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Purity Ring Fineshrine

Close analysis of music video

First 30 seconds
00:10s. This was the first clip of the video for the first 10 seconds. The only movement was it zooming into the clouds.

00:11s. Sharp clip change from the clouds. When the beat changes the clip tends to change. Snappy

00:17s. The extreme close up on the eye of what seems to be the main actor of the video. This links in with our ideas for our own video because we had in mind the idea of extreme close ups on facial features / body parts

Conclusion from viewing the first 30 seconds of Fineshrine

From watching the first 30 seconds of Purity Rings Fineshrine I have noticed some similarities in this music video and our ideas for our music video. For example: Fast movement changes/clips Slow motion shots Close ups Extreme close ups of body parts

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