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How does music affect the way teenagers dress?

1. Celebrities
Celebrities and bands are often those who start trends, which mean their fans will want to dress and behave the same way as they do. Some teenagers even use celebrities for inspiration for a new haircut

1. Genres
Musical genres tend to coincide with the way people dress. For instance, punk rock music is often related to spikes, wearing leather and torn up jeans. While hip hop fans will generally wear loose tops, hats and baggy trousers.

2. Fashion Labels
Many successful music artists tend to branch out into merchandises, the most popular being a clothing line. Fans tend to buy clothes from their favourite artists to support them. An example of this is Victoria Beckham, who was once part of the Spice Girls; then became a fashion designer in her own right.

3. Music Videos
Teenagers often pick up fashion tips from music videos, and want whatever their artist is wearing, which is new at the time. An example of this could be rap videos where artists show off their flashy cars and jewellery to emphasise that they are living a life of luxury. This prompts fan to aspire and be the same when they are older.


Nabilla Js wardrobe could become a major influence on her fans who are most likely to be indie fans. They may look at her music video in hopes for inspiration like many people do for other successful artists.

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