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Evaluate the product/solution

1. Take a look at the specifications that you wrote in the Investigate stage. Evaluate what your actual product/solution looks like now by comparing it to your original drawings & plans. A) Are you happy with the outcome? Explain in detail

I think some things changed but no big things.

B) Did anything change? What changed? Why did it change?

I think the pitcher at the top of the screen was left out.
C) Was something left out from the original plan? Why?

I would put different pitcher at the top of the screen.

2. Evaluate your use of the design cycle Explain how you did during each stage of the Design cycle. (Apply deep analysis and reflection) Investigate

I think I did ok in the end of my Investigate stage but at first I did not do my work.

I think I did well on my design stage I did all the work.


I did not like the plane stage but I got it done in the end.

I think I did well on my create stage I finished all my work.

3. What are 5 things you learned from this project?

1. How to use scribe. 2. How to make a web site. 3. How to use symbol. 4. How to use Google better. 5. How to use my PC better.

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