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Developmental Workbook Term 3 This term I have been creating variations of the simple tune twinkle twinkle little

star. Throughout this project I have good and bad times creating my final piece due to confusion. The project started out on the piano figuring out the notes of the theme. The notes were CC GG AA G FF EE DD C GG FF EE D GG FF EE D CC GG AA G FF EE DD C. When I figured those notes out I wrote them down in music notation as 4 beats to a bar. After spending the whole class figuring out the notes and writing them in music notation I was ready to put the notes into garageband. After I put all the theme notes into garageband I was ready to start the chords. When I started the chords I realized it was not hard. I started out with the first note and made the chord for it, but from playing piano the rest I figured out really quickly. When I was done working the chords out I wrote them in music notation and put them in garageband along with the original theme. After the simple theme and chords were finished I started my first variation. The first variation I did was the passing notes which is where you change the theme and add notes that fit correctly. When I was creating this variation I was really confused but, I worked it out and finished the variation. After that variation was finished I listened through and it sounded really good. My next thing I did was the rhythm. Which is where you keep the same notes of the theme but change the beat. I did not really like the rhythm notes so I decided to incorporate some passing notes into this variation. So far my project was going the way I liked however, I needed to work on it at home because I was getting behind. At home I started the Alberti Bass which is where you change the chords. For instance the chord CEG changes to CGEG. At first I was really confused and frustrated but I completed it only to find that I was all incorrect. Throughout this project I learned to be patient, to work harder during the class time provided and to deal with my struggles. However, even though the project caused me struggles I feel my project depicts my passion and affection towards music. The only thing that would have improved my final piece would have been to complete the variation (theme), variation (chords), minor (theme and chords) and minor (variations). Overall this unit was interesting because I was able to create variations that turned out differently from everybody elses, even though we all started with the same theme, but for me it lacked detailed explanations about each variation.

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