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The Black Plague By:Liliana Olivia Rhymer Mothers face went pale as she rushed us inside the house.

She looked around at us, our filthy hands and clothes and our faces browned from the filth of the street. Mothers hands were white from baking bread and her dress stained black and brown from earlier years. Dont play around with me Mother warned. She paced back and forward and pointed her crooked finger in my direction. Thomas you're the Oldest, you better not be sinning to me! Remember what happened to little Suzy when she sinned?. Yes mother, but were not lying! He reassured her. Mr.Valdorie just dropped dead in the middle of the streets!. Mother looked like she was about to go insane. I must warn your father right away, hes working on the farm She said while running out of the house. Thomas was grinning at what had just gone down. Thomas why are you grinning, the plague could happen to ANYONE! I told him. He shook his head no and ran back outside. Im going to go play by the dock He smiled proudly. Dont Thomas! You could get sick! I told him grabbing his ripped shirt. Let me go, I can do what I want! He said proudly. He pushed the door open and ran down the road. I got worried so I decided to walk and meet mother and father at the field. The streets seamed less busy and a lot of the people wouldn't dare make eye contact. I kept walking until I reached mother and father with two big barrels of hay for the kings horses. They lugged them along the streets, as they scold me to get back inside the house. Its not safe out here! They pleaded. But thomas said the plague wouldn't get us! I told them. The seamed to stop in there tracks and looked at each other. Where is thomas?, Hes by the dock! I said proud of my brother for being so brave. They shook their heads and pushed me along into the house. We waited for thomas and he finaly came home. I decided to sleep on the floor outside my room not to upset Thomas. Father was up early as usual to work on the lands. I woke up as mother was at my door to wake up Thomas for work with father. I got up and moved to the side. It was my turn to take out the waste and I hadn't done it yet. As I was on my way out mother gasped and felll back. I rushed to her to help her up. Mother what has startled you? I asked. She pointed into my room to reveal Thomas with black and purple boils all over him. He reached out to us as mother shook her head and started to cry. I ran to tell father who was already on his way to the field. He ran back home to mother who was still there wondering what to do. Stay home and care for him Father told mother. I will fall sick though! She cried. The only thing left to do was to dispose of him. Father left for the field thinking his head would be cleared and he would have a solution by supper. Mother went about making bread and delivered them to the kings castle. While I went outside and helped father with the field work. Father usually does not come home for lunch but since Thomas was out sick he did. He peered inside to see a rotten Thomas laying there. He looked like the Devil was inside of him. Father shed a tear and wrapped him up inside a blanket. He left him outside for the towns men to collect. He was there for a long time when the towns men finally came to collect him. He was rotten and had rats crawling all over him. The priest said a prayer from him as he was sent to the graveyard to take his place under ground.

There was word that two men had fallen sick with the plague. I coughed a couple of times before continuing helping father. I didn't live to see another sunrise or sunset, I was one of the victims. I wonder in heaven if mother and father would just wrap me up in a blanket like they did to thomas and throw me outside not daring to glance my way. Or would they take the time to say their goodbyes. But I will never know... for I am a victim.

The end.

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