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Serbatoi singolosingur circuit/ Single circuit tanks Rezervor cu un anello / V / VK / VKt / VKG / VKX .......................................................................................................................6 Rezervor cu circuit dublu/ Double circuit tanks VKs / VKR / VKD ...................................................................................................................................8 Rezervor Puffer pentru apa calda/racita/Puffer hot/chilled water tanks .......................................10 Sisteme hidraulice/ Hydronic systems ..................................................................................12 HPt ..............................................................................................................................................14 HP ................................................................................................................................................16 VKB ..............................................................................................................................................19 Piese de schimb/Piese auxiliare/Accesorii/ Spare parts - Ancillary parts - Accessories ........... 20


CHIlleD water tankS
Rezervoarele Fiorini pentru racirea apei au fost concepute pentru a rezolva problema legata de inertia termica in sistemele de aer conditionat si racire. Rezervorul imbunatateste performanta sistemului, dovedind astfel o serie de avantaje, printre care: > o durata de viata mai lunga a sistemelor frigorifice, datorita unui numar redus de porniri; > economii mai mari la cheltuielile de functionare, datorita posibilitatii instalarii unui sistem cu consum energetic mai mic.
Fiorini chilled water tanks have been specially designed to tackle the problem of thermal inertia in conditioning and cooling systems. the tank enhances the system performance, thus proving a number of advantages, including: > longer life of the refrigerating systems thanks to a reduced number of starts-up; > higher saving on running costs as lower-power units can be installed.

Instalatie cu un singur circuit Schema cu rezervor de stocare pe retur Single circuit plant Layout with storage tank on return

Alimentare Instalatie/ Plant supply

Scurgere/Drain 4


Combinatii sugerate Suggested matching

un SIngur CIrCuIt SIngle CIrCuIt CIrCuIt Dublu Double CIrCuIt

Instalatii cu un singur circuit si cu circuit dublu

Fiorini furnizeaza o gama completa de rezervoare pentru racirea apei. Un numar de versiuni sunt disponibile pentru instalatii cu un sigur circuit sau cu circuit dublu. Un singur circuit: rezervorul instalat in serie cu instalatia si cu grupul racire lichide, lucreaza ca un volant termic. Avantaje: usor de asamblat; eficienta a costurilor Circuit dublu: rezervorul are o functie dubla, de volant termic si separator hidraulic. Rezervoarele Fiorini sunt complete cu sisteme pentru deviatia preferentiala a apei in el. Avantaje: posibilitatea de a avea debite diferite in circuitele primare si secundare. Flexibilitate maxima.


Single or double circuit plants

Fiorini supplies a complete range of chilled water tanks. A number of versions are available for single or double circuit plants. Single circuit: the tank installed in series with the plant and the chiller works as a thermal flywheel. Advantages: Easy assembly; cost-effectiveness Double circuit: the tank has the twofold function of thermal flywheel and hydraulic separator. Fiorini tanks are complete with systems for the preferential deviation of water into it. Advantages: Possibility to have different flow rates in the primary and secondary circuits. Maximum flexibility.

Instalatie cu circuit dublu Schema instalatie cu circuit dublu Double circuit plant Layout of double circuit plant

Alimentare Instalatie/ Plant supply Scurgere/Drain 5


CHIlleD water tankS
Rezervoare cu un singur circuit
Rezervoarele pentru racirea apei au fost proiectate special pentru sistemele de aer conditionat si racire, pentru a creste inertia termica. Utilizare Potrivit pentru toate sistemele de climatizare hidraulice pentru a creste inertia termica. Recomandat pentru instalatiile cu un singur circuit.

Single circuit tanks

storage tanks for chilled water specially designed for conditioning and cooling systems to increase thermal inertia. Use suitable for all hydronic conditioning systems to increase thermal inertia. Recommended for single circuit plants.
SerIe V: Rezervor din otel carbon galvanizat la cald, fara izolatie. SerIe Vk: Rezervor din otel carbon galvanizat la cald, izolat cu 20 mm spuma elastomerica din celule inchise ce previn formarea condensarii. SerIe Vkt: Rezervor din otel carbon galvanizat la cald si tratat pe interior cu email Zetaflon, potrivit pentru contactul cu alimentele, izolat cu 20 mm spuma elastomerica din celule inchise, ce previn formarea condensarii. SerIe Vkg: Rezervor din otel carbon acoperit la exterior, izolat cu 20 mm spuma elastomerica din celule inchise, ce previn formarea condensarii. SerIe VkX: Rezervor din otel inoxidabil AISI 340, izolat cu 20 mm spuma elastomerica din celule inchise, ce previn formarea condensarii.
IzolatIe I InSulatIon otel Carbon Carbon Steel galVanIzare la CalD Hot-DIP galVanIzIng otel InoXIDabIl aISI 304 StaInleSS Steel aISI 304

V SerIeS: Non-insulated hot-dip galvanised carbon steel tank. Vk SerIeS: Hot-dip galvanised carbon steel tank insulated with 20 mm closedcell elastomeric foam preventing the formation of condensate. Vkt SerIeS: Hot-dip galvanised carbon steel tank internally coated with Zetaflon enamel suitable for food contact, insulated with 20 mm closed-cell elastomeric foam preventing the formation of condensate. Vkg SerIeS: carbon steel tank with painted outer face, insulated with 20 mm closed-cell elastomeric foam preventing the formation of condensate. VkX SerIeS: AIsI 304 stainless steel tank, insulated with 20 mm closed-cell elastomeric foam preventing the formation of condensate.

emaIlare zetaFlon zetaFlon enamel CoatIng

VoPSea InoXIDabIla I ruStProoF PaIntIng


Lista coduri - versiune verticala Vertical version code list
Volum(l) 100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 V VK VKT VKG VKX 816020040 816020064 816030030 816010130 816040020 816020041 816020065 816030031 816010131 816040021 816020042 816020066 816030032 816010132 816040022 816020043 816020067 816030033 816010133 816040023 816020044 816020068 816030034 816010134 816040024 816020045 816020069 816030035 816010135 816040025 816020046 816020070 816030036 816010136 816040026 816020047 816020071 816030037 816010137 816040027 816020048 816020072 816030038 816010138 816040028 816020049 816020073 816030039 816010139 816040029 816020050 816020074 816030040 816010140 816040030 816020051 816020075 816030041 816010141 816040031 V VK VKt VKG
tEMPERAtURA temperature PREsIUNE pressure

-10 / + 60 C -10 / + 60 C -10 / + 60 C -10 / + 60 C

6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar

Lista coduri - versiune orizontala Horizontal version code list

Volum(l) 100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 V VK VKT VKG VKX 816020052 816020076 816030042 816010142 816040032 816020053 816020077 816030043 816010143 816040033 816020054 816020078 816030044 816010144 816040034 816020055 816020079 816030045 816010145 816040035 816020056 816020080 816030046 816010146 816040036 816020057 816020081 816030047 816010147 816040037 816020058 816020082 816030048 816010148 816040038 816020059 816020083 816030049 816010149 816040039 816020060 816020084 816030050 816010150 816040040 816020061 816020085 816030051 816010151 816040041 816020062 816020086 816030052 816010152 816040042 816020063 816020087 816030053 816010153 816040043


eXeCutIe SPeCIala Executii speciale disponibile la cerere, inclusiv dimensiuni personalizate si cuplaje. SPeCIal eXeCutIon

1 H

H 1 1

Special execution available on request, including customized dimensions, couplings.


V / VK / VKT / VKG Vertical/ Vertical

Capacitate Capacity

V / VK / VKT / VKG Orizontal/ Horizontal


Capacitate Capacity

D 440 490 590 690 830 890 1040 1140 1240 1290 1440 1640

H 546 596 715 875 1015 1075 1275 1335 1460 1510 1660 1680


K 120 120 140 190 190 190 190 200 225 225 225 225

1 11/2 11/2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

440 490 590 690 830 890 1040 1140 1240 1290 1440 1640

950 1340 1425 1710 1741 2026 2163 2843 2563 2778 2848 2888

125 125 130 135 125 120 165 155 175 180 160 140

290 295 365 385 395 410 500 505 555 565 590 600

760 1145 1165 1435 1445 1710 1800 2105 2155 2365 2390 2400

11/2 11/2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

850 1240 1320 1600 1642 1932 2010 2356 2416 2626 2716 2776

VKX Vertical/ Vertical

Capacitate Capacity

VKX Orizontal/ Horizontal

H 980 1370 1425 1710 1995 2025 2485 2535 2600 2800 2900 2930 K

D 440 490 590 690 790 890 990 1140 1240 1290 1440 1640

A 315 320 365 385 400 410 540 560 580 590 625 630

B 775 1160 1165 1435 1700 1710 2140 2160 2180 2390 2425 2430

1 11/2 11/2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

Capacitate Capacity

D 440 490 590 690 790 890 990 1140 1240 1290 1440 1640

H 545 590 715 825 920 1015 1220 1375 1470 1525 1660 1835


K 120 115 140 145 140 135 240 245 230 235 220 210

1 11/2 11/2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

135 135 130 135 130 120 225 210 200 205 190 170

100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

870 1260 1320 1600 1890 1930 2320 2350 2410 2620 2720 2770


CHIlleD water tankS
Rezervoare cu circuit dublu
Rezervoare pentru racirea apei, complete cu sisteme pentru devierea fluxurilor, proiectate pentru a fi pentru in sisteme de aer conditionat si racire, pentru a creste intertia termica. Rezervoareinstalateracirea apei, complete cu sisteme pentru devierea fluxurilor, proiectate Prezenta unui sistem intern pentru devierea fluxurilor permite: > reducerea timpului de pornire a instalatiei, deoarece debitul circuitului primar este deviat direct catre debitul instalatiei. > creati ulterior un rezervor de apa cu temperatura joasa, prin exploatarea diferentei intre circuitul primar (grup racire lichide) si circuitul secundar (instalatie).

Potrivite pentru toate sistemele de climatizare hidraulice pentru a creste inertia termica. Recomandate instalatiilor cu circuit dublu pentru a lucra ca un separator hidraulic.

Rezervor din tabla de otel carbon, vopsit la exterior. iii

Double circuit tanks

Chilled water tanks complete with systems for flow deviation, specially designed for installation in conditioning and cooling systems to increase thermal inertia. the presence of an internal flow deviation system allow to: > cut down the system start-up time as the primary circuit delivery is directly deviated towards the plant delivery; > subsequently create a low temperature water storage by exploiting the flow rate difference between primary circuit (chiller) and secondary one (plant).. Use suitable for all hydronic conditioning systems to increase thermal inertia. Recommended for plants with double circuit to work as hydraulic separator. Materials Carbon steel sheet tanks with painted outer face.
tEMPERAtURA temperature PREsIUNE pressure


-10 / + 60 C -10 / + 60 C -10 / + 60 C -10 / + 60 C

6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar

Rezervor dotat cu sapte partitii pentru a preveni orice tip de debite preferentiale in interiorul rezervorului, creand conditii pentru o distributie optima a temperaturii. Potrivit pentru debitele mari si mijlocii. Recomandat in mod special pentru aplicatii speciale unde rezervorul poate fi conectat la mai mult de doua circuite.
tanks fitted with partitions to prevent any preferential flows inside the tank, thus ensuring the conditions for perfect temperature distribution. suitable for average to high flow rates. specially recommended for special executions where the tank can be connected to more than two circuits.

Rezervor dotat cu tevi transportoare care creeaza un circuit preferential in interiorul rezervorului. Potrivit pentru debite mari si mijlocii.
tank fitted with deviating pipes that create a preferential circuit inside the tank. suitable for average to high flow rates.

Rezervor dotat cu tevi difuzoare care leaga direct cele doua circuite conectate la rezervor. Orificiile circumferentiale ale difuzorului permit sa elibereze sau sa absoarba putere de la acumulator. Prin urmare, amestecul din interiorul rezervorului este minimizat. Potrivit pentru debite mari.
tank fitted with diffusing pipes which directly connect the two circuits connected to the tank. the circumferential holes of the diffuser allow to release or absorb power from the storage. As a result, mixing inside the tank is minimized. suitable for high flow rates.


eXeCutIe SPeCIala Executii speciale disponibile la cerere, inclusiv dimensiuni personalizate si cuplaje. SPeCIal eXeCutIon
Special execution available on request, including: customized dimensions, couplings.

H 1 1


Tabel Dimensiuni Size Table

Capacitate Capacity

Lista Coduri Part no. list


Capacitate Capacity

VKS 816010166 816010167 816010168 816010169 816010170 816010171 816010172 816010173 816010174 816010175 816010176 816010177

VKR 816010154 816010155 816010156 816010157 816010158 816010159 816010160 816010161 816010162 816010163 816010164 816010165

VKD 816010417 816010418 816010419 816010420 816010421 816010422 816010423 816010424 816010425 816010426 816010427 816010428

100 290 295 365 385 395 410 500 505 555 565 590 600 760 1145 1165 1435 1445 1710 1800 2105 2155 2365 2390 2400 11/2 11/2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

440 490 590 690 830 890 1040 1140 1240 1290 1440 1640

950 1340 1425 1710 1741 2026 2163 2843 2563 2778 2848 2888

125 125 130 135 125 120 165 155 175 180 160 140


PuFFer Hot/CHIlleD water tankS
Rezervoarele Puffer HC sunt de obicei montate in sisteme unde trebuie sa fie stocata atat apa tehnologica calda, cat si racita. Au fost special concepute pentru cuplarea la pompe de caldura si grup racire lichide. Cuplajele principale sunt intr-adevar de mari dimensiuni pentru a permite trecerea debitelor mari. Un set de cuplaje auxiliare sunt de asemenea disponibile pentru a satisface orice cerinta a instalatiei. Izolatia se face cu un strat dublu. Primul strat este de 10 mm spuma elastomerica cu celule inchise ce previn formarea condensarii, in timp ce al doilea strat este de 40 mm spuma poliuretanica, pentru a minimiza pierderea de caldura. Rezervorul este acoperit in intregime de o carcasa colorata, din PVC.
the PUFFER HC water tanks are generally installed in plants where both hot and chilled technological water has to be stored. they have been specially designed for coupling to heat pumps and chillers. the main couplings are indeed large-sized to allow for high flow rates pass through. A set of auxiliary couplings are also available to meet any plant demands. Double-layer insulation is provided. the first layer is made of 10 mm closed-cell elastomeric foam preventing the formation of condensate, whereas the second layer is 40 mm polyurethane foam to minimize loss of heat. the whole tank is covered by a coloured PVC casing.

eXeCutII SPeCIale Executii speciale disponibile la cerere, inclusiv: dimensiuni personalizate, cuplaje cu flanse, cuplaje personalizate, izolatie groasa etc. SPeCIal eXeCutIon
Special execution available on request, including: customized dimensions, flanged couplings, customized couplings, thicker insulation, etc.

tEMPERAtURA temperature

PREsIUNE pressure


-10 / + 90 C

5 bar

Lista coduri Part no. list

Volum(l)/ Volume(lt) 100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 Cod Part no. 817010084X 817010085X 817010086X 817010087X 817010088X 817010089X 817010090X 817010091X

Legenda cuplaje Coupling key

Pos./Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Descriere/Description

Sistem tur-retur si circuit primar Circuit auxiliar

Auxiliary circuit Additional resistor

Plant and primary circuit delivery and return

Rezistenta suplimentara

Rezistenta termostat
Resistor thermostat Posesor sonda Probe holder

Circuit temperatura scazuta Low temperature circuit Scurgere Drain Supapa de presiune Pressure relief valve


Di d

1 4 5 1

H tot

2 3 1

Tabel DImensiuni Size Table

Capacitate Capacity



100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000

500 550 650 750 890 950 1100 1200

400 450 550 650 790 850 1000 1100

975 1365 1450 1735 1785 2050 2185 2505

285 320 325 375 395 410 500 505

445 580 425 685 685 950 1040 1345

605 850 1035 1295 1295 1560 1650 1955

795 1120 1185 1445 1445 1710 1800 2105

635 780 820 950 1020 1180

835 980 1020 1150 1220 1380

124.5 125 130 135 125 120 165 155

Couplings Cuplaje
Capacitate Capacity (inci/inches)

100 200 300 500 750 1000 1500 2000

11/2 11/2 2 3 3 3 3 3

11/2 11/2 11/2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

11/2 2 2 2 2 2

11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


HyDronIC SyStemS
Sisteme Hidraulice
Pentru a profita de beneficiile unui volant termic in sistemele hidraulice de aer conditionat si racire si pentru a reduce considerabil timpul de instalare, Fiorini a proiectat instalatiile VKB, HPT si HP. Acestea sunt unitati de stocare complete cu toate componentele necesare pentru o functionare corespunzatoare a unui circuit hidraulic pentru distributia apei racite. Acestea pot fi combinate cu orice tip de grup racire apa.

Hydronic systems
to make the most out of the thermal flywheel in hydronic conditioning and cooling systems, as well as to significantly cut down on installation time, Fiorini has designed the VKB, HPt and HP units. they are storage units complete with all necessary components for the proper operation of the hydraulic circuit for the distribution of chilled water. they can be combined with any water chillers.

HPT Unitate cu rezervor de stocare, pompe si accesorii HPt Unit with storage tank, pumps and accessories



Unitatile se afla intr-o carcasa cu un cadru de baza din otel vopsit, cadrul si panourile sunt realizate din tabla vopsita din otel galvanizat. Potrivite pentru instalarea in exterior. Posibilitatea de a combina mai multe pompe/unitati de stocare poate satisface toate nevoile de instalare.

the units are contained within a support casing with a painted steel base, frame and panelling in painted galvanized steel sheet. suitable for outdoor installation. the possibility of combining several pumps/storage units makes it possible to satisfy any plant demands.

VKB Unitate cu rezervor de stocare si accesorii VKB Unit with storage tank and accessories

HP Unitate cu pompe si accesorii HP Unit with pumps and accessories



HPt HyDronIC SyStemS
Unitatile HPT sunt centrale hidraulice cu acumulator inertial, proiectate pentru a reduce timpul de instalare a sistemelor hidraulice de aer conditionat si racire si pot fi combinate cu orice tip de grup racire apa. Posibilitatea de a combina mai multe pompe/unitati de stocare poate satisface toate nevoile de instalare. Componente principale: - Rezervor din otel carbon izolat - Pompa centrifugala simpla sau dubla cu robinet de inchidere - Panou electric de putere si control IP56 - Vas de expansiune - Ventil de siguranta - Dezaerator - Manometru - Ventile de umplere/golire - Cadru de baza si panouri pentru instalarea in exterior Numeroase accesorii sunt disponibile la cerere, precum: invertoare, diferite pompe electrice, cuplaje cu flansa, schimbator cu placi, pompe si rezervoare mari si multe altele.
the HPt units are hydraulic stations with inertial storage intended for installation in hydronic conditioning and cooling systems, developed to cut down on installation times and to be combined with any water chillers. the possibility of combining several pumps/ storage units makes it possible to satisfy any plant demands. Main components: - Insulated carbon steel tank - single or double centrifugal pump with shut-off valve - Electric power board and IP56 protection rating - Expansion tank - safety valve - Pressure relief valve - Dearator - Pressure gauge - Fill/drain valves - Base frame and panelling suitable for outdoor installation A number of accessories are available upon request, such as: inverters, various electric pumps, flanged couplings, plate exchangers, larger pumps and tanks and much more.
tEMPERAtURA temperature PREsIUNE pressure


-10 / + 60 C

3 bar

eXeCutII SPeCIale Executii speciale disponibile la cerere, inclusiv: executie circuit dublu cu 4 cuplaje, cuplaje Victaulic, cuplaje cu flansa, combinatie personalizata pompa/unitate de stocare, etc.
Special execution available on request, including: double circuit execution with 4 couplings, Victaulic couplings, flanged couplings, customized pump/storage unit combination, etc.

SPeCIal eXeCutIon

HPT Unitate cu rezervor de stocare, pompe si accesorii

HPt Unit with storage tank, pumps and accessories



Configuratie verticala/Vertical confguration


Configuratie orizontala/Horizontal confguration


Capacitate Capacity

Diametru cuplaje Coupling diameter

Capacitate Capacity

Diametru cuplaje Coupling diameter

100 200 300

1120 1120 1100

800 800 760

1350 1350 1726

11/2 11/2 21/2

300/500 750/1000 1500/2500

1504 2044 2260

1120 1200 1900

1265 1510 1782

21/2 3 4

Lista Coduri Part no. list

Model pompa Pump model

Lista Coduri Part no. list

Capacitate/ Capacity

100l SIMPLU/SINGLE 838011058X 838011060X 838011072X

Capacitate/ Capacity

Model pompa Pump model

Capacitate / Capacity

Capacitate/ Capacity

300l 838010349 838010350 838010351 838010352 838010353 750l 838010374 838010375 838010376 838010377 838010378 838010379 838010380 838010381 838010382 838010383 838010354 838010355 838010356 838010357 838010358 838010359 838010360 838010361 838010362 838010363

500l 838010364 838010365 838010366 838010367 838010368

tip/ type

DUBLU/DOUBLE 838011059X 838011061X 838011074X

tip/ type



Model pompa Pump model

Model pompa Pump model

200l SIMPLU/SINGLE 838011062X 838011064X 838011073X

Capacitate/ Capacity

Capacitate/ Capacity

Capacitate / Capacity

tip/ type

DUBLU/DOUBLE 838011063X 838011065X 838011075X

1000l 838010384 838010385 838010386 838010387 838010388 838010389 838010390 838010391 838010392 838010393


Model pompa Pump model

tip/ type


Model pompa Pump model

300l SIMPLU/SINGLE 838010891X 838010892X 838010893X 838010894X 838010895X DUBLU/DOUBLE 838010896X 838010897X 838010898X 838010899X 838010900X
Capacitate / Capacity Capacitate / Capacity

tip/ type

1500l 838010705 838010704 838010703 838010702 838010701 838010700 838010699 838010698 838010697 838010458 838010630 838010696 838010695 838010694 838010693 838010692 838010691 838010690

2500l 838010689 838010688 838010687 838010686 838010685 838010684 838010707 838010683 838010706 838010682 838010681 838010680 838010679 838010678 838010677 838010459 838010676 838010633


tip/ type


Pompele utilizate in unitati sunt 400v/50hz/3ph, cu exceptia PM1, PM2 si PM3 care sunt 230V/50hz/1ph. Vezi pagina 18 cu privire la performantele pompei.

the pumps used in the units are 400v/50hz/3ph except for PM1, PM2 and PM3 that are 230V/50hz/1 ph. see page 18 for information on pump performances.



HP HyDronIC SyStemS
Unitatile HP sunt centrale hidraulice proiectate pentru a reduce timpul de instalare a sistemlor hidraulice de aer conditionat si racire si pot fi combinate cu orice tip de grup racire lichide. Gama larga de pompe poate satisface toate nevoile de instalare. Unitatile HP pot fi combinate cu toata gama de rezervoare si schimbatoare de caldura cu placi Fiorini. Componente principale: - Pompa centrifugala simpla sau dubla cu robinet de inchidere - Panou electric de putere si control IP56 - Vas de expansiune - Ventil de siguranta - Dezaerator - Manometru - Ventile de umplere/golire - Cadru de baza si panouri pentru instalarea in exterior Numeroase accesorii sunt disponibile la cerere, precum: invertoare, diferite pompe electrice, cuplaje cu flansa, schimbator cu placi, pompe si rezervoare mari si multe altele.
the HP units are hydraulic stations with inertial storage intended for installation in hydronic conditioning and cooling systems, developed to cut down on installation times and to be combined with any water chillers. the wide range of pumps makes it possible to satisfy any plant demands. the HP units can be combined with the whole range of Fiorini tanks and plate heat exchangers. Main components: - single or double centrifugal pump with shut-off valve - Electric power board and IP56 protection rating - Expansion tank - safety valve - Deaerator. - Pressure gauge - Fill/drain valves - Base frame and panelling suitable for outdoor installation A number of accessories are available upon request, such as: Inverter, various electric pumps, flanged couplings, plate exchangers, larger pumps and tanks and much more.
tEMPERAtURA temperature PREsIUNE pressure


-10 / + 60 C

3 bar

HP Unitate cu pompe si accesorii HP Unit with pumps and accessories

eXeCutII SPeCIale Executii speciale disponibile la cerere, inclusiv: cuplaje Victaulic, cuplaje cu flansa, invertor etc.
Special execution available on request, including: Victaulic couplings, flanged couplings, inverter, etc.

SPeCIal eXeCutIon



Model Pump Pompa Model



838060052X 838060053X 838060054X 838060055X 838060056X 838060057X 838060009 838060014 838060010 838060015 838060011 838060016 838060012 838060017 838060013 838060018 838060019 838060028 838060020 838060029 838060021 838060030 838060022 838060031 838060023 838060032 838060024 838060033 838060025 838060034 838060026 838060035

800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1200 1120 1200 1120 1200 1120 1200

650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000

1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350

210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 270 250 270 270 270 270 270

600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 750 790 750 790 750 790 750

475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 490 605 490 195 490 195 490



InertIal Storage unItS wItH aCCeSSorIeS
Debit/ Curba de presiune - unitati HPT si HP Flow rate/head curve HPT and HP units
25,00 30,00

20,00 PM3 - MUH 502

25,00 B - DWC 300/1,5


H [m]

15,00 H [m] PM2 - PM221MUH 302 10,00 PM1 - MUH 102 5,00 P 0,00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


A - DWC 300/1,1



0,00 0 5 10
3 Debit [m 3/h]




Portata [m 3 Debit [m/h]/h]


30,00 25,00 20,00 D - DWC 500/2,2 E - DWC 500/3,0

35,00 30,00 25,00 G - FHE 50-160/55

H [m]

15,00 10,00 5,00

C - DWC 500/1,5

H [m]

20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 F - FHE 50-125/30

0,00 0 5 10 15 20 25
Debit [m 3 Portata [m3 /h]

P 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

0,00 30 35 40 45 50

Debit [m /h] Portata [m33/h]

45,00 40,00 35,00 30,00 M - FHE 65-160/150

35,00 30,00 25,00 20,00 F- FHE 50-125/30 G - FHE 50-160/55

H [m]

H [m]

25,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 0,00 0 20 40 60 80 100 P 120 H - FHE 65-125/55

L - FHE 65-160/110 I - FHE 65-125/75

15,00 10,00 5,00 0,00 0 10 20 30 P 40 50 60 70 80 90



Debit [m 3/h] Portata [m 3

Portata [m3 /h] Debit [m 3/h]

45,00 40,00 35,00 30,00 25,00 L - FHE 65-160/110 M - FHE 65-160/150

60,00 50,00 40,00 Q - FHE 80-200/220

H [m]

H [m]

20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 0,00 0 20 40 60 P 80

Debit [m 3/h] Portata [m 3

I - FHE 65-125/75 H - FHE 65-125/55

30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 P 0 50 100 150

Debit [m 3 Portata[m 3 /h]

P - FHE 80-160/185 O - FHE 80-160/150







P: pierderi de sarcina unitate HP P: HP unit load losses



Seriile VKB - Unitate inertiala de stocare cu accesorii

Unitati pre-asamblate alcatuite din: rezervor inertial izolat pentru apa racita, vas de expansiune, ventil de siguranta, dezaerator, ventil de umplere/golire si manometru. Toate acestea sunt continute intr-o carcasa solida din otel galvanizat si vopsit, potrivita pentru utilizarea in exterior.

VKB series Inertial storage unit with accessories

Pre-assembled units consisting of the following: insulated inertial tank for chilled water, expansion tank, pressure relief valve, deaerator, fill/drain valve and pressure gauge. the assembly is contained within a heavy-duty painted galvanized steel sheet casing suitable for outdoor use.

tEMPERAtURA temperature

PREsIUNE pressure


-10 / + 60 C

3 bar

Capacitate/Capacity (litri/litres)

B (mm)

Greutate fara incarcatura

Empty weight [ [kg]

Diametru cuplaje
Coupling diameter

Cod/Part no.

200 300 500 750 1000 1500

684 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200

684 1200 1200 1200 1450 1450

1576 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950

90 100 160 185 200 290

2 2 3 3 4 4

838050011 838050012 838050013 838050014 838050015 838050016



SPare PartS anCIllary PartS - aCCeSSorIeS

Descriere Description Termometru pentru apa calda Hot water thermometer Termometru pentru apa rece Cold water thermometer

Cod Part no. 822050001 822050004

Descriere Description Termostat termostato

Cod Part no. 822050004

Descriere Description Termostat dublu Double thermostat

Cod Part no. 822050006

Descriere Description Termostat dublu cu antigel Antifreeze double thermostat

Cod Part no. 822050007


Resistenta electrica trei-faze Three-phase resistors

Putere electrica Wattage Tensiune (V) Numar de elemente Voltage (V) No. of elements Diametru

Lungime Length

Cod Part no.

Coupling diameter

1200* 1500* 2000* 1300 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 6000 7000 8000 10000

230 230 230 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380 230/380

1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 2 2 1 1/4 2 1 1/4 2 1 1/4 2 1 1/4 2 2 2 2

220 290 330 220 290 300 340 300 390 400 500 450 600 580 620 770

824100003 824100004 824100005 824100008 824100009 824100053 824100010 824100011 824100012 824100072 824100013 824100073 824100014 824100015 824100016 824100017

* Dotat cu termostat de control incorporat Protectie IP 40 Pentru modelele cu 3 elemente este disponibila protectia IP 55
Protectie IP 55 cuplajj 11/4 Protectie IP 55 cuplaj 2 824100030 824100031

* Complete with built-in adjustment thermostat IP 40 protection rating IP 55 protection rating is available for 3-element models. IP 55 protection, 1 coupling IP 55 protection, 2 coupling 824100030 824100031

Descriere Description Incalzitor antigelj 200W 200W antifreeze heater

Cod Part no. 824100001




Distribuitor: AB Tehnic Profesional SRL Str. Alunisului Nr.164 Tel/fax: 021.332.08.48

Fiorini s.p.A. Via Copernico, 81/85 47122 - FoRLI - ItALY tel. +39 0543 723197 Fax +39 0543 720413

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