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Example: Bob (Name) : Mozart (Topic)

Jahde: Lenin, Leo, Leonius, Leoninus Dates 800-400

About Leonin Leonin Leonin made a the liber it was a collection. Lonin was also probably the first composer to use the rhythmic modes (which are long and short durations), and possibly also to invent a notation for them. It was Lonins incomparable achievement to introduce a rational system of rhythm into polyphonic music for the first time, and to create a method of notation expressive of this rhythm.The Magnus Liber was intended for liturgical use. According to Anonymous IV, Magister Leoninus (Lonin) was the finest composer of organum; he wrote the great book (Magnus Liber) for the gradual and antiphoner for the sacred service. All of the Magnus Liber is for two voices, although little is known about actual performance practice: the two voices were not necessarily soloists.According to Anonymous IV, Lonins work was greatly improved and expanded by the later composer Protin. See also Medieval music.Some reknown musicologists believe that Lonin may have been the same person as a contemporaneous Parisian poet, Leonius, after whom Leonine verse may have been named. This would make Lonins use of meter even more significant.Leonin was a musistion and a poet (canon Music a piece in which the same melody is begun in different parts successively, so that the imitations overlap.)Leonin made 8 books that where the holy bibles. Late in the twentieth centery.Leonin was one of the first wastern composers. Leonin Died 8 centuries ago.

Liam: Jongleurs

Jongleurs or Troubadours were traveling entertainers. They told stories of great deeds. Troubadour came from all classes. They traveled from city to city. They often performed for nobles. Examples of high up Troubadours are: King Richard I of England (the Lionheart), King Thibaut IV of Navarre, King Alfonso X of Castile and Len.Jaufr Rudel de Blaia ,Bernart de Ventadorn,Peire Vidal.


Kieva: l Dufay was borned in 1400 27 November some people found 1474 he was called the best composer he was named the greatest of Composer because of contemporary. Duffy was in charge of these kind of music and he was nominated the best music producer ever in thhose times but now the music that is getting picked now is R.A.P or POP or Jazz is the

Pippa: Motet and Medieval Dances Motet: Motet was originated in the early 13th century. The name from Motet came from the french word, Mot, meaning word and in latin, movere, meaning "to move" or movement. Motet was based on a sacred text and it was usually sung without accompaniment (other instruments). Medieval Dances:
dance in Europe in the Middle Ages

For a sample look at:

Elisha: Perotin Perotins full name was Perotinus Magister, but people would call him just Perotin. Perotin played organum Here is a video of huis music, you can check some of his music out!!!

Protin - Sederunt Principes, Sheet Music + Audio Sources:

James: Name Of Topic

Ceiba: the run down on the middle ages They burned people alive, they were very religious. The black death struck 5 times in the middle ages. The catholic church/pope had vast influence in Europe and small parts of the Middle East. The crusades lift europe and when to jerusalem to defend the holy land

Philip:pipe and tabor the pipe is like a flute but with three holes, and the tabor is a type of drum. The tabor sounds like wood and plastic beating.

Francesco:Hurdy-gurdy The hurdy-gurdy is a string instrument. It is often shaped like a viola. It has a crank istered at the opposite the pegbox. When the crank is turned a resined wooden wheel adjacent to the bridge and to touching the strings rotate causing the strings to make sound.

Sources: The Harvard Dictionary of Music Thomas Tallis Thomas tallis was born January 30 1505. He lived in England. He died in November 23 1585. He sang with the Chapel Royal, played the organ, helped in running the choir, and continued to compose, and The best, and most well-known, example may be the 40-part

Spem in alium.

Natalie: Hildegard von Bingen Lived: 1098 - 1179 Gender: Female Nationality: German Hildegard Von Bingen lived at a time when a small amount of woman wrote, Hildegard was also, known as Sybil Of The Rhine. She made theology, medicine, and visionary writings. Hildegard made and composed music about God and Christ. When few women had respect,

she was consulted (means: Turn To) by Bishops, Popes, and Kings. She made medicine with plants, animals, trees, and stones. Her books have more than 2,000 remedies and health suggestions. She had musical plays which were performed. Hildegard has been referred to as St. Hildegard. Source:

Natalie: Palestrina Lived: Nationality:

Nina: The Shawm was known to be a very ear piercing. In its time, the shawm was one of the most important instruments of its time. The shawm was not really liked indoors it was so ear piercing. You might be thinking that the shawm was so shrilling that no one would actually like it. The shawm was a double reed instrument and was invented in between the Medieval times and the Renaissance. It sounds like a recorder when you blow too hard. The shawm is still found in parts of Asia and Europe. This is video of someone playing the shawm.

Angeleah: Psalty

Jacques: Lute A European plucked instrument. It was supposedly originated in the east maybe as far as India. At the times of the Renaissance the Lute became the dominant instrument of France and England. Lutes were most popular from the 1400-1800. In European times the lute had only about four courses. Now there is about 14. Here is someone playing the Medieval lute. v=vD_1Klq63pk&feature=relmfu

Emily: Plainsong/Plainchant A plainsong/plainchant is a traditional melody of Western Christian Churches. You might know it as The Gregorian Chant The words in a Plainsong sound prayer like and were more recited (which means read aloud) than sung. The plainchant is divided in two groups: The responsorial group (the more dominant group) and the antiphonal group (they sing a pure, developed melody). Here is an example of a plainsong: Sources The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Kennedy, Michael.

Composer: John Dunstable John:Name Of Topic MIddle ages Composer He died in december 24 1453 , loser for him. 1390-1453 english composer he was also an astronomer and a mathematician He composed many pleasing pieces after his death he got a nickname the prince of music He influenced music in all of europe\ He was one of the most famous Click to watch

Stefano : Organ

the pipe is like a flute but with three holes, and the tabor is a type of drum.

Sources (leonin Jahde) (Palestrina Natalie)

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