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Exploring Citizenship

Citizenship Exploration

Exploration and Education To develop a sense of commitment and belonging in a pluralist society which values the contributions of all cultures

To empower citizens to bring about informed social change

Citizenship Exploration
Knowledge and understanding about becoming informed citizens Developing skills of enquiry and communication Developing skills of participation and voluntary action

Citizenship and Human Rights

Human Rights as principles of unity
1948 United Nations Declaration 1989 Convention of the Rights of the Child 1950/52 European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Article 2: non discrimination Article 12: the childs opinion Article13: freedom of expression of views unless violate rights of others Article 14: freedom of thought, conscience and religion Article 17: access to public information- consistent with the moral well being and knowledge and understanding among peoples and respects the childs cultural background Article 28: right to education Article 30: minorities and indigenous populations to enjoy own culture and practise own religion and language Article 31: leisure, play and participation in cultural and artistic activities

Citizenship and Identity Education

Equality of Opportunity in developing an identity.

Race Gender Class Sexuality and sexual orientation

Citizenship Learning

Emotional, rational, logical Recall, imagination, envisioning, reflection Co-operation, appreciating others points-of-view, planning, decision making, compromise, judgement, (research) Action

Modelling a community

Background: The Field Project Anthony Gormleys Field

1. 3 figures Consider relationships within various groupings 2. Set out your groups ideal community Consider issues of power, protection, conflict, belief, equality, segregation What are the implications of this for planning a city 3. Set out a representation of a real community What are its relationships to city planning- considering cities you know 4. Plan for change- moving from reality to ideal 5- Elect a representative who takes all your figures to construct one large ideal community

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