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1. Reduce plastic bags as much as you can. 2. Follow the principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 3.

Grow at least 1 plant on your own, without the help of anyone. 4. Reduce the amount of junk you eat and soft drinks you drink. 5. Do not throw the chocolate wrappers on the floor in the school campus. 6. Eat less meat and eat more organic foods. 7. Conserve water as much as you can. 8. Do not leave water to get stagnated which is a major cause for many diseases like the prevailing Dengue fever. 9. Think of energy saving methods in school by Turning off the fans and lights when you leave the class. 10. Have separate bins for bio and non-bio degradable wastes. 11. Protect our School Environment by Avoiding plastic carry bags. Taking care of the plants and trees in our campus. Encouraging others to practice the above mentioned rules.

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