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VENUS IN ELEMENTE A very magical day is here.

You might never have thought of it, but Valentine's Day is a time when we celebrate one of the most magical and powerful forces in our lives-the power of love. And these days it seems there is a critical need for both magic and love. That need was evident over the past holiday season, when millions of people around the globe lined up at movie theaters to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, making it the most successful film in movie history. The film based on J. K. Rowling's novel about a young boy's discovery of magic and wizardry, seemed to fill some of that yearning people have for magic in their lives. Although the Harry Potter stories are just fantasies and the magic we see on the screen is only the result of millions of dollars in Hollywood special effects broomsticks can't really fly and a cloak won't make you invisiblewe all want to experience a dimension of life beyond the mundane everyday material world.

Venus, the Magic Wand

In reality, we don't really need Hollywood's help to experience that magic. Each and every one of us has his own magic wand and it can be found in every individual's horoscope. Venus, the planet of love, is that magic wand. The mundane world belongs to planets like Mercury and Saturn. Mercury measures and analyzes reality, and Saturn establishes order and structure in physical reality, everything from bones to unibody car construction. Their place is in the lab or the factory, where all that matters is reason and fact. But our hearts yearn for more, and that's where Venus comes in. Venus tells us about the needs of our heart. Venus is who and what we love. And quite contrary to Mercury and Saturn, Venus is all about experiences that occur in a realm far different from the everyday world. When we use our Venus, or when Venus uses us, there is a magical transformation. We and our world are changed. When Venus is activated by transit, or we come in contact with someone who has an impact on our Venus, suddenly there's stardust in the air, the world becomes shiny and you want to tell everyone how great if feels to be alive.

Venus in Her Element

Venus performs her powerful magic differently for each of us, depending on what sign she was in on the day we were born. Let's see how Venus's weaves her magic spell, according to the element of the sign she is in. In fire signs, Venus creates fireworks. The sky is suddenly on fire and so is anyone whose fiery Venus is activated. The timid slacker suddenly becomes a brave Aries warrior fighting to win the love of a fair maiden. A self-centered Leo egotist is suddenly on his knees begging for the affection of his queen. The wandering

Sagittarian vagabond is now caught on the rocks of love and knows he will roam no more. In earth signs, Venus gives the material world a makeover. Skies are bluer, stars brighter, the babbling brook sings sweet music. Venus in Taurus seeks to build castles and provide wealth for the lover. Virgo, previously picky and perfectionistic, now sees no flaws and wants only to serve the object of his affections. Capricorn now becomes the needy child instead of the judgmental parent-seeking the warm embrace of his or her loved one as shelter from a harsh world. In air, Venus creates a world full of romantic atmosphere. In Gemini, the writer who may never have written anything but stock market reports is suddenly turning out love poems to his beloved. In Libra, the most romantic of all signs, all the world is suddenly adorned in beauty and grace, and all that matters is being near one's beloved. In Aquarius, Venus suddenly find romance all over the Internet, in clubs or among friends, and the future is rosy and full of excitement and anticipation. In the water signs, when Venus casts her spell and emotions too deep for tears are aroused. The cranky Cancer crab now bestows only loving kisses and wants to pamper the object of her affections. The seductive Scorpio now finds herself suddenly the victim of seductive charms and the futility of power plays in romance is suddenly realized. The Piscean poet and dreamer now soars to heights of wild romantic feeling and yearns to dissolve in Oneness and blissful union, while gazing dazedly in his lover's eyes.

An Open Heart
And what's the key to gaining access to Venus' magic wand? Simply, to have an open heart for a moment to drop our normal way of seeing things, to let go of our normal defenses and habitual conditioning. To feel the flow of energy from and through one person to another and on throughout the world. To try to see the world as it really is, the manifestation of a Universal love that is all around us. When Venus brings love into our lives, we get a small glimpse of it. Astrologers often argue about which of the 10 planets is the strongest, the most powerful. Some say Pluto with its power over life and death. Some argue for Saturn, the planet of reality and keeping to the rules. They don't even come close. The most powerful planet in the horoscope is Venus, the planet that rules the most powerful and magical force on earth-the transformative power of love. This Valentine's Day, though the world might be in turmoil, and a peaceful planet Earth may still be just a dream, let Venus work some of her magic on you.

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