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The Delusional Cactus

Oh cactus, my delusional cactus Where does the oasis lie this time Will you try and kerlump there or begaggle Oh how you are so desperate Does the oasis lie under that rock Do not try because you are hermunking your spikes Alas they are sticking up everywhere Even though you only have one trump You are going crazy my dear cactus Since you thought that cherchump was the cure You banged your trump on the dalumk And scraped at that grook galore Does the oasis lie above that cloud Dont try to get there because you are miggling your base Your base is as red as the wolg in that tree Even he doesnt try such crazy things I am sorry my dear cactus as your attempts have failed You will be left to gruv and wither Even I can not help you for your are going derut As I watch you fade away into the sky

In this nonsense poem the cactus is the symbol for dehydration and a cactus lives in a desert and there is barely any rain. This poem shows how he is hallucinating and desperately trying to get water but does not so he fades away. J.B.I am very impressed by your poem. You showed tremendous maturity as a writer by using stylistic devices (e.g., Oh cactus.. and dear cactus) and compelling imagery (e.g., an oasis that lies above a cloud). The poem itself is perfect. One improvement, in terms of the assignment, would be your interpretation of the cactus as a symbol. Dehydration is too literal a meaning for a cactus. However, you (perhaps

accidentally) mentioned a perfect symbolic meaning of this cactus of yours: DESPERATION. Criterion A 10/10 Mr. Eichert

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