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September 26, 2012

Favorite Daybook Entry

Today, I am at peace. I woke up at 6 a.m. to go to See You At The Pole. SYATP is a nation wide event where students meet at a flag pole, in our case the Belk Tower, and pray for their school, students, teachers, or anything else that they might need prayer for. I spend so much time caught up in what I need to do that I go so fast through everything and do not take enough time to talk with God. It was amazing that people were willing to sacrifice sleep to come to this event. Although inspirational, it was very disheartening that out of 26,000 students only 8 showed up at the tower. However, I feel very at peace now sitting in my 8 a.m. because I just know that God is present in my life and in this campus. That is very encouraging for me. I definitely feel like it was a good decision to go to this event. I enjoy getting together with other believers and letting it be known that I am not afraid to be defined as a Christian. My God is wonderful and merciful, even when I am not or when I do not deserve it.

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