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Electrical energy is changed into kinetic energy.

Electrical energy is changed into light energy

Electrical energy is changed into heat energy



V battery

Basic Competency :
Students are able to formulate the relationship between energy and electrical power, and their usage in daily life

Students are able to :
Explain the relationship among voltage,

current and time

To calculate the electric energy with the equation W = V.I.t

science words

Electrical energy Voltage Current Directly proportional

The amount of electrical energy depend on three

factor :
1. Voltage or potential difference 2. The electric current 3. Time

W = V.I.t W = I2. R . t
W = V2 . t R

( since V = I . R ) ( since I = V ) R

Where : W = Electrical energy ( in Joule ) V = Electrical voltage ( in Volt ) I = Electrical current ( in Ampere) t = Time ( in Second ) R = Electrical resistance ( in Ohm )

Example : An electric iron has a heating element of resistance 20 Ohms. If the operating current flowing through it is 4 Amperes. Calculate the heat energy produced in 5 minutes !

Known :

R = 20 Ohms I = 4 Amperes t = 300 seconds Asked : W? Result : W = I2. R . t = 42 x 20 x 300 = 96.000 Joules = 96 KJ


The electrical energy Directly proportional with the voltage, current and time The formula electrical energy

W = V.I.t W = I2. R . t
W = V2 . t R

Can you give me other examples ?

The fan will work for us i.e. Electrical energy is changed into kinetic energy.

What will the bulb do for us ?

Can you mention the electrical equipments available in this class ?

How to calculate electrical energy that was changed by the fan (electric equipments).
This is our topic today




After the bulb turns on for t seconds, the amount of electrical energy that was changed to light energy can be calculated with three formulas :

In the next section, we will do activities to measure magnitude of electrical energy usage by some electrical equipments
Homework :


As we know that we need energy in our life Do you know ? What is the biggest energy in the

But the electric energy is the energy we often use in daily life. Way ? Because the electric energy is the easies to be change become another form of energy.

Example : An electric iron needs the operating voltage of 220 volts to run well. If the operating current flowing through it is 4 Amperes. Calculate the heat energy produced in 5 minutes ! Example : An electric iron has a heating element of resistance 60 Ohms. If the operating voltage across it is 4 Amperes. Calculate the heat energy produced in 5 minutes !

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