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Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E.




MASS MAZE Blood Clotting




Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 2


“VACCINES have caused Autism-spectrum, many neurodevelopment disorders, sudden infant

death syndrome, alleged “shaken baby syndrome”, many idiopathic seizure disorders, learning
disabilities, Gardasil adverse reactions and death, Gulf War Syndrome, expressive aphasia,
impaired speech skills, Attention deficit disorders , silent ischemic strokes, blood clots,
idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, and much more to many organ systems.” M.A.S.S.
disorders on a MASS scale and cerebral Disconnection syndromes in the M.A.Z.E - MASS
Anoxia Zone Encephalopathy.” Andrew Moulden BA, MA, MD, PhD
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 3


Thrombosis (blood clotting) is the result of alterations in blood flow stasis (pooling of blood),
vascular endothelium injury (endothelial cells line the insides of all - blood vessel walls), or
alterations in the constitution of the blood (hypercoagulability - propensity to form clots).

The eponym “Virchow’s triad”, after German Physician Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), is the
term used to capture these key components of blood clotting. Thrombosis is an integral part of
tissue repair and healing. Thrombi (clots) can be large or microscopic. It is the microscopic clots
that are causing autism-spectrum. The mechanism to injury, however, is a new medical discovery
that does not follow classic clotting pathways in physiology. I have called this process “M.A.S.S.
– Moulden Anoxia Spectra Syndromes.”

The first category, alterations in normal blood flow, refers to several situations. These include
turbulence, stasis (low forward blood flow), blocked flow, varicose veins, the M.A.S.S. response
to vaccinations, infectious diseases, toxins, heavy metals, food, additives, and drugs to which an
individual is immunological hypersensitive to.

The second category, injuries and/or trauma to endothelium includes damage to the vessels
arising from shear stress, hypertension, ischemia, toxins, metabolic derailments, and immune
system responses to foreign substances in tissue, the blood, or the blood vessel walls themselves

The last category, alterations in the constitution of blood, emerges from numerous possible risk
factors such as hyper viscosity, deficiency of antithrombin III, protein C & S, renal (kidney) and
hepatic (liver) impairment, changes after severe trauma, estrogen levels, disseminated cancer,
late pregnancy and delivery, race, age, whether the patient is a smoker, obese, diabetic, and
heavy metal ion exchanges that lower Zeta potentials… to name a few. Any and all of these
factors increase the risk for hypercoagulability which is an increased tendency to form blood
clots. The clots formed may be large or microscopic.

If blood clots occupy greater than 75% of a the inside diameter of a blood vessel, then oxygen
delivery is impaired and the risk for stroke is increased. Ischemic stroke is a generic term which
connotes oxygen demand exceeding oxygen supply and can happen ANYWHERE in the body
and not just the brain. For example, strokes in the large bowel caused by an inflammation results
in ischemic colitis and autistic enterocolitis. Ischemia in the small bowel that is caused by
inflammation, results in mesenteric ischemia. Gluten plays a role in these ischemic processes
after MASS via ischemia reperfusion injuries. After MASS has damage bowel microcirculation
units, any gastrointestinal inflammatory response can re-trigger bowel symptoms.
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 4

Alterations in normal blood flow (stasis)

Alterations in the constitution Triad
Injuries to the vascular endothelium
of blood (hypercoagulability


The clotting process is initiated by a protein called tissue factor, which is bound to the
membranes of most cells outside the bloodstream. Blood coming into contact with these
membranes sets off a sequence of reactions involving various blood proteins called factors.

Because minor injuries often occur, the clotting process is almost constantly taking place
somewhere in the body. It must be terminated quickly, however or blood would clot everywhere
and death by ischemia (low blood flow) would ensue. To prevent this form happening, plasma
proteins known as fibrinolysins, reactive proteins, or plasmins, dissolve old clots in the

It is important to note that blood clot sizes range from large, as in the clots that form in the veins
of the legs (Deep Vein Thrombosis – DVT) to microscopic as occurs in microcirculatory units,
capillaries, and the even tinier branching “capillary side –roads” such as the vasa vasorum –
literally “the blood vessels for the blood vessels.”


The “MASS” response that has caused vaccine injuries, autism, and infectious disease morbidity,
does not follow classic steps in the clotting cascade. MASS is transient, recurrent, and
cumulative in the damages it causes. MASS exhibits large intra and inter-individual variability
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 5

(for specific reason, some of which we now know), The MASS process is recurrent and
clinically silent. In microbiology, it is a fleeting microscopic process and therefore cannot be
seen on tissue biopsies or under a microscope for that matter. The process does have “footprints”
several of which we can now see.

Neurocognitive and language functions from AMSS can be recovered. Remarkably, recovery can
be impaired by recurrent MASS episodes, and by the recovery process itself, and by the wrong
interventions given at the wrong times, in the wrong amounts and sometimes combinations. For
these reasons, medical sciences has not been able to figure out “what is causing autism” or for
that matter “how did infectious diseases like polio cause paralysis, tetanus cause lockjaw,
measles causes encephalitis, or smallpox and Spanish flu cause death?” Since medical sciences
do not know the cause, in physiology, they do not know how to treat.. In fact, the entire Western
medical falls apart relative to MASS Disorders on two fronts: 1) MASS once-size fits-all
vaccination campaigns have caused MASS disorders; 2) There is no such thing as a “one-size-
fits-all pill to reverse the multi-system damages allopathic medical practices have
caused…including autism-spectrum.


The curative treatments for MASS disorders are the same for all. However the dosing and
frequency and combination lock “hold patterns” are different for each individual. This means
treatment must be individually tailored and followed carefully through the recovery process in an
iterative manner.

Contemporary medical science licenses drugs and treatment for mass production based on
population averages of efficacy. Serving commercial interests for the most part, medical sciences
assumes “if it woks for 4 out of 5 people, then it can be licensed and sold for profit on a bulk
scale.” This is not how our bodies work. Efficacy for one person can be catastrophic for another.

The physiological needs of any organism, at any moment in time, are different from population
based statistical averages. Curing autism-spectrum and MASS disorders is a tailor made, time
consuming, iterative process that recognizes the individual’s physiological needs, at any moment
in time, are crucial in terms of treatment success and direction. Combinations, frequency, and
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 6

“dosing”must not be administered blindly and can never be administered in a one-size-first-all

mentality. It is precisely this sort of thinking that created the MASS disorders to begin with.


MASS is clinically silent. BrainGuardMD protocols have put a “voice” to this silence so that the
MASS ischemia process, when active, can be known. MASS, as it turns out, is a “silent” medical
emergency that has been, and continues, to unfold right before our very eyes – even in children
who already have the diagnosis “autism-spectrum” Once the initial damage has been done, one
no longer needs vaccinations to trigger greater damage.

Until the discovery of “MASS”, medical sciences has not known how to fix the problem with
vaccines and infectious diseases, properly diagnose the health adversity retrospectively and in
real-time, cure the problem, or prevent the problem by targeting the physiological response.
These critical clinical steps have been all that is needed to prevent morbidity form infectious
diseases rather than our current approach of injecting a multitude of biologically active
ingredients in the human body via vaccines. Most children by the time they are 5 years of age
have been vaccinated with other 150 foreign antigenic determinants. Since the MASS process
responds to ANYTHING foreign in the body, the multitude of contaminants in the vaccines
including aluminum, aborted fetal tissue, preservatives, formaldehyde (to name a few) have only
served as boosters to the generic MASS immune response which causes pathology at the
microcirculation units.

With the discovery of MASS, infectious disease prevention can now come from the cure.
Remarkably, the cure is the same for all infectious diseases as the cure targets the CAUSE in
mammalian physiology.

Autism-spectrum can also be recovered, however, this recovery comes not from the cure, but by
the targeted reversal, in a step-wise manner, of the multiple physiological derailments across
multi-organs, that MASS has caused.

The solution to autism recovery comes from my knowledge of the pathophysiological process
and what this process has done, to the brain, liver, bowel, kidneys, bone marrow, immune, and
endocrine systems. The solution, relative to recovering brain functions, is as unique as it is
simple, however, once again, solutions must be implemented in series and in proper “dosing and
frequency” else recovery will be hampered by the recovery process itself!
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 7


The way out of this “MASS MAZE” is like dialing in the numbers on a combination lock. The
numbers (interventions) must be dialed in at the right amount and in the right sequence. The
unlocking “combination code” is the same for all; however, the amount and duration of each
“number” in the unlocking sequence must be tailored to the individual in an iterative manner
constrained to the improving metabolic profile (MASS comes with new blood work analyses)
and brain structure and function repairs as measured and followed by our non-invasive, indirect
functional neurovascular imaging protocols (i.e.

BrainGuardMD measurement protocols lock in on several “imperceptible” neurological

functions that have been de-railed by MASS and ARE being de-railed by MASS in the here and
now. MASS is a silent, medical emergency we are now in the position to treat. BrainGuardMD
protocols, by using the individual as their own case-control for baseline measures, informs us
who to treat, when to treat, and, with our new medical physiology knowledge, we now know
what to treat with. More importantly, we also know what not to treat with during MASS as some
interventions, and innocuous substances (including cough medicines and aspirin) can cause
greater harm and even death.

In essence, we are now in the favorable position to advance diagnose and emergently intervene
to prevent many MASS induced disorders and diseases including sudden infant death syndrome,
autism-spectrum, learning disabilities, and attention deficit disorders… to name a few. We are
also in the favorable position of beginning to recover those that have been harmed, en mass.

M M Vaccine deaths
A A Autism..

Live Recording within the blood

Vessel During
micro inflammation


Inflammation is the body's response to infection or irritation. We are most familiar with
inflammation as the redness, swelling, warmth, and pain that occur with localized skin infections
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 8

and at the injection site with vaccine needles. Doctors use the Latin ending '-itis' to indicate
inflammation, as in appendicitis, colitis, or meningitis. Inflammation can also occur without
microbial invasion, as with arthritis, tendonitis, or gastritis.

Looking closely at all these conditions, we discover that white blood cells are involved, and they
coordinate their activity by signaling each other with chemicals we call cytokines. These
chemicals signal the white cells to attack invading microbes or to gather around a splinter to
move it to the surface of the skin.

We now know that there are low levels of these chemical signals all over the body at all times.
They are part of the background state of alertness of the immune system. Scientists call this
condition by various names, including micro inflammation or chronic systemic inflammation.

There are many similarities between background micro inflammation, micro blood clotting, and
the stress response. In fact each can stimulate the other. When we are stressed, chemical signals
multiply and our state of alertness increases, but there is a price to pay.

Consider how a country as a whole responds to the stress of war. Protective measures at airports
and military bases provides not just readiness for response, but also an economic cost and a
"wearing out" of the resources involved.

Similarly, the state of alertness or inflammation involves a cost to our bodies - it wears out our
defenses and makes us more prone to disease. Multiple repeat vaccinations is a microbiological
war that has a cost; if the defensive response to too great, too prolonged, or too frequently
activated, “wearing out” occurs at the level of the end arterial vascular networks in the body.
This is the cause of MASS disorders, autism-spectrum, and many other ailments.

Expert consensus on vaccine safety?

With non-microbial conditions like gastritis, tendonitis and vasculitis we one again see that
“Germs” are not the end all beat all cause of disease in the human body. Anything foreign placed
in the body causes some form of “itis” and white blood cells, without exception, are involved.
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 9

This fact alone simply shatters vaccine expert opinions, like that of Dr Paul Offit, who is fond of
saying “Children can handle 10,000 vaccines” because the “bugs have been weakened, killed, or

Dr Offit is also fond of belittling parents of autistic children and some of my professional
colleagues with comments like “leave the science to scientists.” Of note, a scientist’s
observations and clinical acumen has no validity in the face of blind arrogance and over-reliance
on probabilistic, man-made, mathematical model that can be wielded for capital gain as much as
it can be used to seek truth. Science, in both design and analysis, has limits. Not knowing what
those limits are is pseudo-science in the least, wishful thinking in the middle, and proving one’s a
priori hypotheses before the evidence is in. You can never prove a null hypothesis –you can only
fail to reject it. Failure, in this instance, belongs to the scientists, and not the parents of these
MASS disordered children in the hands of expert clinician-scientists.

To disavow a multitude of anecdotal reports and parental observations of a vaccine-autism

connection in lieu of one’s investment in an imperfect medical model, is ignorance of medical
physiology, history taking, and common sense. Such behavior is a recipe for hiding behind one’s
credentials, to defend one’s ignorance, with blind faith in knowledge that self-professed
“scientist-clinicians” like Dr. Paul Offit had no direct hand in acquiring for himself.

Disseminating clinical medical information on the basis of “someone else told me so” is a
subversion of the Hippocratic oath, which I fear, will come back to haunt many public-profile
vaccine “safety” experts in short order.


The most common cause of impaired blood flow is damage to the arteries. All blood vessels are
lined by special cells called endothelial cells (collectively endothelium). The endothelium is just
one cell thick. It is an organ in itself, lining the heart and every artery, capillary, and vein. Like
any organ, it ages and can be damaged. Micro inflammation is a major player in causing this
damage. Repeat vaccinations are a major player in causing micro inflammation. White blood
cells are part of the micro inflammatory process which also alters non-Newtonian fluid dynamics
relative to blood flow.

Foreign substances (including vaccines, toxins, infectious diseases and heavy metals) that enter
the body, blood vessel walls, or tissue, leads to the four step “tether and roll process outlined in
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 10

the image above. In this way white blood cells migrate to an area to wage war against whatever
foreign substance has entered the body.

Endothelial cells are lined with a thin coat of glyocalyx which acts like “teflon” so that red and
white blood cells do not stick to the blood vessel walls as they float by. Micro inflammation and
immune challenges cause the white blood cells to stick and roll along the endothelium in spite of
this “Teflon” coating.

When micro inflammatory signals rise above a certain threshold, the endothelium becomes
sticky, attracting white blood cells which migrate into the area to start cleaning up the foreign
substances and tissue damages that arise from the microscopic white blood cell mediated “war.”
In essence, the white blood cells “slip out” of the laminar blood flow, stick (tether) to the
endothelial cells, and roll along the inside walls of the blood vessels for some distance. Any
inflammatory mediator or foreign substance in the blood or tissue can launch the “tether and
roll” activation and transmigration of white blood cells.

Hyper stimulation of this white blood cell process alters non-Newtonian fluid dynamics in the
micro vascular circulation in salient ways. This is one of the phases of MASS and part of the
cause of vaccine induced autism-spectrum (more will be said on this in later chapters of MASS
BOOK relative to the recovery of MASS and MAZE disorders).

Once the white blood cells firmly adhere to the endothelium (and stop rolling) they pass
(squeeze) between the endothelial cells to clean up foreign substances and damaged tissue.

In the view at the top of the header for this section, we are looking at a cut through an artery; the
endothelium is the red lining surrounding the tether and roll steps for white blood cells. The
white cells have been activated by inflammatory signals and are beginning to migrate through the
endothelium in stage 4 – white cell transmigration.
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 11

With heightened micro inflammation, this first response white blood cell “tether and roll” can
become self-perpetuating. The more damage that occurs, more inflammatory signals are sent,
and so on. Just as firemen at uncontrollable blaze call for backup, more signals go out and more
white blood cells arrive.

Damage to the blood vessels occurs in different areas of the body in different people. When it
occurs in the arteries supplying the brain, it contributes to dementia or to an ischemic stroke. The
stroke can be large, giving rise to the classic features of stroke (loss of language, we4akness on
one side of the body, sensory changes, a drop in the corner of the mouth, facial numbness) or it
can be clinically silent. BY example, 20% of people with dementia have impaired blood flow to
the brain yet they have never exhibited the classic features of stroke despite remarkable,
stepwise, and progressive neurocognitive impairment. This is MASS at work and it is the same
biological basis, in a condensed and temporally limited time-frame, that has caused vaccine
induced neuropsychiatric disorders including autism spectrum. Wherever MASS occurs, it
involves white blood cell response related to our general response to stress and foreign
substances entering the body.

Do note that white blood cells are physically larger than red blood cells. This is important in
terms of the silent pathology caused by vaccines, autism-spectrum, sudden infant death, and
neuropsychiatric disorders in general. Indeed, this simple size discrepancy is crucial to much
human disease relative to the MASS response in physiology.
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 12


With heightened micro inflammation, from vaccines, infectious diseases, or toxins, this first
response can become self-perpetuating. The more damage that occurs, more inflammatory
signals are sent, and so on. Just as nervous cops at a brawl send for backup, more signals go out
and more white blood cells arrive.

Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) inside a blood vessel, obstructing the
flow of blood (ischemia) through the circulatory system. When a blood vessel is injured, the
body uses platelets and fibrin to form a blood clot, as the first step in repairing it (hemostasis) to
prevent loss of blood. If the hemostasis mechanism causes too much clotting, and the clot breaks
free, a thrombus is formed.

When a thrombus occupies more than 75% of surface area of the lumen (central hollow area) of
an artery, blood flow to the tissue supplied is reduced enough to cause symptoms because of
decreased oxygen (hypoxia) and accumulation of metabolic products like lactic acid. More than
90% of obstruction can result in the complete deprivation of oxygen (anoxia), infarction, a mode
of cell death, and cell damages by ischemia which is an absolute or relative shortage of the blood
supply to an organ.

The formation of a thrombus is usually caused by alterations within Virchow's triad. To

elaborate, the pathogenesis includes: an injury to the vessel's wall (such as by trauma, infection,
vaccine, or turbulent flow at vessel branching points); by the slowing or stagnation of blood flow
past the point of injury (which may occur after long periods of sedentary behavior - for example,
sitting on a long airplane flight); by a blood state of hypercoagulability (caused for example, by
genetic deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, heavy metals, and lowered Zeta potentials ).
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 13


Acquired autism-spectrum, neurodevelopment disorders, are rooted in Virchow’s triad at the

microcirculation units (capillary beds) throughout the body. Microvascular ischemia, hypoxia,
anoxia, and micro-thrombosis IS the cause of autism-spectrum disorders via a newly elucidated
metabolic pathway which I have called “M.A.S.S. – Moulden Anoxia Spectra Syndromes.”

Since part of the autism-spectrum problem, in physiology, is at the level of micro vessel
coagulation cascades, blood flow, and vascular endothelium, it is reasonable to speculate that the
lower incidence of autism-spectrum among girls is that they have are conferred a degree of
vascular protection from estrogen, even very early in life. For example, the risk for heart attack
and stroke is higher for men than women until women achieve menopause (and lose the
protection of estrogen). There are no gender differences in stroke risk aster menopause.

MASS is a systemic process. The magnitude, frequency, intensity, and duration of discrete
MASS episodes create summative and cumulative pathological derailments of end-capillary
micro-vessel circulation units. No organ system is spared. High oxygen demand organs such as
the liver and the brain are uniquely susceptible to MASS.

The diffuse Anoxic Zones that emerge diffusely throughout the brain create autism-spectrum and
many other neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric syndromes. These entities I have called:
M.A.S.S. Anoxic Zone Encephalopathies – M.A.Z.E. for short.

We now know the precise microbiological steps and sequence that leads to MASS MAZE
disorders and, to a large extent, the “combination” to unlock the recovery process and what to do
prevent MASS and MAZE from causing death and disability in the first place
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD © MASS BOOK Chapt.3: M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. TRIAD 14

Dr Andrew Moulden

Dr Andrew Moulden BA, MA, MD, PhD

CNAPS Medical Devices Inc.
122-250 The East Mall, #1601
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
M9B 6L3

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