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Fiery-Tongued Girl: You might know her, but you would regret doing so.

From the
moment you meet her, it is noteworthy that she is stammering, yelling, ordering people
around for no apparent reason. She is the student CEO with no employees, who believes
command and authority rests with her even though none has been codified. She has a
secular righteousness to her and will unleash her pent-up anger to anyone who dare
question her authority or her ideas.

Fresh from college in another state, she feels as though she is well-settled back here in
California. Yet, there is a sense of establishmentarianism in her line of thinking, as well
as her behavior. If an idea is contrary to her thinking, she will act like most east coasters
– sardonically dismissing the idea, thinking it absolutely crazy, insane, or wacko; she is
not the type to have debates with. She would have been a great monarch, believing that
her supreme thoughts allow her to rule the unwashed masses. When she is sitting or
walking, there is a sense of anxiousness for no apparent reason. Her head bobbles back
and forth, to and fro, and while sitting her leg has a tendency to shake as though she has
some sort of neurological disorder.

Her anger manifests itself after class, where she will be outside smoking, taking out her
anger on her addiction, the cigarette. The cigarette is sort of like a pacifier, an oral
fixation that relieves her stress.

She is stubbornly anti-everything. She was anti-Bush, but she wasn’t pro-Kerry. She
does not appear to like any of the professors, but then she has no qualms about providing
a compliment on their performance here or there. During anonymous grade evaluations,
she felt the need to reveal exactly how she scored her professors – even though the entire
process is supposed to remain anonymous. (If other students know how she graded her
professor because she opens her mouth and reveals her obnoxious ideas regarding how
well they did or not, then that student listener could easily tell the professor and the
process would not be anonymous. Too difficult a concept for her, perhaps).

She has never uttered a single positive idea about anyone or any thing, and thus she
stands for nothing, because she is against everything, and if everything is wrong, the
suggestion that the opposite—a replacement with all that exists with the opposite, would
stand to be her line of thinking. But she does not take that position. She prefers to sit
atop her ivory towered egoism and believe that everything could be better if it were done
differently, even though she does not say exactly how that could be done. In reality, she
probably could not run a 7-11 store for more than 15 minutes before some teenagers
would start stealing candy and blind men would be grabbing cigarettes and taking it out
the door.

When she applied to law school, she probably heard that lawyers always disagree about
things and therefore this would be a good field for her. She did not realize that she
needed logic and reasoning skills. Instead, she thought that if she simply yelled at them
and acted like an obnoxious jerk that people would back down and listen to her. Given
that is not the case, it is not surprising to hear that she finds the law school experience so
troubling: it is not what she had bargained for.
She believes that everyone else is wrong, except her. The only time one can be “rude” to
someone is if she personally likes that person. Thus, her demand for an apology to
loquacious lightweight. I refused to apologize to loquacious lightweight because I stand
for everything that I have said and there is nothing to apologize for. However, as I
pointed out, if she does not like the person, she has no problem embarrassing them in
class, in front of the professor. Fiery-tongued girl called a decorated army veteran, who
occasionally stumbles when called in on class, a “cheater” – in class – although she did
not describe exactly who it was. The decorated army veteran knew that he had been
defamed by the likes of the fiery-tongued girl. It was rude. And everyone noticed.

The fiery-tongue girl is always quite self-absorbed. She does not realize that the silent
majority passionately dislikes her. It is not the same as the passion and anger some had
for Bush; in Bush’s case, he had 51% of the vote. In fiery-tongued girl’s case, she would
be lucky to receive 15% of the vote in class. If she were to run for governor of
California, she’d likely get even less support than Arianna Huffington, who received less
than 1% of the vote.

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