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Judge us by the company we keep. ‘Over the years, we've had the pleasure of being associated with a lot of good people, com- panies, causes and personalities. Our affiliation with Keep Arrerica Beautiful, Inc. spans more than 50 years. Smokey Bear has been on our years and Woodsy Owl and ne Prevention Dog have becn with us from theirinception. They've all helped us grow from being the first litterbag company to ur present position as a major force in the Ad ity Industry. We in turn have helped spread vital messages through the distribution of ions of litlerbags that have influenced genera- jally proud to be asscciated with many specialy advertising distributors and their VISIT US AT BOOTH 1654-55-56 1985 S. customers whose names have been imprinted on many millions of standard and custom-designed Noteworthy litterbags. I'S a source of inspiration to serve both industry end important causes simultaneously ... all for the betterment of America and its people’ bie Northy ‘The Noteworthy Company America’s First and Largest Producer of Litterbags 100 Church Street + Amsterdam, New Yori 12010 (518) 842-2660 |. INTERNATIONAL WINTER SHOW.

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