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Representation of Gender Primeval

In the opening of the extract we are shown a male character walking with a female character, the audience is shown the male character to look a lot bigger and more overpowering than the female character that looks small, the camerawork her can add to the stereotype that men are bigger and stronger than females. Another way camerawork is used successfully in the extract is when the male character sees the tiger and jumps into the ditch the woman, Abby, has made with the digger. We are shown an over shoulder shot from the tigers perspective, and this shows the male character to look small, scared and weak. It also makes him look superior to the tiger. Usually men come across being strong people who are fearless so this defeats the stereotype. Furthermore we are shown the female character Abby walking alongside three other male characters, the fact she is walking along side them can suggest that she is equal to them. However the camera effectively shows Abby last, which creates an assumption that she isnt as important, which is a stereotype. In the editing of the extract there is a clip where two male characters and a female character go into the yard and stop another male character shooting someone. In this scene the male is dominant and is in charge of taking the weapon off him, however the woman is in the background behind and doesnt speak. This editing has been done possibly to make the audience think she is not as powerful or intimidating as the male. When it comes to sound we are shown Abby in the digger, the digger is extremely loud when she is driving it, this can show that she is in control and is powerful, which defeats the typical stereotype of a woman. In a specific mise en scene we are shown a female trying to manipulate a male character or she will tell the police he is breeding fighting dogs. The woman does not threaten the man at all and he throws her on the floor and gets out a shotgun. After this the woman is scared and claims she didnt mean it. This scene shows the audience that men are more dominating than women, and that they are also more powerful, which agrees with stereotypes made. The fact that the man is breading fighter dogs can agree with a stereotype that men are fighters, just like the dogs. We are also shown the female character Abby controlling the digger while the male character is walking, this can go against stereotypes than men are more dominating because she seems to be in control. We are also shown that when the tiger is attacking the scared male character, she calls it over and fights it without showing any signs of fear. This defeats the stereotype that females are scared easily. Also because we are shown her fighting with the claw on the digger, and the tiger also fighting with its claws, it can show the audience that she is equal to the tiger in strength. Finally at the beginning of the extract we are introduced to a man carefully placing a rock down. He is very oddly dressed, wearing the colour pink. Men do not normally wear this colour because it is a feminine colour, this shows the audience that he can be going against a manly stereotype and be quite weak. It can also potentially create questions about his sexuality.

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