come down. PHIL (O.S.) George! In here. George walks into the room. PHIL (CONTD) Have a seat. George sits at the table across from Phil and two detectives. DETECTIVE #1 Hello George, Im detective Carlson, this is detective Parker GEORGE Hello detectives. DETECTIVE PARKER George, wed like to ask you a few questions about what happened last night at The Red Oyster? GEORGE Wait... At the bar? What do you mean what happened at the bar? I thought you brought me here to... PHIL George just answer the question. They just want to verify.

26. GEORGE Well, after a spat with the Mrs Last night, the lieutenant and I went to the bar around 11 PM which is right down the block from the office. DETECTIVE PARKER We understand there was a confrontation between yourself a Mr. Earl Porter? GEORGE Well yes, but I dont see what this could possibly have to do with Frank. DETECTIVE CARLSON Can you tell us more about the fight? GEORGE Im not in trouble am I? DETECTIVE PARKER Mr. Staller, please just answer the question. GEORGE Not long after we arrived, I was confronted by Earl who seemed to be pretty drunk at the time. After he spouted off about his problems, and being happy about my familys recent incident I lost it and punched him in the mouth. DETECTIVE PARKER What happened afterwards? GEORGE As me and Lieutenant Davis were leaving, Earl attempted to attack with some sort of knife. A man who was sitting next to us took him down before he had any chance to attack. I thanked the man and went home. A long uncomfortable pause as the detectives whisper to one another inaudibly. Finally Detective Carlson speaks.

27. DETECTIVE CARLSON George, did you happen to recognize who the man was? GEORGE Well, no I didnt. It happened so fast I didnt even think of it. PHIL George, we have reason to believe the man at the bar last night was Arthur Gallo. The gangster, who we believe is responsible for the death of Frank Barnes. GEORGE What!? What makes you say that? PHIL I recognized him at the bar. I decided not to say anything after he helped you. DETECTIVE PARKER We have witnesses who have come forward corroborating that they saw Mr. Gallo leaving your office as well. GEORGE Well, great at least you know who the son of a bitch is! PHIL Theres more George. We also believe hes responsible for your home shooting. George slumps down into his chair as if he is going to faint. PHIL (CONTD) The bullets match the ones found at your home. DETECTIVE PARKER We think Frank may have been mistaken for you George. PHIL Were working under the idea the he may think you may be responsible for what happened to his wife. The timing of these two incidents could not have coincidental.

28. GEORGE Why the hell would he save me then? PHIL Its usually custom with his family that in situations like this the man must do it himself... GEORGE So what? Am I just supposed to sit here and wait to be killed? What about my family? PHIL Starting today were going to make sure you have the fullest protection George. A car is going to follow you back to the house. DETECTIVE CARLSON Well thats all the questions we have George. Go home and rest. Well take care everything else. You have our word. George walks out of the room with Phil. PHIL Are you going to be alright? GEORGE Nope, dont think I am Phil. PHIL Dont worry George, well find him. He cant hide forever. Go home and rest. Its been a hell of a couple weeks for you. GEORGE I guess youre right. What other choice do I have though? George leaves the police station

INT. GEORGES CAE - MOMENTS LATER George is driving back to the house. He looks into his rearview mirror and sees a police car following close behind.

29. GEORGE I think I may just lose my fucking mind soon. I/E. DAVIS FAMILY HOME - CONTINUOUS George pulls into the driveway and notices the door wide open. He gets out of the car and hears a scream coming from the home. He bolts out of the car and bursts into the home. His wife and daughter are in tears. The upper back of Ruths dress torn off. Large scratch marks on her back. Alice is holding her close as Ruth continues to sob hysterical into her mothers arms. George drops to his knees. Unable to comprehend what he has witnessed. He rushes over to his daughter. Two officers who followed George home burst in. GEORGE No, no,no,no,no. Please god... INT. HOSPITAL - EVENING George, Jack, and Alice wait in the waiting room. Georges hands are buried in his face. Alice is consoling Jack. The doctor enters the room. DOCTOR Mr. and Mrs. Staller? George and Alice stand. GEORGE How is she? DOCTOR Perhaps you would like to send the child away for now? ALICE Jack, why dont you go wait in the hall? Yes maam. Jack leaves the room DOCTOR Based on what your daughter has told us and on the x-rays we took, we can say confidently, there were no signs of sexual abuse. JACK

30. GEORGE Oh thank god. Is she alright? DOCTOR She sustained a fractured shoulder when who ever it was, violently grabbed her on her way home. She managed to fight him off. Her dress ripped when she tried to run. ALICE Can we see her? DOCTOR Mentality wise shes extremely shook up. Shes asleep for now. I think it would be best to keep her overnight. You could see her but we prefer if you went in one at a time GEORGE Of course. Alice, why dont you go first. ALICE Alright dear. DOCTOR Right this way maam. The doctor leads Alice to the room. George sits back down with his hands buried in his face. Phil runs into the waiting room. PHIL George, I came as soon as I heard. Is Ruth alright? GEORGE Phil, with all due respect, fuck off. All your protection has done to me is hurt my daughter and put everyone else in danger. We certainly dont need anything else right now. PHIL Im sorry George. (beat) Me and Barbra will be at the house. Come talk to us when youre ready. Phil leaves. Jack comes back into the room.

31. JACK Is Ruth alright dad? GEORGE Yes son, shes alright. JACK Its my fault! I ran ahead of her with Bill and Susan. I shouldnt have left her behind GEORGE Now listen here Jack. You did nothing wrong. Do you understand? But.... JACK

GEORGE No buts! I wont have my son live with this kind of guilt! You wouldnt have been able to do anything if she was with you anyway. Do you understand? Jack begins to cry Yes sir. George hugs jack. Alice walks out of the room. ALICE She awoke for only a moment but went back to sleep. GEORGE (coldly) I think I may stay here tonight. Alice, why dont bring Jack into the room with you. George..? Now Alice! ALICE GEORGE JACK

ALICE If you insist dear, come along Jack.

32. Alice leads Jack into the room. George calmly rises from his chair and exits the waiting room HOSPITAL HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Through a window we see George throw a punch and a kick into the wall. He begins to shout. The windows muffle the noise. We are barely able to make out his screams of pain and frustration. Fuck! GEORGE

He throws another kick. FUCK! And another. We pan back to see Jack looking through the window unbeknownst to George. Alice walks into the waiting room and quickly rushes Jack away. George is now sitting down on the floor, Knuckles beat red. INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM - NIGHT We enter into the dark bedroom where Ruth rests. George sits nearby in a chair covered by a small blanket. He tosses and turns, unable to sleep. He turns to Ruth, watching her sleep peacefully. He brushes the hair from her face as tears begin to well up. He turns back to the window. Daddy? RUTH GEORGE (CONTD)

George quickly tries to compose himself Hi Pumpkin GEORGE

RUTH I didnt know you were staying over! GEORGE Of course, I couldnt just leave you here all by yourself. Ruth smiles. She slides over on her bed, George sits down next to her.

33. GEORGE (CONTD) How are you feeling? RUTH A little better. My arm still really hurts though. She notices Georges now glassy eyes. RUTH (CONTD) Are you alright dad? George quickly rubs his eyes. GEORGE Oh Im fine sweetheart. RUTH I saw mommy crying too. GEORGE Dont you worry about your mother and I. Just worry about getting better. Alright? Alright. RUTH

GEORGE Thats my girl. RUTH But what if he comes back daddy? GEORGE I wont ever make the same mistake again Ruth. I will always be here to protect you from now on. No man is getting anywhere near you. Ruth hugs George. George sees the large scratch mark through the back of Ruths gown. He pulls back, out of shock. RUTH Whats wrong? George starts to tear up again. He quickly hugs Ruth again, this time more closely and stronger. GEORGE Why dont you try to get some more sleep and well talk about this tomorrow?

34. RUTH

Ill try.

George kisses her on her forehead. Ruth closes her eyes and falls back to sleep. George continues to watch her sleep with pride in his eyes.

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