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Knowledge or wisdom? As educated by others as we can be, wise we can only be by our wisdom.

Throughout his entire life one accumulates data as well from his own experience as from everything that comes in contact with him. This represents knowledge. In stitutionalized education school - is a more strict way of learning, to accumula te knowledge. In school is educated the mind to gain knowledge and life is the o ne that along with institutionalized education complete and form the human being . Man, social being, is submitted during his life to change. Education and self-ed ucation are the sources for learning but in the end it counts more the way that data is being used and how that shapes ones life than the amount of information g ained. Free will is the greatest proof of wisdom or doom. Wisdom cannot be given by others nor institutionalized educated nor just gained by living, it is the s um of all the above and also the product of our subjectivism. Beginning with our failures that shape or break our spirit and ending with our w innings that crown or enjoy us, experience determines our path. Every failure ca n become a winning for our spirit but only if we are wise enough to make the ste p what doesnt kill you makes you stronger said Nietzsche. If well processed every fa ilure adds another floor to, the never finished, building of wisdom. The possibi lity and the power to overcome failure make human an intelligent being. Intellig ence and living shape wisdom but wisdom shapes being. Wisdom is the result of ex perience and of knowledge so in the end is more accurate to say knowledge and wi sdom. This is a partnership that makes human being what it is: a self-consciou sly but well adjusted for living in community being. Wisdom as a result of inter active but subjectivised experiences is the ultimate criteria to differentiate i ntelligence from the ability of learning. Society tries to improve all human bei ng by creating all sorts of Life learning programs which should help ones educatio n but it is wisdom the one that accomplishes life learning and wisdom is that pa rt that never ends that keeps growing and that develops life in order to underst and all past errors and to avoid doing them again. Education, knowledge, wisdom are all just parts of that mystery called man and no one can say for sure what is th e appropriate term that can be used in defining human being. As the artificial intelligence grows it becomes easier and easier for us to get information but the way we use it determines our wisdom. Be wise in any choice you have to take and the consequences of your act will not be surprising . Environment, institutionalized education or accumulated knowledge throughout e xperience are just sides of wisdom. The way we act should stay only under the si gn of wisdom and not of impatience or all the subjective feelings that makes our daily life but sometimes it is easier said than done.

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