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Special Meeting
1:30 PM, Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Members Present: Burnett, Stoldt, Israel, Narigi, Riedl, Riley
Members Absent:

Staff Present: Legal Counsel, Clerk to the Authority



TAC Chair Burnett called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.



Chair Burnett opened the floor to public comments for items not on the agenda and having no
requests to speak, closed public comment.


1. Receive and Discuss Consultants Report from Separation Processes Inc.: Evaluation of
Seawater Desalination Projects and Make Recommendations to the MPRWA Authority

Chair Burnett opened the item noting the report under discussion is only a draft and any
comments or recommendations will be distributed to the Authority Board as well as to the SPI
Consultants. He also clarified that any recommendations given to the Board will be regarding
the report information and not recommendation of a desalination project.
Member Stoldt informed the TAC that the SPI Consultants will be attending the Authority Board
meeting on November 14, 2012 to discuss key variables, uncertainties and assumptions. He
also indicated this will be an opportunity to give comments and feedback regarding project
proponents to be included into the final report. He then directed the discussion to focus on
compiling any issues or concerns to be elevated and to collect comments from the public.

Chair Burnett suggested the recommendations be broken down into the following categories:
Clarification of questions for the consultants
Sensitivity analysis of the key variables
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MPRWA TAC Minutes Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Identification of key questions the JPA will need answered before a recommendation
can be made to the Authority Board on a January time frame

Chair Burnett opened the item to the public. David Armanasco spoke in appreciation of the
work from the SPI Consultants for the review of all three projects and wanted to provide the
TAC with comments in four areas: source of water supply and quality, O&M costs, schedule,
and project risks. He provided a written document to the TAC with expanded comments.

Paul Hart representing the Peoples Moss landing project requested additional comparisons be
done by SPI Consultants by presuming different circumstances as potential alternatives and to
give new costs assessments based on the alternative positions. His recommendations and
concerns for the report included the following:
The cost of debt service is different in scenarios of purchase versus lease and may not
impact the cost of operation over period but total life of the project.
Too much presumption on the ability of a lease agreement without need of eminent
domain. No consideration of large up front capital costs for acquisition of property.
Expense of the intake pipes need to be comparable, it was included in some but not
other projects.
Need to equalize to the cost of foot of water to what the public is paying and not the cost
to produce.

Nadar Agha rejected the report and the assumptions made about the Peoples Moss Landing
project (PML). He disagreed about the cost assumptions generated by the consultants for the
Peoples project that they are significantly different than his own cost forecast and said he has
successfully built projects never exceeding his cost forecast. He also expressed frustration that
the SPI Consultants used outdated numbers, even when provided with updated figures and he
also disagreed with the assumption the project cannot meet the necessary deadline. Mr. Agha
reminded the TAC that PML has a completed and Environmental Impact Review.

Doug Wilhelm expressed concern that Cal Am appears to be competitive in costs, but the
report does not include the 99 million dollar surcharge from the rate payers. Director Burnett
clarified that the consultants did not look at financial issues, because the JPA did not request
the consultants to include the surcharge for the net present value calculation but the issue of
the surcharge is important enough that it will be agenized at a future Authority Board meeting.

Dale Hekhuis commented about the appropriateness of the proposal and provided written
comments to the TAC. He expressed that project management fees are missing from costs
estimates and profit contributions would start at $8 million and decline due to assets. He
questioned if Cal Am considered contingencies of the slant wells on the impact to the schedule.

Sue McCloud questioned if the same discussion will take place again tomorrow night and was
disappointed the consultants were not present at this meeting. She questioned energy costs,
specifically the opportunity to use methane power from the local landfill and that there was no
mention of legal actions and how it could delay and increase costs. Ms. McCloud requested
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MPRWA TAC Minutes Tuesday, November 13, 2012

expansion on the process of acquiring rights of the water route, specifically an existing pipeline,
and questioned when confidential information about the Deep Water Desal (DWD) project
would be made public.

David Armanasco spoke in response to part of Sue McClouds concern about the water route
and indicated the DWD project intends to replace the current pipe with a larger pipe and that he
expects the confidential information to be made public as soon as this week.

Paul Hart challenged the calculations of initial capital costs and indicated the method of
calculation was incorrect by dividing per acre feet by the total costs.

Safwat Malek spoke in support of Ms. McClouds comments requesting SPI to respond in an
addendum in addition to the TAC memo prior to the Authority Board meeting. He also
questioned why the financial figures for Cal Am's project were drastically different than
previously published numbers.

Dennis Ing, Chief Financial Officer for Deep Water Desal indicated that they did their best to
provide accurate information to the consultants working around confidential information and a
short time line. He complimented the SPI Consultants staff on the report and acknowledged
that the report was a snapshot of the information available at that time.

TAC Burnett reiterated the goal of the discussion was to request clarification and gather
questions but not to find answers and brought the item back to the TAC for suggestions,
corrections, and requests for clarification or questions.
Member Narigi requested clarification on the following areas:
Cost of the slant wells vs. rainey wells
Clarification on where all the projects are with relation to the schedule to date
The plants would be running at 98% capacity which is a replenishment plan and not
factoring in growth for community vitality.
What level of acre feet production is needed to make the schedule

Member Riedl questioned water quality numbers listed in chapter four. Water quality drives
costs and suggested the TAC or the Authority BOard make a determination of a standard of
source water quality. He also suggested that the report should indicate that water rights were
not considered in this evaluation. Mr. Riedl indicated he had other technical concerns and that
he will submit additional comments in writing prior to the Authority Board meeting.

Member Riley commented that site reviews were apples to apples on site control, but it is an
assumption that should be changed or clarified. He also requested clarification for schedule 6-
5, chart 6-1, which allows for an EIR only for the Cal Am project but requires an EIR and EIS for
the other two projects.
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MPRWA TAC Minutes Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Rich Svindland spoke representing the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply project about the
project status of test slant wells indicating that intended to have a test slant well installed during
the snowy plover absence, but without a complete application with the Coastal Commission,
they will have to wait until the next non nesting season (November-March). He also clarified
that they intend to return water to the Salinas Valley Basin on any day that the production
exceeds the daily water requirement.

Member Riley expressed concerned the report is targeting the first year of operation to get a
project initiated and that he's not comfortable with the long term implications and making
decisions based on short term results will result with being trapped in a bad process in the
future. He also indicated that this report will be useful for the JPA if one of the projects fails and
urged any additional considerations be included for contingency plan.

Member Riedl indicated that the Watermaster Technical Advisory Committee will take up the
question of replenishment versus growth at a meeting on November 14, 2012.

Chair Burnett gave a brief synopsis of the key assumptions discussed during the meeting and
indicated a memo would be developed to present to the Authority Board for the next meeting on
November 14, 2012. With no further discussion on the item, Chair Burnett adjourned the


Respectfully Submitted, Approved,

Lesley Milton, Committee Clerk President MPRWA
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