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11.5 Who Was Thomas Jefferson and the Republican Party?

Personal Background? Born in Virginia. Man of many talents. He was brilliant Became a tobacco planter, and later became a politician.

What Was His View of Human Nature?

What was their view of human nature? Had confidence in common people to make wise decisions for themselves and the country.

Common Folk

What Was Their Best Form of Government?

DEMOCRACY Size? States or federal power? Interpretation? Small government w/ limited powers. Strong state governments. Strict interpretation of Constitution. Best government is one that governs least.

What Was Their Ideal Economy ($)?

Wanted an economy based on agriculture, or farming. National Bank? Was extremely opposed to the national bank.

The National Bank

How Were Relations With Britain and France?

Who do you think they sided with? Most Republicans sided with France and supported the revolution b/c of freedom and democracy. The French govt. sent a rep. to persuade the U.S. to back the French. Washington refused, not wanting to get into a war with Britain.

11.6 How Was The Presidency of John Adams?

What Were The Alien and Sedition Acts? Federalists passed 4 laws known as Alien and Sedition Acts. Made it take longer for immigrants to get to vote. Made it a crime to speak, print, or write badly of the government.

What Were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?

Republicans saw the Acts as an attack on freedom of speech and press. VA and KY nullified the laws. States rights theory: States have the authority to nullify federal laws.

11.7 What Was the Election of 1800?

Who Was In It? John Adams V. Thomas Jefferson


John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

Why Were the Federalists Divided?

Hamilton didnt support Adams, but instead Pinckney, who he thought he could control more easily.


11.8 Why Was There a Deadlock?

Adams lost the election, but Jefferson and Burr tied. Why was there a tie? Hamilton persuades Federalists to vote for Jefferson. New amendment: Separate ballots for president and vice president.

What Was the Peaceful Revolution?

The election of 1800 showed that power could pass from one group to another peacefully.

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