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Portlet Styling Quick Reference - JSR-168

CSS Class Definition

portlet-dlg-icon-label Text that appears beside a "standard" icon (e.g. Ok, or Cancel)
Font attributes for the "normal" fragment font. Used for the display of non-accentuated
portlet-font information.
portlet-font-dim Font attributes similar to the .portlet.font but the color is lighter.
portlet-form-button Text on a button
portlet-form-field Text for a field (not input field, e.g. checkboxes, etc)
portlet-form-field-label Text for a separator of fields (e.g. checkboxes, etc.)
portlet-form-input-field Text of the user-input in an input field.
portlet-form-label Text used for the descriptive label of the whole form (not the labels for fields).
portlet-icon-label Text that appears beside a context dependent action icon.
portlet-menu General menu settings such as background color, margins, etc.
portlet-menu-caption Menu caption
portlet-menu-cascade-item Normal, unselected menu item that has sub-menus.
portlet-menu-cascade-item-selected Selected sub-menu item that has sub-menus.
portlet-menu-description Descriptive text for the menu (e.g. in a help context below the menu)
portlet-menu-item Normal, unselected menu item.
portlet-menu-item-hover Normal, unselected menu item when the mouse hovers over it.
portlet-menu-item-hover-selected Selected menu item when the mouse hovers over it.
portlet-menu-item-selected Selected menu item.
portlet-msg-alert Warning messages.
portlet-msg-error Error messages.
portlet-msg-info Help messages, general additional information, etc.
portlet-msg-status Status of the current operation.
portlet-msg-success Verification of the successful completion of a task.
portlet-section-alternate Text in every other row in the cell
portlet-section-body Normal text in a table cell
portlet-section-footer Table or section footnote
portlet-section-header Table or section header
portlet-section-selected Text in a selected cell range
portlet-section-subheader Text of a subheading
Text that belongs to the table but does not fall in one of the other categories (e.g. explanatory or
portlet-section-text help text that is associated with the section).

A custom CSS class is not defined for the <a> tag. The entity should use the default classes when embedding anchor tags.

If an portlet developer wants a certain font type to be larger or smaller, they should indicate this using a relative size.

by Gary S. Weaver 2009-10-19. For more information please see:

Portlet Styling Quick Reference - JSR-286 (as addendum to JSR-168)
CSS Class Definition
portlet-form-field Text for a field which is not input field (e.g. checkboxes, etc.)
portlet-form-field-label Text that appears beside a form field (e.g. input fields, checkboxes, etc.)
portlet-menu-cascade General sub-menu settings such as background color, margins, etc.
portlet-menu-cascade-item A normal, unselected sub-menu item
portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover Normal, unselected sub-menu item when the mouse hovers over it.
portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover-selected Selected menu item when the mouse hovers over it.
portlet-menu-cascade-item-selected Selected sub-menu item
portlet-menu-cascade-separator Separator between sub-menu items
portlet-menu-content Content for a normal, unselected menu or sub-menu item
portlet-menu-content-hover Content for an unselected menu or sub-menu item when the mouse hovers over it
portlet-menu-content-hover-selected Content for a selected menu or sub-menu item when the mouse hovers over it
portlet-menu-content-selected Content for an selected menu or sub-menu item
portlet-menu-indicator Indicator that a menu item has an associated sub-menu
portlet-menu-indicator-hover Indicator when the associated menu item has the mouse hover over it
portlet-menu-indicator-hover-selected Indicator when the associated menu item is selected and has the mouse hover over it
portlet-menu-indicator-selected Indicator when the associated menu item is selected
portlet-menu-separator Separator between menu items
portlet-table-alternate Text in every other row in the table
portlet-table-body Normal text in a table cell
portlet-table-footer Table footer
portlet-table-header Table header
portlet-table-selected Text in a selected cell range
portlet-table-subheader Text of a subheading
Text that belongs to the table but does not fall in one of the other categories (e.g.
portlet-table-text explanatory or help text that is associated with the table).
- Items marked with star were originally defined in JSR-168 but were redefined in JSR-286.

by Gary S. Weaver 2009-10-19. For more information please see:

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