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Analysing Questionnaire Results

By Kirstie Staggs

The Questionnaire
This is the questionnaire that was created to be handed out to our target audience for them to complete. From this we hoped to gather information which we can then analyse. The information we get we can take into consideration when creating our music video.

Question 1: Male or Female

We used this question so that we are able to tell who is answering our questionnaire, we dont need their personal details but knowing if they are male or female allows us to then use this questions results and combine them with another. For example, knowing the percentage of females/males who watch music videos. We managed to gain 18 responses from this questionnaire, 4 were male and 14 were female.

Question 2: What is your favourite genre of music?

Out of the responses we collected we were only able to use 6, this is due to the choice of their favourite music genre. No one ticked electronica therefore we had to look at the next closest genre which was pop. This genre gained 6 responses and from these 6 responses, 5 were female and 1 was male. The data we have got from these questionnaires is not representative of all males and therefore cannot be generalized. Despite the set back of no one choosing our chosen genre, the findings we have found can still be useful and influence of work. Pop as a genre has similar characteristics to electronica as these genres often overlap.

Question 3: Do you watch music videos?

We asked the question do you watch music videos to narrow down our responses, to find out how many of our target audience actually watch music videos. From the results we found out that 4/5 females (80%) watch music videos along with the 1/1 males (100%). 1/5 (20%) of the females told us they didnt watch music videos. Due to their only being one male response, this doesnt represent the whole of the male population.
4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Watch Dont Watch

Males Females

Question 4:If yes, how often?

We received varied answers for this question ranging from everyday to not often. Out of the 18 responses 4 said they watch it weekly, 6 everyday, 2 monthly, and 4 not often. There were 2 responses that didnt specify how often they watched music videos.

Weekly \\\\ Couple a month \\

Not often \\\\

Everyday \\\\\\

Question 5: In your opinion, what is the worst thing to put in a music video?
For this question we took all of the responses into account as it can be applied to any genre. We did decided to disregard some responses as some were giving immature none serious answers. From the responses who gave useful answers, we found that the most common topics/themes that people didnt want to see in a music video were:

Nudity Violence Conflict

This information is really useful to use as some of our original video ideas included some conflict and mild traces of violence. With these results we can now focus on other aspects and avoid including the above to ensure it is appealing to our target audience.

Question 6: Where do you watch music videos?

Out of the 6 responses we are basing our research on, 100% of both males and females watch music videos on YouTube. Although one of the female responses stated that they dont often watch music videos, they chose the YouTube option. Even though these results are highly unrepresentative of the entire population we can be sure that if we were to publicise our music video, we would upload it to YouTube where our target audience would be watching.

Question 7: What is the most important aspect of a music video?

We decided to use the responses from each questionnaire rather than just from those who chose the pop genre as these are general aspects of a music video. We could only use 10 of out the 18 responses as 8 people didnt complete the question correctly. Rather than marking 1-6 in the boxes given they just ticked one box and as a group we decided to disregard these responses as they will not generate reliable answers. From the 10 out of 18 responses we used, 6/10 (60%) were female and 4/10 (40%) were male. The two responses that got the highest rating was seeing the artist (70%) and having a clear narrative (30%). The need for the artist to be seen in a music video is one we are going to take into consideration when creating ours along with having a clear narrative as these are clearly 2 important factors.

Seeing the atists Clear Narrative Continuety Backing dancers Parody

Question 8: Likert scale

The results for the likert scale can be seen below, the results helped us find out which artist from the Electronica genre our audience liked the most. From this we will be able to carry out research on these artists and find out their unique selling point, their characteristics and other aspects which we can consider when representing our artist.

Calvin Harris

Owl City


Fatboy Slim

Daft Punk/Lady GaGa

Question 9: Do you like these images? Yes/No?

We have found that the artist who's image was favoured the most was Lady Gagas. In the question we didnt specify what we wanted the person to like which could suggest our results may have individual differences. Individuals may have answered this question based on different things. Lady Gaga could have been favourite as she has a visually strong image and you cant get away from her in the media. Taking this into account along with Dyers star theory, our artists needs to have a visually strong image along with USPs which makes them unique. I believe we should attempt taking this 12 on board for our artist but not to the 10 extreme of Lady Gaga as from our previous question (Q7), costume and 8 makeup was rated the least important thing to our audience. Therefore making 6 our artist unique with a USP but not over 4 the top with costume and makeup could 2 be a way around this where we have taken into consideration results from two 0 of our questions.

Prodigy Lady GaGa Fatboy Slim Rihanna



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