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B. Design Maximum 6 points DUE November 2nd @ 5pm Task 1: Produce one or more designs for your product.

. Your designs clearly and accurately need to communicate how your E-Portfolio will look like (layout, structure, colors, images, etc.).

Task 2: Choose the most successful design and explain how it meets each of the design specification. Make adjustments in your design if needed (after revisiting ideas and checking how the design meets the design specifications). The above design meets each of the design specifications because I wanted it to have varying colours but not too bright and outrageous, have pictures that are suitable for corresponding specific blog, have different colour writing (if it is appropriate) and have each blog with a different greeting picture and most of those things are displayed in my E-portfolio. C. Plan Maximum 6 points (See the planning worksheet and follow the structure) DUE November 2nd @ 5pm Task 1: Present in detail what resources (materials, tools, equipment) you will need. I will need: My laptop My teacher- so I can ask questions Internet Instructions A focused brain Task 2: Present clear steps on how you will create your E-Portfolio. Add time needed and planned dates each step will be accomplished. Remember, the deadline is November 16th Later make adjustments to your plan every time it changes. Explain, justify changes. Evaluate the quality of your plan.

NOTE. Make sure the plan is so accurate that someone else could follow it and make the intended product. Leave Changes and New Date columns empty as you will fill those as you work on the creation of your E-Portfolio. PLAN for your E-Portfolio Your initials: K.C.P. Grade:7 Mrs Carter Technology CIS Date: 2nd October, 2012 PLAN for your E-Portfolio Resources Materials and Tools: (everything you'll need to make your E-Portfolio) ... Steps: (Logical sequence of tasks to accomplish to create your E-Portfolio. Make it as clear as for someone else to follow and understand. List as many steps as you need.) Time Plan: (Estimate time in minutes, approximately, needed for each step. Look at the calendar to see when we have classes and when the E-Portfolio needs to be done. Add other days and weekends, if that's part of your plan.) Steps to do: 1. Find weebly Time in min. Half of a minute/ 30 secs Half of a minute/ 30 secs A quarter of a minute/ 15 secs A quarter of a minute/ 15 secs Date due: Changes None New Date

2. Create your site. 3. Enter a title for your site. 4. Choose your website domain. 5. Choose your template and personalize your site. 6. Publish your site.




5 minutes


5 secs


7. Share your site with Mrs. Carter. 8. Add Pages

Half of a minute/ 30 secs 10 - 15 minutes This time varies because if you have to add an activity it could be a long activity therefore it would take a long time.



9. (Add steps or have less depending on your design).


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