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DIALOG Suci & Subhan

Subhan Suci Subhan Suci Subhan suci subhan suci subhan suci subhan suci subhsn suci subhan suci subhan suci subhsn suci

: hii suci : hiisubhan : its your day off does not play : Iam not much work , after all the rain outside : did not you feel cranky at home alone : yes.. how else , want to play well in the rain and also a lot of work : did you work a lot : yes her name is also female : in ded\any work you do : much like , washing ,sweeping , and mopping : oh so also a woman bother : than you just talk better help I swept and mopped : I told the men during sweeps : rakes not just womens work , than no job : oh so , yes I want help you : thank you already want to help me subhan : your welcome suci : doesit bother you subhan : did not take it suci : yes

Asalamu alaikum WR.WB

Good day friends On this occasion I would like to thank you for having given the opportunity to stand here . As we know that Indonesia in general the poor are not because lack of food but poor in the form of lack of conveniece or a matter of the size of present day modern life they enjoy the educational facilties of the poor in booth urban and rural proverty in the face at everystate will always be coupledwith the problem of population growth wich then generate unemployment property in a state where there is a shor tage of common proverty is a global problem some people . Possible so that I can convey speech Sorry if there are any words that are less pleasing .

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