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Comparing and Contrasting Essay

In the book FACE: THE PLAY by Benjamin Zephaniah and Richard Colon there was a boy named Martin. Martin caught a ride home with a friend and a driver that was a stranger. The stranger named Apache who was not quite right, he had way too much to drink and he was high on heroin . All of a sudden the car had flipped and caught on fire and the next thing he knew he was in the hospital, he then had a face graft. The authors show Martin in three ways, one of which was known as Narrative Martin who knows everything that's going on. The second Martin, Present Martin, represents him after the life changing accident. The third Martin, Past Martin, represents Martin before the car crash. Little did Martin know that getting into that strangers car would be the worst idea, night and moment of his life...

Past Martin represents Martin before the car accident, Past Martin was very brave because he had the guts to go up to the police and make a joke. He was also very popular and not to mention he had a model girlfriend! He also was a great gymnast. He was definitely one lucky dude.

Past Martin was happy because he had everything he wanted, friends, family, fun and most of all a normal life, until the unthinkable happened....

Present Martin represents Martin after the terrible crash. Present Martin is very aware of his face, and he feels that everyone is talking about it behind his back. Present Martin is definitely less sure, less sure of knowing what to do and less sure about himself. Present Martin is also scared of what he looks like, before he sees himself for the first time, not to mention he is persistent on getting his normal life back, even though objects keep knocking him back down to the start . Present Martin is slowly adjusting and realising his old life is gone...

Narrative Martin on the other hand represents the Martin who's telling the story, the Martin who knows everything that's going on, the Martin that well... is the narrator. Narrative Martin is very smart with making decisions. He is also sarcastic which can be good thing but, not always. Narrative Martin accepted his situation after a while. He is also good at telling the past, and very emotional during this story.

I feel that all Martins are the same inside but out, completely different. They may be the same person but they definitely have different thought, opinions and styles. This story of the three Martins was showing us just how Martin got over his situation. After awhile his life was okay... It wasn't perfect but it wasn't terrible. This was a great story with lots of emotion even though the three different Martins were the same person, they were all different and unique in their own way. This was the story FACE: THE PLAY by Benjamin Zephaniah and Richard Colon!

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