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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The feedback that i got was from a variety of people including, friends, family, my target audience, teachers, and class members. With this feedback it helped me to see what improvements i needed and then change and adapt to them to make on all three of my media products. The feedback also helped me to view my products in a different and understand what might look better and think of more ideas. What was also helpful was that it allowed me to get feedback from my target audience, and people that it may not appeal to and get different views and understandings of what type of things different audiences like. From this I could then view what I could do to get a happy medium to allow most people to enjoy my products. My main source of feedback was either written down or spoken to me. I found people speaking to me most effective as I could ask them question and get a more detailed understanding. By getting regular feedback from my teachers allowed me to slowly improve my work to my best ability and help me get towards the grade that I was targeted. My teachers often came up to me and spoke to me and also wrote notes on the work that i had printed off. This helped out a lot as it gave me new ideas of what I could do and what maybe didnt work

My teachers and members in my class gave me feedback on my digipack. The main things that came up were hard to take in as one teacher liked my idea when the other didnt and i had to find a way to please both teachers. Mr Ford said that he did not really understand my original idea of having a painted circle on the front and suggested that i should have a picture of Laura as her face structure looked good in photos. He also thought that this would then connect better with my audience. I did I agree with him as I think that photos looked effective and would connect with my audience as they will be able to recognise faces and view what the band member is like. He said it would be better to have photos inside my digipack as my photography was good and also this would help the audience to connect with the band as it let their personalities come across well. He said he did like the painted circle that i did but not for the front cover and thought it may look best on the back of the digipack so that it was surrounding the songs and also because it was a circle to have it where the CD would go as this would look effective. Mr Ford also mentioned that I should have some information about my CD and songs inside the digipack as this would make it look more professional. However Mrs Hammond said that she liked the idea of the circle on the front as it connected well with the name of the album 'circles', but said she also liked the idea of the circle being on the back and where the CD should be. Tis is then where I agreed to move the circle from the front and have a picture of Laura as she was the lead singer and so more people would recognizes the CD. Mrs Hammond also agreed that my photos were good and that i should have more of them inside of the digipack as it allowed me to show off my band members personalities and this would then help to connect then to my target audience. Both teachers said that I needed more colour or for it to be bolder on my digipack and this would come from having more photographs that I had taken. Both teachers also liked the font that i chose because the name of the band 'the dejected' font stood out as it was straighter. The font for the name of the album 'circles' was curly writing and this then focused

with it being circular. I decided to stick to both the fonts but had a problem with them looking the same even though I used the same front for advert and digipack they look different. This is frustrating but it still follows my theme of font by it being curly for the matching of circles. After these comment i decided that i was going to change the cover of my digipack to a photo of Laura that was straight on. This was because the shape of her face worked well with the camera and also her eyes could then connect with the target audience. By having the lead singer on the front would also help to connect everything and also she would be recognisable. I was still going to keep the circle that I had drawn on the back on my digipack and underneath the CD part. However I change the circle from being painted to looking like a scribble as then it would connect more with the use of font on the front of my digipack. I also like the idea that Mr Ford gave later on about having some information about the digigpack and band inside of the digipack. I liked this idea as it made my digipack look more professional and also allowed my target audience to get to know more about the CD and the band. By getting both positive and negative feedback it allowed me to change a lot of things with my digipack and understand what worked well with my design. It also helped me to concentrate more on the band rather than the theme of the album name which is what my target audience was more interested in. I learnt that many tiny changes can make a big improvement to my work and that getting other peoples view allows me to look at my work in a way I wouldnt have thought and then gives me knew ideas that make it look more professional.

As For my advert the same issues were raised again about the front image of the painted circle. Mr Ford said that it looked too plain and didnt match with what i was trying to get across with my digipack. This helped me to understand more what I wanted my digipack and advert to do. Instead of going for the artistic look I decided more on getting the target audience to recognise my band. He also said that the font was good but did not stand out enough for the type of band THE DEJECTED is. Mr Ford said that the boxes around the text looked cheap and that it didnt make the words stand out it just made it look odd. After him pointing this out I saw what he meant, it didnt make anything stand out and so getting rid of them was a definite. Also the slanted piece of text made the whole thing look messy and so I then saw that all text should be straight and this then helps for things to stand out. Another comment that was said was that for the advert I should have a picture of all the band members as this would to show who the band is and help to connect to the audience. I took this on as I had been told before that photography was a strong use of mine and so to have an image on the front would look good and more professional. Mrs Hammond said the same in that i should not have boxes around text and also that there needed to be more going on, on the advert. She also commented that it should be set out in a different way. This is then when it made me think for of a photo of the band and then have text around it so that the band stood out the most. Another comment Mrs Hammond said was that my advert looked messy and that it needed for going on for example colour. After this I decided that having the photo of the band was a must and that also I needed to think about how I can edit the image to that there is colour but also so it looked good. Mrs Hammond agreed that i should have a picture of the band together as this would show who they are and then people are more likely to recognise them and it can connect to my target audience. After this feedback i decided to completely restart on how both my advert and digipack would look. This was because after my comments I saw that what I was thinking didnt come out on paper and so to connect to my audience and make my media products match I had

to rethink. As I knew I wanted a picture of the band and a picture on the lead singer on her own I decided to take these shots first and then work from there. I still wanted to keep the theme of the circle to go with the name of the album and also to connect to my target audience and so by having images of the band would connect to the audience. But then also by having the circle appear on other parts of my media products this would also help keep with the theme. These comments helped a lot as they allowed me to view my media products in a different way and actually helped me to understand what I wanted from them which were to connect with my target audience.

Music video
once I and my partner had produced our first draft of our video we allowed both our teachers and members in our class to view it and give us feedback on what they thought. This was good and useful as it meant we were able to get lots of different types of feedback. The teachers gave more feedback on how to get better marks, whereas members in our class gave feedback on smaller things such as costume and people and it was more aimed at their age we were able to relate to how they thought. To do this I and Laura got people from our class to sit down and watch our video and then write down what they did and didnt like so that we could understand our video on how it looked to other people. We aimed to get both constructive criticism and for people to tell us the things they liked about

our video so we could see what we maybe needed more of and what we needed to get rid of all together. This also helped me look at how we could improve our video to fit with what our target audience want more. The feedback that we got back was that we needed more close ups and a wider variety of shots of Laura. We agreed with the close ups as it showed good emotion and the structure of her face presented well on camera. We also found out that people liked the band shots and said that we needed more of them in the start of the video. This was a useful point as when listening to the song there is a lot of guitar and so by putting more band shots in the video would fit together better. Our teachers said that they liked our story line and how we flicked to flashback in black and white as it connected well with the lyrics of the song. Another thing that we got told to change from our draft was the clothing that Laura was wearing. They said that the jacket needed to be changed as the white did not go well with what we were trying to portray and said that a black jacket would be more suited. This was useful as we were able to then look at the other band members and to make sure that what they were wearing matched together. We were also told to change the band room as it looked run down and not very professional. The lighting in that room was bad and both band members seemed to be crushed up as it was a small space. We agreed with this feedback and so decided to go for a bigger brighter room so it looked for professional and so we could sort out the frame better. One thing that we picked up on that we were going to change anyway was the pianist as he did not fit the genre of band we were showing. After thinking about who to have we decided on James as he fitted the band criteria already but his body type looked smaller when on a larger instrument and this made the frame of the shot even out. We also wanted to keep James as he was originally on the guitar but looked much better on the piano and so decided to keep him as he fit the look we wanted our band to have. We then chose josh to have as the guitarist as his clothing went well against the black guitar and also the front of him like his hair and face fitted more of a grungy band look that we wanted. All of this feedback was very useful as it allowed us to change just minor things that would make the whole video look even better and also to fit our target audience even better. it also helped us view things in a different as some things that we thought worked and looked well did not to other and when we were told only had we noticed that certain parts needed changing. It also helped with new ideas as people mentioned new ideas such as using the fad effect at the end. After this feedback on the video i felt as though our final piece would be more successful and look more professional.

More use of Close-up on Lauras face.

A black leather jacket to show a grungier affect.

More of the Guitar at the start of the video.

Variety of shots.

Variety of shots.

Fade out effect at the end of the video.

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