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Remote Viewing History By Unknown

As this is an initial draft of an introduction to remote viewing I will not deal in any great
detail with the history of remote viewing, much of which stems back to the CIA and US
Military, but can be traced further back beyond the remote viewing protocols to the
recorded use of clairvoyance, astral projection and out of body experiences where
remote locations were viewed. Some of the websites listed below offer articles on various
aspects of the history of remote viewing, which in and of itself makes for very interesting
reading, but does not address the actual techniques of remote viewing.

For an indepth look at the history of Remote Viewing, please see Ingo Swann's online book "Remote
Viewing - The Real Story":

For information requested under the Freedom of Information Act for all documents pertaining to Stargate
program conducted by the CIA see:

A brief overview of the history of remote viewing:

For a look at what is claimed as an original military version of the remote viewing protocols please see
the following sites:
Remote Viewing By Unknown

What are the different "types" of remote viewing?

In this case we’re using the official term remote viewing, so this describes
different ‘types’ of RV as commonly known in the science community.


The Ganzfeld approach to remote viewing uses a mild form of sensory deprivation, in the hope
that minimizing input from the world around the psychic or remote viewer will maximize their
ability to sense subtle input from their subconscious/psi. Usually the psychic is reclining or
lying down. Halved ping-pong balls are placed over the eyes, and the room has a dim red
light. White noise is usually played through a speaker. Ganzfeld RV data often seems a bit
'dreamy'. This may be due to the rather hypnagogic nature of the methodology.

"Outbounder" or "Beacon"

The Outbounder approach to remote viewing uses a second person as a 'beacon' for the
psychic or remote viewer. The viewer sits in one location, and the outbounder leaves the
building, gets in a car and drives around randomly for a specified period of time. Then the
outbounder opens a sealed envelope with directions to the target site. At an appointed time,
the outbounder is to be standing at the target site taking note of his surroundings. The
viewer's job is to describe the surroundings of the outbounder. Eventually it was found that
(a) it’s pretty much impossible to separate ‘telepathy’ from ‘clairvoyance’ in testing, and (b)
outbounder sessions are no better than regular RV and sometimes can be worse (based on
viewer AOL), so this is seldom if ever done in formal RV science nowdays.


Associative remote viewing is a protocol based on a revised tasking for a given RV project. It
is used for binary targets (where there is a choice of two outcomes (plus ‘other’), and these
types of targets are usually also a form of precognitive psi. The tasker "associates" three
specific targets with the outcomes in question. When tasked, the Viewer's description will (it
is hoped) match one of those targets clearly enough for the tasker to conclude an answer. For
example, if the target is the rise or fall of the price of sugar on the commodities market
tomorrow, the tasker may assign "Niagara Falls" to a "fall" answer, "the Eiffel Tower" to a
"rise" answer, and "the grand canyon" to "other" (such as, stays the same, the stock market
is closed that day, or any other potential).

The viewer is tasked with, "Describe the target." If the Viewer's description can be correlated
with one of the predefined associated targets, that is what the analyst or tasker would take as
the psi-derived "answer." When the outcome is learned, the viewer is given the feedback of
the target correlated with the actual outcome. They are not given feedback on the other
options or on what they may have described, even if it is clearly one of the other selected


Coordinate RV is a standard RV protocol but used with the initial "tasking" of geographical
coordinates (or ‘encrypted’ coordinates) for the target. The initial RV research had a very
serious question to answer about how you could direct a psychic to describe a given thing if
you could not tell them what it was they were supposed to be describing. Ingo Swann is
credited with coming up with the geographical coordinates concept, which was used for some
time. Some scientists proposed that a viewer might have memorized all the millions of
planetary coordinates and what was at their location (in detail), so this eventually caused the
science to ‘encrypt’ the coordinates. This later changed to simply being a string of random
numbers, and then sequential numbers mostly used for proper tracking/databasing of
sessions. It was found that a simple "describe the target" tasking was sufficient for

Note: In the case of Coordinate, Outbounder and Associative remote viewing, these
approaches could be used in conjunction with most any psychic methodology. Ganzfeld is
more limited to use in conjunction with methods due to its altered state/visually secluded

Psychic Methodologies often used in conjunction with Remote Viewing Protocol

Be aware that a methodology does not ‘make’ a process remote viewing. A method used
within a proper remote viewing protocol makes it remote viewing.

"Controlled" Remote Viewing (CRV) In the early 1980's, psychic/author/artist Ingo Swann
began compiling a set of psychic methods which he felt addressed the important aspects of
psychic work. These methods were designed to be used within an RV protocol, and as such,
were referred to as as form of remote viewing. Based heavily on the work of French
researcher Rene Warcollier, and combining theories from his own interests in a wide variety
of fields, Swann’s methods were a how-to for communicating data one receives via psi. The
methods are utilized while sitting at a table and writing or sketching data. They are notable in
that they are done in a far more "alert" state than many other approaches to collecting psi

In a historical sense, these methods are considered by some to have been Swann’s attempt to
teach people to pay attention to how they processed data, and as such were training methods
-- NOT viewing methods, and according to documentation even at the time, were not designed
to be used outside a proper RV protocol even in training after Stage III.

However, historical revision has now gone so far in "RV Methods" and their origins, values,
intents etc., that it’s a subject best left alone. There are a variety of people teaching a variety
of versions of these methods. Swann denies all credit or blame for their current incarnations.

"Extended" remote viewing (ERV)

One of the more common means of "getting in touch with a target" is similar to the Ganzfeld
approach, but without the technology. In this instance, usually the psychic reclines or lies
down comfortably in a dim or darkened room, and another individual (an 'interviewer' or
'monitor') asks them questions and records the data they verbally provide, or they use a tape
recorder. Prior to finishing their session they generally attempt to sketch their impressions.
This has probably been a method used by psychics throughout time. In the later years of the
DIA intelligence unit that utilized remote viewing, once CRV (above) had become a standard
methodology, the "natural psychic" way of going about things was coined the term ERV,
mostly to separate it from CRV (and as such, it encompassed most anything CRV was not).
Over time, as the viewers had been bred into the concept of ‘methods’, various methods were
imposed upon this approach as well, until it was a slightly different creature.

At this point, there is no legitimate claim by anybody to know ‘what ERV really is’, but there
are a variety of people who have done something like this, at some time, some of them in the
intell unit, some initially and some after CRV came along and caused the ERV-term to be
coined-- and they are probably all doing something different-yet-similar. There are people
who ‘teach’ ERV methods in the public now, based on what they think they know about the
intell Unit’s use of ERV. It probably doesn’t matter. In the end, methods are just methods -- if
you work within protocol and get accurate data, you’re doing alright.

Other Methods

Mostly thanks to the internet and remote viewing being a money-making opportunity, there is
now a wide variety of ‘training’ available for what many people call ‘remote viewing’. Whether
it works within the real RV protocol, you’d have to investigate. Whether it is a derivative of
Swann’s CRV, you’d have to ask. Whether its form is worthy of study let alone payment, is
something I can’t answer. There are other individuals from the military who have some
experience with psi work there, such as David Morehouse, Ed Dames, and Glenn Wheaton,
who do not teach CRV but teach their own version of either CRV, ERV, or in Glenn’s case
something else entirely.

Copyright © 1994-2002 by The Lucidity Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission for non-
commercial use is hereby granted, provided that this file is distributed intact. Quotations must
be properly cited.
First exercise:

You will need a time and space where you will not be disturbed. Unplug the phone, shut the door,
no animals or kids causing a ruckus, neighbour not likely to mow his/her lawn, etc., no pressing
time constraints, no rush to work or push through your exercise...

A nice quite cosy undisturbed space. I RV in my bedroom laying on my bed on my back very loose
clothes, always a blanket (just like doing a tape session at Monroe). Even if I have not untied or
taken off my tennis shoes, I will notice pressure in that area or a stop in the energy flow
(sometimes you may become totally hyper sensitive). But if you have a favourite room, sofa,
recliner chair whatever, just find a nice comfortable relaxed space.

I use ear plugs, these little squishy pink things I bought at Wallmart, (common discount
department store), and even though my room is dark I like a cloth or towel over my eyes, just
something I have become used to. I like to feel I am in a totally quiet dark cocoon. No incoming
noise to distract me, or attract my left brain to bring in the physical universe. I want to play in the
etheric. I want to be at 'one with universe' a nice quiet safe sort of "all" and "nothing" space. I
want to resonate with the universe as one or a 'whole'. I want to be equal with it. I am selfish
here, this all my space, this is all my time (or no time space) this is all my adventure, I want to
gain/know/feel everything I can here.

NO music.. no meta music no hemi sync. Nothing. Just Is - ness.

Ok.. the exercise to bring you direct and cantered to the "ALL" and or nothing, the null and void

Don't complicate this, don't think it too much, it is simple and natural state, a clean state, a basic
stable state we will build and work off of.

Imagine, envision, mock up, a pool of beautiful serene opalescence down at your feet, just
hanging suspended, free form, mid air below your feet. Soft.. swirling movement, moist,
comforting.... a delicate fragile whiteness overlaid and infused with shimmering opalescent
colours. The full colour spectrum of a rainbow are locked into this opalescence, so you don't need
to concentrate on or worry about PUTTING all the colour there. The Colour is there.. relax and just
breathe. Pull this.. breathe up, the soft opalescence up through your feet.. let it gracefully slowly
swirl, encircle, surround, merge and climb the length of your body.. up down, in and out, right
side, then it curls gracefully over to the left side, winds around swirls about, left, right, within,
without, all the way to the top of your head then back down, winding around, right left, within
and out.. surround. Breathe it up and exhale it out down. Feel it.. see it, be it, know it.

The colours will entertain.. (focus) attract your right brain. We remote view with the right brain,
the right side of the brain only. Right brain dominate. The left brain needs to take a back
needs to recede, it needs to (learn) to just mind the bodily functions, quietly, nothing more. (the
left brain does NOT.. take kindly to this new role, not one bit.. it will fight, argue, cajole, trick, to
remain dominate..) Simply refocus on the opalescence, and breathe.

When breathing the opalescence many phenomena occur.. Heightened sense of awareness of
your internal physical body workings. hypnogogic images float by (distract) like an unending
freight train.. (very common to pass through the hypnogogic 'level' ) stray thoughts may pop in..
(e.g., don't forget to buy milk.. Oh I forgot to call mom.. did I get gas.. did I turn off the coffee
pot, goofy stuff.). Anything the left brain can do to bug you, or 'subject thought' to bug with)
refocus on the opalescence keep refocusing on the opalescence. Up down in and out, side to side.
Soon you may feel a floating, sinking or settling in sensation, a feeling of "growing" larger, or
smaller. Subtle vibrations, a swaying sensation.. (or any combination of) your sense of physical
hearing may heighten. Main and or sub chakras my stimulate, or you may become aware of them..
re focus on the opalescence. You may, just fall asleep. Keeping attention on the swirling colours
will help you to remain lucid and aware, but sometimes as hard as you try you can and will still be
distracted by left brain (control freak) or simply lulled into a delta-theta dip and or into some
lovely dreamtime episode. No problem, all this will pass, (giggles.. in about a year.. JUST
KIDDING ) blow off and blow thru with practice and refocusing on the opalescence. Lots of neat
phenomena occur when we become 'self cantered' and right brain dominate.

You want to practice, practice, practice, breathing/pulling/ drawing up, the opalescence, until
you are very comfortable with it, very comfortable with the (sorta null zone) "altered state" it
leads you to, hypnogogic gibberish passes by quickly or vanishes all together, a nice body relaxed
(sometimes asleep and it snores) altered state, your 'awareness' is fuzzy but aware and is
space', lock it in, know it, feel it, get to know it, get comfortable with it.

That's the first practice exercise, just get a bit aquatinted and comfortable with this important
(static) state/form of awareness.

You may be ungrounded after doing this.. be CAREFUL getting out of bed-chair.. Give yourself
time to adjust to the physical universe again and know that it is SOLID. I have walked into a wall.
stepped on my glasses, got out of bed on my hands and knees, bumped into my dresser, used the
rest room and sat on the commode in a zombie like stupor for heaven knows just how long, and
my vision is sometimes fuzzier than usual. I usually eat a bit of something have some coffee and
smoke (cigarettes) to ground. One time I drove too soon and twice I saw a bight orange square
neon sign shape, just appear and suspend in mid air, right outside my windshield . So be C A R E F
U L.

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