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Shooting script

Shot 1 2 Picture Extreme wide shot of the outside of a busy school from the school gates Zooms to a mid-shot of a group of girls walking up to the school. The camera follows the group behind them as they walk Point-of-view shot of where the character looks as they walk. Shows different people interacting with each other Camera cuts to the back of the group again and spins to the front of the group who are entering a hall where some people are dancing Camera zooms into main characters face and fades to a wide shot of the character in a bedroom Cuts to mid-shot if the character Opening credits start Audio/Dialogue Sounds of crowds talking and laughing Crowd talking again. Diegetic pop music begins to play quietly as the group walk. Occasionally hear the characters greet others Lots of people talking at once again. Music still playing quietly. Hear the school bell ring Diegetic music gradually gets louder, turning into non-diegetic music. Nothing else in the scene can be heard apart from the music Non-diegetic music still playing Time 9:0010:00 9:0010:00

same day & time 10:0011:00

2:003:00 2:003:00

6 7

Able to hear the character a bit out of breathe

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