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Centro de Documentacin e Informacin Mtro.

Jess Silva Herzog CEDI

Tendencias Globales 2025. Un Mundo Transformado. NIC

INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES ECONMICAS, UNAM Centro de Documentacin e InformacinPrograma de Servicios de Bancos de Informacin INTER t i p s ... 2 0 0 8 en informacin econmica Victor Medina Corona The National Intelligence Council's 2025 Project: Global Trends 2025 is the fourth unclassified report prepared by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) in recent years that takes a long-term view of the future. It offers a fresh look at how key global trends might develop over the next 15 years to influence world events. As with the earlier NIC efforts—such as Mapping The Global Future 2020—the project's primary goal is to provide US policymakers with a view of how the world developments could evolve, identifying opportunities and potentially negative developments that might warrant policy action. We also hope this paper stimulates a broader discussion of value to educational and policy institutions at home and abroad.


_PDF_GENERATED 10 December, 2012, 17:34

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