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Francoise Nielly oil Canvas My first reaction to the painting was, that the painting was weird because

all I saw at first was a lot colors, but when I looked closer I realized the colors made a face. This reminds me of an artist that did similar artwork to this one. The artwork does not have an title, but the author of this artwork is Francoise Nielly. I really like this artwork because the artist uses a lot of different shapes and colors to make the the figure in the painting. In my opinion the colors are very strong and bright. The colors that he uses are mostly secondary and tertiary. The colors that are used most in this artwork are pink, red, green, and brown. The brown is used for the face mainly, the green is for the background, the pink is on the cheeks and the red is on the neck. The painting does value, there is a light coming from the right side of a face, and the other side of the face is slightly darker. The artwork is very realistic looking, it looks like it has a 3D effect. the colors do have a wide tonal contrast that are very light and dark. The media that was used for this artwork is oil paint. The painting has an even amount of thick and thin paint applied to it. I can see a lot of texture in the artwork, and I tell that the artist used a thick paint brush because there are large paint strokes on the painting. I believe the painting was done quickly. In the artwork there are a lot of different shapes. like triangles, squares and circles. The shapes are spread evenly across the canvas. The face in the canvas is serious but the colors that the artist uses are not serious, because the artist uses light colors instead of dark colors. The artwork is painted like this to create mystery, and depth in the artwork. In my opinion i really like the canvas because of the way he used the colors to create a nice texture in the canvas.

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