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December 2012 John Sullivan, Pastor Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for

Good Hope Baptist

International Missions
Every penny given to Lottie Moon is used to support Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas. Be involved in this great work of God. Please pray, give and/or go! Mark Missions on your offering envelope or use the missions envelope with the amount God has laid on your heart to help send the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world!

Joy to Your World

Live Nativity Christmas Program Joyful songs, the Christmas Story, Yuletide Cheer. Bring your lawn chairs.

Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 6:00pm.

Refreshments and a surprise to follow.


Sunday, December 16, 2012 6:00pm
Bring the family and celebrate the reason for the season! Please bring food (meats, veggies, desserts, etc.) and drinks (tea, soda, etc.) enough for your family plus a little extra for guests.

LOTTIE MOON MAILBOX If you send Christmas cards to the Church family, why not use the Lottie Moon Mailbox at the Church? Simply place your cards in the alphabetical slots and recipients pick up their cards to enjoy. Give the postage you save to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Your gifts enable our missionary family to help others hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ that they may be saved! THE CHRISTMAS SEASON HAS ARRIVED This is a great time of the year to invite someone to Bible Study and Worship. Did you know that many friends and neighbors are receptive to an invitation from you to join in on many of the events during this Christmas season? Perhaps the Lord has placed someone on your heart and mind to bring with you. YEAR END GIVING In this season of giving, remember that Christmas is all about Jesus Christ! If you wish to make a special gift to the church or catch up on your tithe to be included for 2012, it must be given before December 31, 2012. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord! CHRISTMAS EVENTS There are many wonderful opportunities to enjoy at Good Hope Baptist Church in December. A schedule is in the bulletin each week. You do not want to miss what is happening. Be in your Sunday School Class this Sunday and be informed of your class party, Church-wide celebrations and so much more! GODS WORD This Sunday I will be preaching about attending church. Did you know that Hebrews 10:24-25 says, And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. The Lord wants you in His house, on His day, with His people to worship Him! Love the church, be the church and come to church this Sunday!

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