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Dear, Agony Aunt

How do I approach the problem of my love life? I found my true love and he is a Montague named Romeo. Ever since I met Romeo I have felt scared and confused about love. I have followed my heart and I made the decision to marry him. For all my life I have been taught and known to hate the Montague family because of the ancient feud. However when I met Romeo I learned that they are no different from us. I am only 16 and my life is a secret. I feel I have betrayed my parents by marrying without their consent. However they do not know and want me to marry County Paris. In the eyes of my father County Paris is the most charming and eligible man but I cannot say that about him because my heart is committed to Romeo. The path of my love life has taken its own route, however my parents are taking it another way. The route I have taken is a secret and so they carry on planning my marriage with County Paris, due to happen on Thursday. With all the commotion I dont know what to do. I love Romeo and him only but County Paris is the man of my father choice and there is nothing I can do. Should I tell my parents before it is to late? Or hide my feeling and live unhappy?

Sincerely Juliet Capulet

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