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Cancldian Institute for F)oliticallnte~Jrity

"The Ughthouse at ONawa" - AS6embly of Independent WYZE KYJ<f( F~lUJ C C/O Canadians (AIC)

Glen Kealey, President and Founder

The political and religious human resource network combine their efforts to violate all "HOMEOWNERS" basic human rights to own property, by transferring our so-called human rights to the most unethical workforce alive today=-The Home Service and Maintenance Industry-by "lawfully" turning what was once styled ~'A Man's Castle" into a weemiri's "For Pr?fit Dog House"; thereby passing total effective control over the house to their MASTER ...i.e. The Insurance Industry, known to insiders as GOD.

Have NUN of

Glen E,P. Keale nteer tional President Canadian Institute for Political Integrity See TOSHACK's



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el Toro coprolite letter to "Glenn Kealy" attached below




Nov. 30 2012 12:48AM P2

- Delivered By Mail -

Glenn Kealy 908 County Road 18 Oxford Mills, Ontario KOG 1JO

RE: Important Information Regarding the ServicinJU)f Your Oil Heating Equipment

The servicing of fuel oil heating equipment has been a significant part of the Toshack and Harper Heating businesses for many decades, and during most of that period the situation remained fairly constant. However, in the past few years, we have witnessed some major shifts in thJ way oil

is perceived by the public, government, and insurance companies. For example, twenty years ago a small spill of less than 500 ml of residential I
now it requires reporting to the government's Spills

fuel oil was an accepted occurrence;

Action Centre, reporting to the homeowner's insurance company, investigation by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority, and expensive remediation is often required. Our society has no tOlernce for oil spills of any size.

All heating service pro~iders stop servicing oil equipment; we are determined to adapt service to you. However, we

are faced with this challenge and many ha:vechosen to Toshack is committed to the fuel oil service business and our processes in order to continue providing professional are forced to implement some changes in order to be able

to do so.
unless the

~ custo er has signed a "Heating Fuel Oil Risk Acknowledgement-and

indicates that you, the .. ..

Effective Decem )er 1, 2012, Toshack will no longer be able to provide service

tnoemnitv" prio~ to service; this acknowledgement

customer, acce~t the risks of using oil. A copy of this acknowledgement is attached; you dm not need to return it to us immediately, but you will need to . . SI nac;;o norIt 0 an ft' ure servlc;;e. u Also effective 0 cember 1, 2012, hourly service charges for fuel oil equipment

will increase Si8lificanthj,

We regret having to im lement these changes, but the current environment require, to do so.

to $115.00 per hour for regular daytime calls.

regulatory and insurance




Nov. 30 2012 12:49AM



PLEASE.NOTE: There will be NO change to the cost of the annual furnace cleaning! (It is required by the TSSAand it includes a comprehensive inspection report that is frequently required by homeowners' insurance policies.) The price of Toshack's Guardian Insurance Plan (equipment break-down protection and an annual cleanlng) will also remain the same! We have converted many of our customers to natural gas or propane; if you are ._~onsjd~Ejn~repl~~.i.ngyouroil equ!.pf!1~.~~{ ..:rC?sh~.<:.f\:~_n.p..r-2y!9~ v~r:Y. c:~!;-.~ff~~iv.e; :.:. ~ : natural gas or propane heating solutions. Financing is also available. (Lennox has equipment promotions in place until November so", and OPA rebates are in place until December 31st.) If you are interested in these options, our Comfort Specialist Bob Barkley will be pleased to give you a no-cost, no-obligation estimate or feel free to visit .our website at We greatly appreciate your continued support.





Toshack Service & Maintenance Corp. HG:mg'~: :: ..-.-, ,


. ..,.':





Nov. 30 2012 12:49RM



TO: ToshackService& Jaintenance Corp. ('~ToshackH)


. The und~rsigne~ (the ,icustomer") un~ersta~ds ~d,~c~~wledges that there are en~ir~nmenta1 and oth~r risks associated With th~ ~uPplY an~ use of heating 011 ( 0.1 ), and that the rel~ase. of ou Into the environment may cause considerable environmental damage and costly clean up obligations under environmental laws. The Cust6mer is aware that Toshack is not willing to assume responsibility or disk I concerning the supply or use o~ Oil to or at the property owned, leased or otherwise used by the Customer (the

"Pro~erty") Or for servicing OJ! storage tanks, p~pcs,fum.~es and oth~r related equ~pm~nt (collectively. [he '~EquIPJllent") at the PropertyjlDd that Toshack IS only willing to provide such services If the Customer assumes all potential liabilities connection with: (i) the supply and use of Oil to, on or in respect of Property:

(ii) the servicing and/or maintenance of the Equipment; and (ii) the release of Oil or other substances from the Equipment. Thereforein consideration of Toshack agreeing to: (i) supply Oil to the Customer; and/or (ii) service or maintain the Equipment, theicustomer agrees that: I. The Customer alone shall assume full responsibility for all costs and expenses related to the !,upply and/or use of Oil at thJ Property, including, without limitation, all risks of Oil or other contaminant. being released into thelenvirODment, including info soil or water. The Customer shall fully comply with all applicable envtr0nmenral laws, and any and all policies, rules and procedures or programs adopted by Toshack PJr1aining exclusively OJ: partially to safety, the environment and- its protection. The Customer shall in iemnify and save harmless Toshack, its officers, directors. employees, representatives, agents and any other person for whom it is in law responsible (collectively, the ''Indemnified Person ") from any loss, liability, prosecution, claim, demand, damage, fine or expense (including cost of inve tigation and defense, legal and other professional fees and exrenses, interest, penalties and amounts aid in settlement), whether or not involving a third-party claim, (collectively, "Damages"), suffered y, imposed upon or asserted against any of the Indernnifled Persons in connection with the su] ply to or use of Oil at the Property, the service or maintenance ofthe Equipment, or 8.<;; a res It of any 011 or other substance being released into the environment.In all: cases whether or not as a result of the negligence of any of the Jndernnified Persons.


Dated this __

day of


, 20_.


Customer Name:


Customer Name:

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