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acute Myocardial Infarction also known as a heart attack, coronary occlusion, or simply a coronary - life- threatening condition characterized

by the formation of localized necrotic areas within the myocardium ETIOLOGY and risk factors Common cause: complete or nearly complete occlusion of a coronary artery Two factors: Internal factors Plaque characteristics, such as the size, consistency of the lipid core, etc. External factors Actions of the client and other external conditions Clinical manifestation Chest pain- radiate to the neck, shoulder, back or left arm Atypical chest, stomach, back or abdominal pain Nausea and dizziness Shortness of breath and DOB Unexplained anxiety, weakness, fatigue Palpitations, fatigue or paleness Immediate treatment Call emergency medical system as possible Aspirin at the inset of manifestations Elevate the clients head and loosen any tight clothing around the neck Oxygen IV line started Connected to a heart monitor Defibrillation or CPR

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